Frontier Middle School, where Falcons are Safe, Responsible, and Respectful!

This planner belongs to: ______

Frontier Middle School

Home of the Falcons!

Mission Statement

Giving our best to help all students reach their best, every day!

Frontier’s Vision for Each Student

…is to create a school community where middle school students discover their unique potential and develop self-worth, dignity and responsibility as they learn and grow every single day. Frontier will be a place where students learn to think critically and creatively, show concern for others, and seek to achieve their personal best!

Using This Planner…

A note to students…

This planner is one of the valuable resources we have to help you stay organized and on track for success. Please use it to its fullest potential to stay informed and organized. It includes two essential components for student success at Frontier:

1.  Student Handbook: - Learn student responsibilities and expectations. Knowing and following the rules will keep you in the classroom and learning.

2.  Daily/Weekly Calendar- Use this to write down your homework and learning targets every day so you can keep track of assignments, and so you can give your parents a better answer to the question, “What did you learn today?”.

A note to teachers…

Encourage every student to complete the following 4 actions with their planner every day:

1.  Take their planner to classes every day.

2.  Write the daily learning target in their planner every day.

3.  Write the daily assignment and/or activities in their planner every day.

4.  Show their planner entries to their parents every night and discuss what they learned and what they should be working on for each class.

A note to parents…

Review your son/daughter’s planner each night, reading and discussing the learning targets in each class and the activities and assignments that were completed in class or assigned as homework. This is one of the easiest and most valuable communication tools we have, and hopefully it will help you learn more about what students are learning each day in school!

In addition to using the student planner, here are some other tips for parents, to help students be successful in middle school:

1.  Stay involved- Often parent involvement drops off when kids enter middle school, as students are trying to assert their independence as pre-teens and teenagers. Don’t be discouraged, as this is normal! However, parents participating at school have long-term benefits and your child will thank you later. We invite you to come for an hour, a day, or on a regular basis to volunteer in classroom, visit, help fundraise, supervise in the cafeteria, participate in after school clubs, or???? You tell us! Contact our main office or an individual teacher, or our PTA.

2.  Get to know the teachers- You can contact them by email or phone. We want you to know what we are doing to give your student the best educational experience possible. Start with their Advisor, for 7th and 8th grade, and their 1st block teacher for 6th grade.

3.  Read through this student handbook carefully. This will help avoid daily issues with expected behavior, dress code, electronics, etc. It may save a lot of phone calls, emails, and questions.

4.  Support us from home-

a.  Encourage homework to be done regularly. Provide a quiet space in your home and set aside a regular, specific time for reading and homework. Your kids still need guidelines for time management.

b.  Ask about school on a daily basis. This communicates with your student you care. It also helps your student place an importance on education. Use the planner as a guide for your questions.

c.  Listen to your student’s concerns and contact the school about them. You are still your student’s primary role model and how you react (or don’t react) speaks volumes to your student.

d.  Celebrate your child’s successes. Plan a family celebration, or simply say “I’m proud of your hard work!” A good grade on one assignment or improvement recognized gives them hope and encouragement.

We are looking forward to a great year working with you! Please contact us at any time with questions or concerns (and don’t forget, we always appreciate hearing good things, too!)


Mark Barnes, Principal

Allison Bennett, Assistant Principal

Parents and Staff…Working together to help every student SOAR to new heights!

Go Falcons!

2015-2016 Contact Information


Campus Safety------683-8374

Child Nutrition------683-8394

Counselors------683-8379 or 683-8378

Main Office Secretary------683-8391

Nurse/Health Room------683-8393



All Other Contacts, call Main Office------683-8300

Frontier School-Wide Expectations

We expect every Frontier student to speak and act in ways that are Safe, Responsible, and Respectful at all times—and in all areas of the school. To help you meet these expectations, we have clarified what that looks like in each area of the school.

Location / Safe / Responsible / Respectful
Classrooms / ·  Enter the classroom quietly and calmly, keeping your hands and feet to yourself. / ·  Arrive prepared with all materials to work and learn.
·  Actively listen and participate (S.L.A.N.T.).
·  Complete all assignments, and submit them on time. / ·  Use appropriate and positive language.
·  Actively listen and participate (S.L.A.N.T.).
·  Seek help and offer help when appropriate.
·  Learn and meet individual classroom teacher expectations.
Hallways / ·  Travel on the right side of the hallway.
·  Walk at a safe and appropriate pace.
·  Keep hands and feet to self. / ·  Use lockers to store backpacks and materials.
·  Use passing times efficiently for traveling to class and bathroom breaks.
·  Quickly and quietly move to your next class.
·  Remember that other classes are in session. / ·  Help maintain quiet halls, remembering that other classes will still be in session.
·  Use appropriate language in the hallways.
·  Treat hallway displays and school property with care.
·  Water only in hallways.
Bathroom / ·  Walk directly to and from the restroom, with an acceptable hall pass.
·  Wash your hands thoroughly with soap. / ·  Have a hall pass visible at all times.
·  Keep bathroom visits quick.
·  Return directly back to class.
·  Make good choices.
·  Report any negative behaviors immediately. / ·  Dispose of garbage appropriately.
·  Leave the bathroom as clean—or cleaner—than you found it.
·  Use toilets and sinks appropriately.
·  Respect the privacy of others.
Cafeteria / ·  Enter and walk at an appropriate pace.
·  Keep hands and feet to self.
·  Sit at tables correctly.
·  Never throw food. / ·  Remain seated at all times when eating
·  Make sure all food and garbage is cleaned up—nothing left on or under tables!
·  Never throw food.
·  Do not take food/drinks* out of the cafeteria. (*water only is ok) / ·  Use positive and appropriate language.
·  Respect the property and space of others.
·  Show respect and listen to speakers.
·  Raise hands and wait for table dismissal at end of lunch.
Courtyard / ·  Remain in courtyard boundary (red line, pavement).
·  Keep hands and feet to self.
·  Report unsafe behavior immediately. / ·  Keep all garbage and food inside cafeteria.
·  Respect the rights and property of others.
·  Clean up any trash seen on the ground. / ·  Use positive and appropriate language.
·  Respect personal space of others.
·  Enter hallways quietly, remembering that other classes are in session.
Assembly / ·  Stay with assigned teacher and class, unless given permission otherwise.
·  Keep hands and feet to self.
·  Walk calmly—do not run. / ·  Stay seated with grade and class, unless given permission otherwise.
·  Use appropriate voice levels for the type of assembly and speaker.
·  Follow all directions. / ·  Stand and cheer when appropriate, showing school pride during assemblies.
·  Use positive and appropriate language.
·  Listen respectfully to speaker.
·  Applaud appropriately.
Computer Lab/Library / ·  Keep hands and feet to self at all times.
·  Report unsafe behavior immediately. / ·  Have all required materials ready to learn.
·  Use lab/library resources for learning and academic purposes.
·  Use appropriate working volume levels. / ·  Respect the space and property of others.
·  Use positive and appropriate language at all times.
·  Learn and follow all rules and procedures.

