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Creating and Configuring Database Availability Group into Exchange 2013:-

Creating DAG into Exch2013 is very similar to Exchange 2010 but also delivers series of improvement and features, DAG is main compound of Mailbox sever and its help high availability and site resilience, A DAG is a boundary for mailbox database replication, database and server switchovers and failovers, and an internal component called Active Manager.

LAB Setup:-

Server Name / IP address / Role / Operating System / NetWork Cards
Exch / / MB.CAS / Windows Server 2012 R2 / 2(DAG + Server)
Exch2 / / MB.CAS / Windows Server 2012 R2 / 2(DAG + Server)
FSW / / File Share Witness Server / Windows Server 2012 R2 / 1
DC / / Domain Controller / Windows Server 2012 R2 / 1

DAG Network:-

DAG Member Servers / IP address / Network Card Name
Exch / / DagReplication
Exch2 / / DagReplication

File Share Witness:-

This is a first step to configure DAG, Here LAB I have above servers With Windows Server 2012 Datacenter Edition. Failover prospective we should have Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise or Windows 2012 datacenter or standard for support Failover clustering.

On File Share witness server we have to add Exchange Trusted Group into Local administrative group. As below.

Once this is done we should add File server feature on FSW server. Please use below command for add that.

NOTE- Run Windows power shell as Administrator.

Next step we should enabled file and Print sharing onto Windows firewall on FSW server

Once these pre-requisites completed we will go for configure DAG.

Need to create Pre –staging computer account with DAG Name (XYZDAG)in Active Directory as below

Next step is add DAG members’ server into DAG computer name which we just created and provide full permission. Once this is done have disabled that computer account into active Directory

Next step is Add Second Network Card on Both mailbox Servers

We need two Network Card on DAG Members servers one is for MAPI replication and another for DAG replication.On DAG replication Network is private Network is between two DAG members and we have to remove register connection address in DNS on DAG replication Network Card please refer the below Pictures

Dag Network Cards properties on Servers.

Once this setup properly we will go for DAG Creation Now

Database Availability Group Creation:-

We can create DAG by both way Shell command or GUI mode, I am giving both Example here into this document

GUI Mode

Once you login into ECP you have click on Servers -> database availability Group and click on New Database availability group and provide all information. As below.

We can assign IP address of DAG, if you leave blank its will chose one IP dynamically

Once you click on Save its will complete and create DAG on Server and FSW directory on FSW server where you Path provided.

NOTE- This warning because of replication problem in LAB I have added Trusted Subsystem on FSW server already

FSW folder is created on FSW Server.

Shell Command

We can create DAG by Shell command also, please use below command for create DAG.

Once you click on Enter here DAG will be created

Once you click on Enter DAG will be create you can Verify with below command.

Addition of Servers into DAG:-

We can use Shell command or GUI mode to perform this action

Shell command for add Mailbox server into DAG.

GUI Mode for add Mailbox server into DAG.

Addition of mailbox Copy into DAG:-

GUI Mode:-

Shell Command for Adding database copy:-

Below command for verify the database copy

Managing DAG:-

Command for database copy status command

Activating Passive copy of DAG.

GUI Mode

Select Database and Click on Active.

Shell Command for Activate copy or Move Copy.

Verify Activation copy after Move to another server.

Switch Over all Database to another Sever GUI Mode.

Switch Over all Mailbox copy to other server Shell Command.

NOTE-Because of default mailbox database not added into DAG its failed we can ignore this

