Hart County Schools
Teacher Assistance Team (TAT) Checklist
_____ *completed and passed vision & hearing screener if current one not on file (current is considered completed within 1 calendar year) *IF a student FAILS either, the issue must either be resolved (e.g. hearing technology obtained, corrective lenses obtained, etc.) OR a formal medical statement provided to school personnel from physician stating passed the screener in question & no concerns are present at this time
_____ completed Documentation of Intervention form
_____ completed RTI Data Graphingform (uploaded 02/13/15)
_____ copy of work samples attached to TAT Referral form
_____progress monitoring
- Must be a minimum of 1x per week
- Tier 2 must be in small group with 6 weeks of data
- Tier 3 must be in a 1:1 or 1:2 setting with 6 weeks of data
- Data must be measurable (numbers, etc.) and graphed so that it is easily read and trends are easily decipherable. Ex: Study Island, AIMSweb, STAR Reading, teacher made tests, behavior point sheets, Reading Recover, writing prompts graded by rubrics, tally marks regarding behavior, etc. – see website for a packet of interventions for various areas (“Research Based Intervention Resources”)
_____ copy of GRADE, GMADE, STAR Reading & Math, state testing data, etc.
_____ print out of grades for the last school year AND the current school year
_____ current print out of attendance (current and previous year)
_____ completed Teacher Input Form from all teachers working with student (regardless if teacher attends TAT)
_____ copy of behavior intervention plan and monitoring (if applicable)
_____ current print out of behavioral referrals from IC (if applicable)
_____ medical statement (if applicable)
*Prior to a referral for evaluation, student must go through Tiers 1, 2, & 3; however, teachers/staff may discuss a student at a TAT meeting at any time for assistance with interventions, etc.
NOTE:ALL Teacher Assistance Team formsare located on the district website - all above documentation (including checklist) must be submitted to building principal prior to the TAT for principal review. Packet may then be brought before the TAT.