Complete the messages or part of the messages as required using SMCP phrases:

MV " M/V EEL, 5LBX receives the message from OSC and asks about readability:

MV "ELM TREE"/YXDW responds that they hear them excellent:

M/V "ELM TREE"(OSC) gives instructions to the vessels/stations taking part in SAR operation:

"ZUBATAC" confirms the receipt of the message from OCS and repeats the following: SEARCH PATTERN NUMBER, STARTING TIME, INITIAL COURSE AND SPEED, TRACK NUMBER, and INITIAL POSITION:

After a while EEL reports on what they have observed. Supply the missing words:

OSC "ELM TREE" gives further instructions to all ships engaged in SAR operation. These ships must go to a new datum (37 degrees 01 minute N, 43 degrees 11 minute W) and prepare for taking survivors on board:

M/V "ZUBATAC" reports that they observed a lifeboat 1.5 NM on the right of their bow and that they have taken on board 10 people and the lifeboat. Write down the complete message:

M/V "EEL" rescued 5 shipwrecked people from a liferaft. M/V. Write down the complete message sent by M/V "EEL" reporting to the OSC:

MT "ZADAR" reports that they salvaged 11 sailors among them the captain of "METNET". Write down the complete message sent by M/V "ZADAR" reporting to the OSC:

OSC “ELM TREE" tells all ships engaged in SAR for MV METNET that they have to transfer the salvaged persons to M/V "ZUBATAC" because that ship is bound for the nearest port, i.e. Tubarao. Write down the complete message sent by the OCS:

MT “ZADAR” calls OSC and agrees to transfer the survivors to MV “ZUBATAC”:

Finally, the SAR operation for MV “METNET” is successfully completed and the OCS informs all ships/stations engaged in this operations:

-that the operation has been finished

-thanks all ships for their help, and

-that the ban on using channel 16 is now lifted.

Write down the complete message turn of the OSC: