ChicagoBotanic Garden
University of Illinois Extension Master Gardener
Education Update Courses
Summer 2011
Living Life on the Edge:
Pruning Early Flowering Shrubs
Join Dave Cantwell for the dos and don’ts of pruning early flowering shrubs. He will share techniques for avoiding pruning failures and increasing pruning successes. Examples of correctly and incorrectly pruned shrubs will be shared.
A portion of the class will include pruning demonstrations on living specimens. Dress for the weather, as this class will run, rain or shine.
Dave Cantwell, Horticulturist,
ChicagoBotanic Garden
Sat, May 21, 9 – 11 a.m.
MaintenanceBuilding Lunchroom
Fee: $10 (2 hrs)
Unusual Summer Annuals at the Garden
You will no longer be stumped when a visitor asks, “What is that blue, daisy-like plant in the EnglishWalledGarden?” As you walk through the Heritage, English Walled, Circle, Buehler Enabling, and SensoryGardens you will learn to identify some of the more unusual annuals featured this summer at the Garden. Tim Pollak will also share cultural information about these exceptional flowering and foliage plants. Please dress for the. This class will
run, rain or shine.
Tim Pollak, Outdoor Floriculturist,
ChicagoBotanic Garden
Tues., June 14, 9 – 11 a.m.
Meet in the VisitorCenter
Fee: $10 (2 hrs)
Reminder! You can complete all 10 education hours by attending the Illinois State MG Conference!
When:July 7 & 8, 2011 Where: Champaign, IL
Go to: for details.
Extending the Season in the WoodlandGarden
Everyone knows how colorful a woodland wildflower garden can be in spring, but it often fades to a simple shade of green if you don't have the right plants. Please join Jacob as he highlights these essential natives that can extend the season of
your woodland wildflower garden.
Jacob Burns, Assistant Horticulturist,
ChicagoBotanic Garden
Thurs., July 21, 9:30 – 11:30 a.m.
Linnaeus Room
Fee: $10 (2 hrs)
Plant Families Part V:
Brassicaceae, Magnoliaceae, & Lamiaceae
Knowing plant families can help with identifying plants. In Part 5 we’ll review the basics of identifying plant families. Then we will explore three very interesting families: the mustard family (Brassicaceae), the magnolia family (Magnoliaceae) and the mint family (Lamiaceae).
Please Note: Feel free to bring a snack or lunch to munch on during class!
Sharon Yiesla, Horticulture Educator
Sat., Aug. 6, 9 a.m. – noon
Linnaeus Room
Fee: $15 (3 hrs)
Annual Master Gardener Volunteer Agreement
2011 has around the corner and it is time to sign the University of Illinois Extension Master Gardener Annual Agreement. Every year, an updated copy of this agreement from all active Master Gardeners must be on file. Please fill out and submit your form at
Please submit this waiver as soon as possible.
For a hard copy or if you need help filling out the online form, please contact Jill Selinger at
(847) 835-6849.