FMS Attention Skills

At Frontier Middle School, we expect students to be alert, engaged, and attentive in all classes. To help students show with this, adults will teach students "S.L.A.N.T. Attention Skills”. These 5 elements of attentive body language will show the teacher and your classmates you are interested and involved in learning.

Sit Up / Both feet should be flat on the floor, your back straight, your head up and facing the speaker, and your hands on top of your desk. Sitting with proper posture helps you pay better attention to lessons, and interact more with discussions and activities.
Lean Forward / Leaning forward will also help you pay better attention, and will show your teacher and classmates that you are engaged in the lesson and you are listening.
Ask and Answer Questions / Stay on the topic and ask meaningful, interested questions about the discussion and activities. Your questions might help others understand the lesson better too. Also, be prepared to answer questions that your teacher or classmates ask you.
Nod to Show Understanding / Nodding your head shows the teacher you understand the lesson. It is a non-verbal conversation between you and the teacher that shows you are engaged and following along with the lesson.
Track with the Speaker / Tracking with the speaker means you maintain eye contact and listen carefully to what is being said to you and the class.

Practice these Attention Skills every day, in every class until they become a habit for success!
Frontier Policies and Procedures

School Start and End Times:

School starts at 7:20am. Bus transportation is provided to every student who lives in the FMS boundary area. Students must remain in the commons, library, or courtyard until the 7:12 bell, unless they have a pass from the teacher. School ends at 1:50p.m. Unless students are involved in a planned activity and supervised by an adult, they must be out of the building and off campus by 2:10pm. The office is staffed only from 6:30am until 2:30pm. All students in after school programs are expected to be picked up by 4:15pm or ride the activity bus home (when available). No supervision will be available after 4:15pm.

ASB and Student Activities:

All students wishing to participate in sports, activities or clubs must purchase an ASB card before they turn out. The ASB office is open during all lunches unless otherwise posted. Please make all payments at the ASB office. ASB cards provide discounts on school dances and yearbooks, and also allow students to attend Bethel School District athletic events at reduced prices. Many local businesses also provide discounts for cardholders.

ASB Membership:

The executive cabinet of Frontier’s ASB is made up of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, a club liaison, and a Senator for each grade level. The executive cabinet meets regularly to review and discuss student issues.

ASB Mission Statement:

We, the Associated Student Body of Frontier Middle School will strive to create a positive atmosphere for all students, where all students enthusiastically show school spirit, do what is expected of them, and strive to do their best. We will promote cultural diversity, recognize students for their positive attitudes and great leadership, and encourage students to get involved so that their influence is recognized by future classes. We will proudly support our school’s “No one has the right to interfere with the learning, safety, or well being of others” policy. We will recognize students for their excellent achievements as well as encourage all students’ involvement in school and community activities. Together we will continue to make a difference.


Frontier’s yearbook is pre-sold in the beginning, middle, and the end of the school year. We encourage you to purchase early, since only a few extra are ordered, and there may not be any available in June. The price of a yearbook will be determined in the fall and information will be sent home as soon as it is available.


Frontier has a long tradition of student activities. Students are encouraged to participate in music, drama, student publications, athletics, student government, and the many co-curricular and extra-curricular activities and clubs sanctioned by the school. Non-ASB, student-initiated groups are permitted at FMS. If you are interested in starting a club, find an advisor, write up a plan, and bring it to the ASB office. Participation in any extra-curricular club or activity may be denied based upon school behavioral and/or academic expectations. Decisions to restrict participation will be made by school administration.


Dances will be held several times throughout the year, with the following guidelines:

●  Concession stand is open for pop, candy, and novelty items

●  Students picked up more than 30 minutes late after the conclusion of a dance may not be able to attend the next after school dance.

●  No guests allowed

●  Dress code is the same as during the school day

●  Suspended students or students who did not attend school on that day cannot attend the dance

●  Participation in dances may be denied based upon school behavioral and/or academic expectations. Decisions to restrict participation will be made by school administration.

●  Parents interested in chaperoning, call the ASB Advisor or front office

Vending Machines:

In order for ASB to keep the convenience of vending machines; we need your cooperation. All revenue generated from machine sales goes to ASB for student use, and include the following guidelines:

●  Vending machines may not be used during class time.

●  Misuse of school vending machines will result in the machines being turned off for a designated amount of time.