Notes of the November 2, 2011 DDS Trades Meeting

Held at Sarah, Inc.

By Nora Duncan

1)Storm Alfred Response:

  1. DDS still wants feedback on their response in the storms. Commissioner Macy reports a lot of success in handling unprecedented power outages among providers.
  2. Long Discussion regarding generators:
  • DSS is interested in where generators can be located to serve the multiple organizations and Rep. Heinrich is interested in discussion generators. DSS wants the right people at the table to discuss further.
  • DDS will survey providers (draft reviewed and commented on).
  • DSS reports not having heard from any providers re: the need for generators. They are an allowable expense, but limited by the rate cap for residential, but not CLA (paying rent) or day programs.
  • There is an interest in getting them via bonding or revolving loan.
  • Issue in long term power outages experienced in Irene & Alfred…generators are not built to run 24 hours/day for days on end.
  • There are concerns about installation (connection ready with rental or full installation, etc.), on-going costs, safetyand staff training.

2)Legislative Updates

  1. DDS Priorities for 2012: None are official and none have fiscal notes. DDS may seek minor changes to competency statutes, changes to allow early interventions to be considered maintenance services in insurance coverage and modifications to 5-year plan requirements to mirror other state agencies and terms of administration services. DDS is working with advocates on the definition of “MR/DD” (CGS Sec 1-1g), but no guarantee of consensus. Suggestions should be sent to Christine Polio-Cooney.
  2. Jobs Session:Commissioner Macy had opening comments re: the Governor’s commitment to employment for people with disabilities. There was discussion of ways to increase awareness of the temporary enhanced Tax Credit for hiring individuals with disabilities, up to $900/month. The Arc CT has, and will continue to reach out to the media and Chambers of Commerce. DDS will see if BRS has any good information. R. Cretaro noted that the jobs bill includes an oil burner/furnace replacement program that nonprofits can benefit from through DEEP.
  3. Budget: Provider cuts are included in the 5% budget reduction DDS submitted to OPM/Governor’s Office.

3)DDS Updates:

  1. DDS will issue an organizational chart next week. Joe Drexler is Deputy Commissioner. 106 jobs will be advertised as soon as possible. Some positions are being rewritten.
  2. Autism Waiver: submitted to CMS last month and they have 90 days to respond. Nothing is anticipated to begin until April.
  3. Payments to Providers: October payments were issued and include consideration of Storm Irene. November payments will consider Storm Alfred. No cash flow problems are anticipates. Providers who dodged outages and attendance lows in both storms will owe the money back later.

4)DDS Five Year Plan:Not a significant amount of input in Hartford 11/1/11. New Haven hearing is 11/2/11. Some of the lack of response may have been storm related. Submit comments by 12/2/11. It is important to note that over 400 people had input via listening sessions, etc.

5)Collaborative Efforts:

  1. Commissioner Macy reports that the administration is backing off on a plan to have all POS contracting centralized, but that Bob Dakers & Deb Heinrich of OPM will begin a committee in January to work on some centralizations. Peter Mason will participate, but will not lead the group, which will work centrally at OPM for some time on this matter.
  2. Opportunities for Coordination with DSS:Consideration of taking advantage of increased communications now re: discussions that have gone on for years.
  3. Capitol Improvements: make bonding process smoother. There were a variety of experiences reported by providers re: the bonding process, from excellent to horrible.
  4. Rate Freeze
  5. Update on Human Services Commissioner Meetings: They are ongoing.
  6. Data collection and new system implementation underway at DMHAS & DCF. An RFI for a system that meets CMS requirements for 90% reimbursement rates went without response.

6)DDS/Private Provider Stakeholder Meetings: Commissioner Macy is committed to developing stakeholder groups, comprised of parents, consumers & providers, and discontinuing the Provider Council. The goal is to have different groups for different topics, beginning with the DDS mission statement and limited to 3 or 4 at first, and guided by the 5-Year Plan. There are concerns about communication breakdowns, especially in the absences of a strong central office infrastructure, and not using the analytic capacity of the provider community. There are also concerns that each topical group will identify their issue as the most important and the result might be reactionary mandates, such as occurred with baseline fall-assessments. Commissioner Macy indicated DDS will have to manage the process well to avoid pitfalls such as these. It was suggested that one of the first topics considered for tackling might be “communications”.

  1. Concerns were expressed with info sharing with providers regarding both generic and sensitive information from DDS. J. Barnish is willing to look at piloting a log-in portal on the DDS site for provider specific information.
  2. Discussion re: options for sharing Trades Meetings with wider audiences:
  3. Podcasts (just digital audio for posting on website): J. Barnish reports that this idea is a good one for 1 or 2 people talking, but does not work for multiple people. She will continue to talk to UConn about an old sound-board, etc.
  4. Webinars: this possibility is being looked at.
  5. Suggested that the stakeholder meetings might shed more light on how sharing with wide audiences can take place.

7)Congress: Commissioner Macy indicated he has been in contact with Congressman Courtney. The Congressman feels that risks to Medicaid have diminished, but Medicare might be a problem.

8)Next Meetings:

  1. 12/7/11 in West Region at Ability Beyond Disability (CT Nonprofits)
  2. 1/4/12 in North Region at Allied Rehab (CCPA)