Ingraham ABC Board Meeting (Staff Lounge)
October 14, 2015 | Minutes
Attending: Karen Wilson, Steve Schmidt, Debbie Ulrich, Traci Huffer, Dana Malick, Kelli Derrig, Ann Weber, Jen Fallon, Colleen Lawler, Rick Cosentino, Debbie Ulrich, Debby Heath, Elllen and Dave Hanson, Dave Roast
Karen/All / WelcomeImportant reminder that identifying our leadership for 2016-17 is priority #1 for IABC. Especially Treasurer & Sports Program leadership!
Debbie / Minutes approved from 9/17/15 meeting (handout & on the website)
Karen (for Annie) / Financial Report& Champions Breakfast– complete report can be found on website, including team balances
- General Fund Status (handout), $43K currently unencumbered
- Spring Grants 2015: arrangements made with Tennis and Traci Huffer re: unspent Spring grants - 10/31 deadline extension. Some miscommunication with Volleyball’s funding – being sorted out with Traci (ASB) and IABC
Status reports: Tom Donlea has agreed to chair for 2016 event!
- Breakfast – Total donations & income, $33, 375 (14% increase from last year)
Attendance jumped 30%, 153 last year to 220 this year28 bunch, big improvements by other teams that were small in the past.
- Donation increments of $125 and $250 were about 50% of the donations (Steve)
- Invitation: 10/20, 7pm event wrap-up meeting at Karen’s House
- Ideas/notes download – end of document
Traci / Athletic Director Report
- Join the “Friends of Ingraham Athletics”FB group – Traci is trying to post information there
- Almost all teams are heading to post-season
- Senior nights coming up: Friday = Senior night for Football, “pink out” honoring Carmen Frazier
- Sport pictures are being scheduled for Winter sports
- Coaches and Captains workshop – 11/12, 3-6pm, auditorium, pizza afterward; possible coach-only component prior to kids
- Fall Sports Banquet – same night, Thursday, 11/12, 7-8pm in the gym
- November 3rd, 6pm – Winter Coaches – Mandatory Metro League Meetings
- Family Meeting Night – needs to be scheduled
- Nov 9th - gymnastics starts; other teams following Monday, Nov 16th
Karen / Sports Program – December 3rd: Deadline for Winter Program Shout-outs and Winter/Spring Ads
- Distribution – Jen Fallon will coordinate
- Financial report/ overview - Net proceeds are close to $17K
- Thank you to those who supported fall efforts!
- Support needed for publicity in Bulletin, Facebook sites
- Karen handed out hot leads
ACTION: NEEDED – Program Leads!! Important note: Sports Program effort will fold without new leadership. Ideally one sales & one production lead, with committee roles supporting. Pre-Sales for 2016-17 begin in February, 2016.
Debbie / Website
- Contact Mr. Tanimoto if your team would like help with their page:
- We still need opt-out list from Traci for photos & roster info – got it!
Karen / Winter Grants Process
Application Deadline: Friday 11/6; Wed. 11/18 disbursement presentations beginning at 7pm; committee to arrive at 6:30pm
- Committee: Kelli Derrig, Jen Fallon, Dave Hanson and the 4 elected officers
- Steve outlined the process: Grant requests are accepted and forwarded to committee ahead of meeting; reviewed in person during the meeting. Group divides up the money.
- Giving dollars to be determined at 11/4 board meeting
- Infrastructure needs? Investment opportunities beyond team grants? We are in a good position financially. Looking to Traci and Zack for ideas. Possibility is to encumber Bookkeeping expenses; also software to help manage events
- Note that team participation in breakfast and shout-outs + overall communication/support in IABC initiatives is a factor in grant decision-making.
Let us know if you have questions or need assistance.
All / Other Business - Open House night – sports teams should be selling things (bake sale, popcorn)
All / Meeting Adjourned at 8:20pm (which has to be a record!)
Next meeting: Weds. 11/4, 7pm in Ingraham Library
Upcoming Board meetings- 7pm, Ingraham Library, Weds. 12/9, 1/13, 2/11 (Thurs), 3/9, 4/6, 5/11
**6/2, Thursday, 7pm-- IABC Annual General Meeting**
Breakfast feedback (informal brain-dump):
Speaker – structure was changed – short, brief, several speakers
Appeal before the speaker was well placed
Appeal - format was nice – not too pushy
Slick was entertaining, well received
MJ was engaging and energetic in the morning
Suggestion: Student testimonial about how sports has helped themmay engage more people – could really be anybody
What is the question that will help people stretch beyond their predetermined donation amount
Bikeworks has 1 adult and then 10 kids talk – that is inspiring - Connects people to the organization
Do we need a big name? Adds a flair, helps with sales (a “hook”), nice for kids to hear somebody known, makes the event seem more professional when there is a keynote speaker
Ticket price: hard to split in half at $35 price point, should it go up or down
Expense was $36/person
One suggestion to decrease the price in order to increase attendance and possible donations; discussion re: whether or not ticket price at $35 is deterrent to attendance & concern re: whether giving would increase enough to make up for lost revenue in ticket sales.
Personal touch made a big difference regarding attendance
Boys basketball coaches and other coaches made personal appeals – that helped. Need all coaches promoting – makes a big difference.
Logistics – name tags ran out and they were hard to find; also students needed their own supply
Drum line timing was a problem- louder in the gym and needed more guidance on timing to keep it shorter and placed at time to be seated.
Gym (vs. foyer of previous years) was nice for coffee reception – more room for socializing and also easier to register people in the lobby
Tables roped off – discussion about why they were roped off – people mingle more when they are in
No worries about whether or not it was a school day – energy was nice with students in the building
Timing is right – second Friday in October
Needed tea in the morning – not just coffee
Food was good but there weren’t options for people with dietary restrictions