Dear APSE Chapter Board Members:

Nominees for the Rebecca McDonald Award—State Chapter Leader

The 25th annual APSE National Conference, Livin’ the dream…..Building the Future for Employment First, is fast approaching and it is time to begin thinking about nominees for the Rebecca McDonald Award—State Chapter Leader to be honored. The Conference dates are July 1-3 and will be held at the Hyatt in Long Beach, CA.

APSE Rebecca McDonald Award for APSE… State Chapter Leader

Rebecca McDonald was a tireless advocate for supported employment and dedicated friend and promoter of APSE. She passed away in August of 1999 after a long and valiant struggle with breast cancer. She was one of supported employment’s greatest advocates, serving APSE in various ways for 11 years. She was the organization’s founding Vice-President, served as its President for three years, and was an officer for the APSE Foundation until a few months before her death. Rebecca deeply believed in the principles APSE was founded upon, and she supported and encouraged others to give and share resources to make those principles a reality.

Description: To honor Rebecca’s contributions to APSE and the employment of people with disabilities, this award is offered to APSE chapter members who demonstrate exceptional leadership, tireless volunteerism and extraordinary commitment to the mission and vision of APSE in their work with their state chapters.

Please respond to the following criteria:

  1. Describe how the nominee demonstrated strength in promoting the principles of APSE in their state.
  2. What specific actions demonstrate how the nominee has influenced changes in statewide policy?
  3. Describe how the nominee has advanced their chapter’s role in promoting integrated employment in their state.
  4. What vision has the nominee set for expanding integrated employment?

TheAward winner will be determined by members of the Delegates Counciland announced at the Chapter Leadership Summit the evening of the Pre-Conference, June 30,2014. Please submit your nominations for the

Rebecca McDonald Award by noon (EST)February 14, 2014to Macey Chovaz at APSE.

We look forward to hearing from all of you.


The APSE Delegates Council Members,

Brian Dague, Deb Goins, Chas Nickolaus, Heidi Maghan, Jaimie Laitinen, Katie Wolfe-Smith, Peggy Hale,

SueAnn Morrow, Tyler Paris

APSE Rebecca McDonald Award Nomination Directions

APSE chapters are encouraged to nominate members of their state chapterfor national recognition by completing the required information.

To Complete the Nomination for the Rebecca McDonald Award:

  • Type or legibly print all information on the Nomination Form*.
  • Write a 1-3 page double spaced narrative (no longer than 3 pages) describing why this member of your Chapter is deserving of the Award. The narrative must be an original and not a copy from previous nomination and should address the Award criteria*.
  • Picture of nominee*
  • Submit an individualized Letter of Support from the state APSE Board where the nominee is a member*. A second Letter of Support may also be submitted. This letter maybe from anyone familiar with the work of the nominee. The letter(s) of Support must address the Award criteria.
  • Email to OR Fax to 301-279-0075 OR mail completed nomination packet by no later than 12 noon (EST) February 14, 2014:

Rebecca McDonald Award Nominations

416 Hungerford, Suite 418

Rockville, MD 20850



Completed nomination packets must be received February 14, 2014 noon (EST). Complete nomination packets must include*:

  1. Completed nomination form
  2. 1-3 page narrative addressing each of the Award criteria (no longer than 3 pages)
  3. Picture of the nominee
  4. One individualized Letter of Support addressing the Award criteria by State APSE Board. (Second Letter of Support optional)

Incomplete nominations will not be considered. The final decision will be made only on the information provided.

If you have questions, please contact:

SueAnn Morrow

Employment Services Specialist

Money Follows the Person Program

Center for Disabilities and Development


APSE Rebecca McDonald Award Nomination Form

Nomination Submitted By (please print clearly):


Name of APSE member submitting this nomination APSE Membership Number (must be current)


Street Address City State Zip


Telephone Email

Nominee Information:


Name of Nominee APSE Membership Number


Street Address City State Zip


Telephone Email

Send nomination form, required narrative addressing Award criteria, and Letter(s) of Support by mail, fax or email to APSE by 12:00 Noon EST, February 14, 2014


418 Hungerford Dr., Suite 416

Rockville, MD 20850

Fax: 301-279-0075


The Rebecca McDonald Award winner will receive a complimentary registration for the 2015 APSE National conference in Philadelphiaand asked to participate in the 2015awards ceremony!

APSE ● 416 Hungerford Dr., Suite 418 ● Rockville, MD ● 20850