Generate and Download New Files on the iPAQ

  1. Hook up your iPAQ with your Sync cable to your computer and wait for the ActiveSync program to connect. Your iPAQ needs to be connected through this entire process… so be careful not to Disconnect.
  1. On your computer, go to and login with your iPAQ username and password.
  1. Click on the eWalk logo in the center of the page.
  2. Go to the green button “Handheld/Desktop” and click on the link “Manage Files.”

(Note: For steps 5 and 6 you must uncheck then recheck the box in the “Templates” and “Select School” sections or you will not see any new teachers added to your roster.)

  1. Place a check in the box in front of “2010-2011 Walk-through” and “Lesson Plan Check” under the Templates section. If you want to use any additional templates, place a check in the box in front of those too. Under Categories section on the right, just ignore that for now J
  2. In Section 2 called “Select School,” click to put a check mark in front of your school. If you work with multiple schools, click them individually … or… click “Select All.”
  3. In Section 3 click the “Generate Files” button on the right.

  1. Go to your iPAQ and tap “Start” then “Programs” and then tap “eWalk.”
  2. On the iPAQ screen you will tap the “Upload/Download” button.
  3. Tap the “Upload/Download” button and under the first section, “Download Template Files generated and” tap to put a check mark in front of “Download Subjects (Staff, Students, etc.) then tap the big “Download” button at the top of the screen. Note: If an error box pops up, tap the “Setup” button and uncheck the box at the top that says “Use HTTPS for secure data transfer”. Then tap the “Return” button and begin with step 9 again.
  4. The Status bar at the bottom of your iPAQ will start transferring files and when it finishes, it will say “DONE.”
  5. Now tap the “Return” button at the bottom of the iPAQ screen.

You have now successfully generated new files and installed them to your eWalk program on your iPAQ.


TPSS Directions for generating new files in eWalk software on iPAQs

Tuesday, January 29, 2008