Drogheda East & West Area Committee

Minutes of Meeting held on Monday 2nd December, 2013, at 10.00 a.m. in the Boyne Meeting Room, Boyne Centre, Drogheda, Co. Louth.

In attendance:Cllrs. Frank Godfrey, (Chair), Anthony Donohoe,

Pio Smith, Oliver Tully, Frank Maher, Tommy Byrne, Imelda Munster, Michael O’Dowd

Officials:Mr. Pat Finn, Senior Engineer

Ms. Nessa McCartan

Mr. Brian Brooks

Apologies: Ms. Joan Martin, Director of Services

Mr. Paddy Donnelly, SEO/Meetings Administrator


Chairman Comments

The Chairman expressed his sympathies on the passing of Mr. Martin Sheeran and Cllr. T. Byrne paid tribute to his contribution to society.

  1. Minutes

Minutes of Meeting held on Monday 4th November2013, were confirmed on the proposal of Cllr.F. Maher and seconded by Cllr.A. Donohoe

  1. Matters Arising

Cllr. Godfrey

Raised the matter of Donors Green and noted that he would like to see more co-operation between the Local Authority and the Port Company. Mr. Pat Finn, agreed that he would report on the matter at the next meeting.

Cllr. Smith

The member raised the matter of Termonabbey and also commented on Donors Green and the Port Company requesting that a report be issued on same. Further to the discussion on Donors Green and the Port Company, Cllr. Tully raised the issue of waste on the roads from the trucks in the area. Mr. Pat Finn advised that the Local Authority is engaging with the receivers and advised that he would revert on the other matters.

Cllr. Byrne

Wished to note that he in addition to Cllr. Tully, he had also raised the matter of Speed Limits at the previous meeting, and that this was omitted from the minutes. The member then asked for an update on water leaks at Termonabbey and specifically in relation to a stopcock issue at 38 Chestnut Grove. Mr. Pat Finn advised that there are different costs associated with leaks and that the cost of bringing the estate up to specification would be looked for from the bond.

  1. Roads

The following issues were raised by the Members and responded to by the Senior Engineer.


The member stressed the need for a defined bus stop going north at Monasterboice, and Cllr. Maher, Cllr. O’Dowd and Cllr. Tully concurred on this matter. Cllr Tully also highlighted the need for public lighting in this area and the member suggested that the Local Authority ascertain the source of funding that Meath County Council have availed of considering the work they have carried out on bus stops. Mr. Pat Finn advised that lighting was being looked at in this area and that in relation to the bus stop he agreed to undertake to give an update at the next meeting, including clarification on funding.

Cllr. Maher

The member raised issues about the main Collon Road. He also wished to thank Local Authority staff for the works carried out to potholes at Naomh Martin and to note that repairs have not yet been carried out at Watery Lane. The member then raised the matter of the overgrown grass verges at Tullyallen. Mr. Pat Finn advised that the verges would be assessed.

Cllr. O’Dowd

Raised the lack of signage on the main Collon Road particularly at Baroule Lane to access the Hill of Rath, and requested a report on same. The member also queried a new Playground Policy, and requested clarification on same. Mr. Pat Finn advised that a report would be carried out on the junction on the Collon Road and that he was not aware of a new policy but would clarify same.

Cllr. Smith

The member raised the matter of issues including gulley blockages at The Stables estate. Mr. Pat Finn advised that same would be checked and he would update the members at the next meeting. Cllr. Godfrey requested that a full update on all estates to be taken in charge be provided to the members at the next meeting, this was seconded by Cllr. Munster.

Cllr. Tully

The member raised the following matters, the need for the request for Taken in Charge of the Priory Lodge Estate Termonfeckin to be addressed quickly.

The member also raised the matter of a list of potholes that he submitted to Roads staff for attention and requested details of the procedure used to prioritise same. In particular, the Rathgory Road, Monasterboice which is in an unbelievable state and the road at Blackhall, Termonfeckin which feeds a large area. Mr. Pat Finn advised that he has had discussions with the residents on the Rathgory Road, and a discussion on CIS Scheme requirements ensued. Mr. Pat Finn agreed to clarify requirements for same.

Cllr. Godfrey

Raised the matter of the Northern Cross Route and requested that this issue be progressed where possible. The member also wished to commend staff for the work done on potholes on Patrick Street. He also raised the traffic congestion issues at Crushrod Avenue and the need for calming measures at the Greenhills Road. The member also asked if the safety barriers will be going the whole way across the Bridge of Peace and if the viaduct could be lit up for Christmas. Mr. Pat Finn advised that the Greenhills Road would be contingent on budgets, that the Northern Cross Route is a question of funding and that there are no plans to light the viaduct. The member also raised the matter of unsightly bollards on the scenic road to Baltray. Mr. Pat Finn advised that the bollards have served their purpose and that an alternative would be considered in context of the next budget.

Cllr. Byrne

The member raised the issue of potholes at Clarkestown Lane, Beaulieu, and at the Roschoill entrance at the Boyne Valley. The member asked if Airtricity do periodic checks of the public lighting particularly around the train station and requested a report on same. Mr. Pat Finn advised that he was aware of the potholes at the Boyne Valley and that the Lighting contract was being renewed.

The member requested that the following issues be raised at the next meeting with Meath County Council, the overgrown bank outside Stameen at Southgate and public lighting in this area.

Cllr. Munster

The member asked for clarification in relation to a traffic accident on a minor road. Mr. Pat Finn advised that he could not comment on a particular road accident, but to say that the rules of the road would apply.

  1. Planning

Mr. Brian Brooks, Assistant Planner advised the Members there were no applications where a planning refusal was being recommended this month.

In response to the members queries, Mr. Brian Brooks advised that he would confirm if a Commencement Notice had been received for an Extension to Scotch Hall.

  1. Any Other Business

Termonabbey and Aston Village

The members, including Councillors, Munster, Godfrey, Smith, and Tully raised the matter of outsanding works and related issues in relation to Termonabbey and Aston Village developments. In relation to the request for a written report the members agreed that if a particular item is requested by them it should be carried outand Cllr. Godfrey requested that a report be given at the next meeting. In additiona monthly report on all the NAMA sites was requested. Mr. Pat Finn outlined work to date and advised that he would be in a position to give a full report at the next meeting.

Municipal Sports Facilities

The member asked if any sites have been identified for municipal sports facilities. Mr. Pat Finn advised that a report was created a few years ago; Mr. Brian Brooks agreed to locate same and forward a copy to the member. Cllr. Maher stated that the Local Government boundary changes would give more opportunities in identifying sites.

Pay Parking

Cllr. Smith proposed that there would be no Pay Parking charge in the town during the three weekends prior to Christmas, the member gave details of a similar scheme that was piloted in Fingal last year. A discussion ensued on same covering proper traffic management, concessions for tourists and the importance of keeping the traffic moving and encouraging short period parking. Mr. Pat Finn advised that budget consideration must be taken into account, and pointed out that the Borough Council Short Term Pay Parking is half price for the month of December, and that charges were suspended for the weekend of the Bonanza.

Water Metres

Cllr. Godfrey raised the matter of water meter installations and the impact this will have. Cllr. Maher felt that the move of the Water Service from the Local Authority to Irish Water is a step towards privatisation and will be regretted.

Foot Patrols

Cllr. Byrne welcomed the visible increase of Garda foot patrols in the town. Cllr Maher concurred and advised that there has been a very positive response to same and Cllr. Godfrey commended the Gardai for their work in these dangerous times.

There being no other business the meeting concluded.

Confirmed at the meeting held on: ______

Chairman: ______

Meetings Administrator: ______