TC6 – Crop Management
ECOCERT ICO – Crop Producer TSPPage 1 of 3
TC6 – Crop Management / NOP §205.205 and§205.206The NOP standards require a crop rotation plan that maximizes soil organic matter content, prevents weed, pest, and disease problems, and manages deficient or excess plant nutrients. Your crop rotation may include sod, cover crops, green manure crops and catch crops. Producers must utilize sanitation measures to remove disease vectors, weed seeds, and habitat for pests. Cultural practices, including selection of plant species and varieties adapted to site-specific conditions, must be used to enhance crop health.
A. Rotation Plan:Crop rotation is the practice of alternating the annual crops grown on a specific field in a planned pattern or sequence in successive crop years so that crops of the same species or family are not grown repeatedly without interruption on the same field. Perennial cropping systems employ means such as alley cropping, intercropping, and hedgerows to introduce biological diversity in lieu of crop rotation.
List the sequence and frequency of crop/plant families, cover crops, green manures or sod. If you use more than one basic rotation sequence, please describe each rotation you use. For perennial crops, describe management of ground cover, alley cropping, intercropping or hedgerows. Use additional sheets if necessary.
Crop Rotation Plan / Field(Name or Number) / Rotation Goals
Example - Wheat, clover, corn, hairy vetch, soybeans - repeat / #7 / Balance soil fertility, reduce pests and disease
Example – Wheat, fallow, corn - repeat / #2 / Maximize soil moisture
TC6 – Crop Management / NOP §205.205 and§205.206
B. Weed, Pest, and Disease Management Plan
Check the management practices you use to prevent crop pests, weeds, and diseases. Add the name of your significant (recurring or potentially problematic) diseases (fungus, bacteria, virus) and all pest types: insects, mites, birds, rodents, deer, etc. There is no need to name weeds individually.
Management Practice / Weed / Pest / DiseaseCrop rotation
Soil and crop nutrient management
Cover crops, green manures, smother crops
Diversified plantings, planting arrangements
Sanitation measures to remove disease vectors, weed seeds, and pest habitat
Selection of suitable species for growing location
Disease, pest, weed, resistant varieties
Timing of planting
Water or irrigation management
Mechanical or physical means (hoeing, pruning, picking, vacuuming, etc.)
Augment pest predators, parasites, beneficials
Develop habitat for natural enemies
Construct habitat for predators (raptor perches, owl or bat boxes, frog ponds, etc.)
Nonsynthetic lures, traps, repellants
Mechanical cultivation, tillage, or hand weeding
Mowing or livestock grazing
Mulching with biodegradable materials
Flaming, heat, steam, or electrical
Plastic or synthetic mulch or solarization
Burning crop residue
Others, describe:
List any pest, disease, or weed problems and practices not addressed in the table above. Use additional sheets if necessary.
Problem weed, disease or pest (insect, mite, nematode, rodent, deer, etc.) / Describe specific preventive practices (or materials) you use to control these pests.Do you use plastic or other synthetic mulches? / No / Yes
If yes, is the mulch removed at the end of the growing or harvest season? / No / Yes
If no, please explain:
If you use newspaper or other recycled paper for mulch, do you use paper with glossy or colored inks? / No / Yes
If you use materials to manage pests, diseases, or weeds, please list them in TA7 – Inputs.
Describe how and when you monitor the effectiveness of your pest management program and whether you keep monitoring records:
Do you work with a pest control advisor? / No / Yes
If yes, please give the advisor’s name and contact information:
Applicant Initials / Date / Approval / Form code / Last update
CM / TC6 (v1) (f)
(Transition) / 12/24/2013
If you have questions, we are happy to help. Please call: 1-888-337-8246. Submit your application at / Fax: 317-865-9707