Hey Pastor Smith,
Thanks for forwarding that information too me. It looks really neat I wish I could be there. I't be interested in getting the recordings though if you record the session.
Anyway, I am writing with two fold purpose,
first to pass along the note I took from the conference I told you about. I checked the schedule and they are giving the two different parts on God TV under the UK/Ireland link on the 22,25 I think, if you have the time to watch you might want to check the other links to see what dates it will be on.
Blueprints of Heaven Conference: Pastor John Kilpatrick
Hindrances to Revival
When something blocks the flow of the Spirit, usually a spirit is present.
He spoke about the Holy Spirit being compared to living and flowing waters. There ought to be a continual flow in our life, and if we don't have flow something is dying. When the flow of water into our lives is blocked the water that remains becomes stagnant.
He talked about the comparisons in the bible of adulteresses and prostitutes to corrupt, stagnate wells, cesspools VERSUS wives to healthy wells and water
He gave a call to be proactive instead of reactive. To take notice of how God was moving in our life, our home, our church inorder to then expect satan's attack against God's move. At the first sign of attack to instruct intercessors in prayer against attack so that the flow of the Spirit will not be blocked or hindered.
Godreleases three types of spirits which Satan will fight in three specific ways.
1. God releases Spirit of Life: Romans 8:2
Person, family,congregation experience salvation, new desires, newness in servingnew energy, etc.
Satan counteracts with Spirit of Cain (or Spirit ofMurder) Genesis 4:3-10
Sign of its presence is the fallen countenance of person, full of anger, seek fighting or revenge. The fruits of this spirit is slander, gossip, biting and devouring one another (spiritual cannabalism)
Can be overcome by building up.
2. God releases Spirit of Glory:1 Peter 4:12-14
Satan counteracts with Leviathan (Spirit of confusion): Job 41:4 describes him, characterized by twistedness, confussion, makes truth sound like a lie and lies like truth, leaves the land in confusion
The glory of God will fall on a place people will begin to question it is of God, biblical. Person will have hard time understanding basic truths.
Only the Sword of the Lord can kill it: Isaiah 27:1
3. God releases the Spirit of Holiness Romans 1: 1-5
This spirit has to do with the establishment of 5 fold gifting of the Holy Spirit.
Satan counteracts with Spirit of Korah(Spirit of Rebellion) Numbers 16
Signs to look for:Person can take a small thing and make it bigger than it really is. They areenvious/covet of calling, position, or power of person inleadership.
They will:
never work alone but will take men in other positions of leadership and of influence within the congregation
Rise up against the leader
When a rebellion arises if the leader will fall on his face before God, God will give him a key and instruction to deal with the rebel.
Second, I dreamt early this morning with Rebecca and Wade and have been in prayer for them. Do you know if they are okay?
Have you guys had any break through with Veronica? I will continue to be in prayer for you guys. God bless and take care. Love, Vanessa