EScience S1 Unit 2 – The Sun Check for Understanding Name
Directions: Answer each question using the information and knowledge you currently have. After the teacher grades your quiz, take notes to support the questions and answers. One note for your correct answers, two notes for your incorrect answers.
1) Visible light comes from which one of the sun's layers?A. The core
B. The radiative zone
C. The convection zone
D. The photosphere
E. The corona
My Answer / Correct Answer / Notes
2. Why are Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars called the "terrestrial" planets?
A. They all have solid cores.
B. They are all made of rock.
C. They all have liquid cores and rocky surfaces.
D. They have all been able to support some form of life.
My Answer / Correct Answer / Notes3. Which is the smallest of the terrestrial planets?
A. Mars
B. Venus
C. Mercury
D. Earth
My Answer / Correct Answer / Notes
4) What aspect of the gas giants has the biggest effect on their rings and satellites?
· A.Their gaseous composition
· B.Their gravity
· C.Their distance from the sun
· D.Their rate of spinning
My Answer / Correct Answer / Notes
5) What aspect of gas giants is most responsible for their low temperatures?
A. Their lack of atmosphere
B. Their gaseous composition
C. Their speed of rotation
D. Their distance from the sun
My Answer / Correct Answer / Notes6) Which is true of Pluto?
A. Pluto has a moon that is about half its size.
B. Pluto's orbit is shorter than Saturn's.
C. Pluto is only larger than Mercury.
D. Pluto orbits the sun every 2.5 Earth years.
My Answer / Correct Answer / Notes7) Which is true of Saturn's satellite, Titan?
A. It is the smallest of Saturn's satellites.
B. Its surface temperature is comparable to the surface temperature of Earth.
C. Its atmosphere contains nitrogen.
D. It contains frozen water beneath the surface.
My Answer / Correct Answer / Notes8) What causes the different seasons on Earth?
A. The fact that Earth goes along an ecliptic
B. The fact that Earth rotates around its axis
C. The way that Earth gets closer and farther from the sun throughout the year
D. The way heat energy reflects off of Earth because of the angle at which it hits
My Answer / Correct Answer / Notes9) Approximately how many moons does Saturn have?
A. 2
B. 20
C. 46
D. 75
My Answer / Correct Answer / Notes