Lamar University Internship Portfolio
Appendix F_1: ET_Course-Embedded Internship Summary
Course-Embedded Internship Summary and Validation ReportDirections: This report should summarize all Course-Embedded Internship Activities that have been recorded in the log forms. You will submit this completed form in your 12th course.
• The Internship requires a minimum of 150 course-embedded hours.
State Competency Standard/ISTE Technology Facilitation Standard / Course Number / Date Completed
(Required) / Time Spent on Activity / Description of Activity / Reflection (250 words or less describing what you learned from this activity) (Required)
TF-VIII / EDLD 5306 Concepts of Educational Technology / 9/27/2010 / 15 hrs / Students will complete all parts of each Technology/Leadership self-assessments and thoroughly document the results as required. Students will thoroughly summarize key ideas of each section of their State’s Technology Plan and describe their State Technology Curriculum Standards. / I learned that the state has a technology plan starting at Kindergarten and goes all the way through high school. The early years students are only expected to know and use a computer, where when the students graduate they should have a good understanding of technology.
Technology is a important to the state and teachers are also suppose to take a yearly self-assessment to determine their technology usage and understanding.
Research / 11/10/2010 / 10 hrs / Students engage in identifying an action research topic(s) or research question(s) and designing a draft action plan completing a recommended template or format of a blueprint of the action research plan. / The Action research project is a project designed for an individual to take a thorough look at a subject that interest the individual is this case through the school system. This research project should motivate the school and list different stake holders and show how the results will help improve the school system.
EDLD 5301 / 11/10/2010 / 5 hrs / Students review comments from colleagues and site supervisors and engage in revising their draft action research plan. By the end of Week 5, students should confer with their site supervisor(s) and agree on an action research topic and plan. / The biggest thing that I cam away from my supervisor was that my research project was initially to broad and involved and I needed to narrow the project down and figure out the best way to come up with and judge the results of the Action research project..
Leadership for Accountability / 11/10/2010 / 5 hrs / Students create a personal vision of leadership. / This was a difficult task as I had to look at my current leadership and how it was formed. I also needed to look at administrators that I have been under and try to pick what I liked and did not like about my different leaders and decided what I felt was the best leadership style. It is important to keep a leadership style that matches your personality and know and understand that there is not a perfect leadership style and different people respond differently to different styles.
Leadership for Accountability / 6/26/2011 / 5 hrs / Students attend a Site-Based Decision-Making (SBDM) meeting, record reflections, and interview the principal and one other staff member regarding collaboration, consensus building strategies, ethical relationships, typical agenda items, etc. / I joined the SBDM committee for next year to increase my number of intern hours for my Mater’s Degree. So far I have been at one meeting which was the end of the year meeting, or the first meeting for next year. On our campus, the SBDM committee is essentially the Campus Instructional Development Council (CIDC) and is made up of an assistant principal (Heather Cook), and a representative from each area. While each member’s term only has to run one year, most members are on the committee longer because there are only a few teachers willing to be on the committee. I’m not sure which member I am, when I turned in my form to be part of the committee I was actually in three different areas, Honors/GT/AP, Career & Technology, and At-Large. Mrs. Cook (The AP in charge of the committee) told me to leave that section blank and she would fill it in with the area that she couldn’t find someone else to do.
Every school in the district has 14 members plus an AP or principal, with each member being nominated at the end of the year for the next school year. At my school the Assistant principal said she usually has to beg people to be part of the committee. Committee members are responsible for attending CIDC meetings which meet about 1 time a month with the AP in charge of the committee. Usually the principal tries to make the meetings depending on his schedule.
What surprised me at my first meeting was the broad range of what the committee does. We discussed ways to improve the campus, improve TAKS scores, how to improve Teacher/Administrators relationships since it has been strained after budget concerns and how to improve teachers’ classroom instructions during walkthroughs. I was also surprised that while there where a number of things that the CIDC believed needed to be done to improve the campus, there where a number of items that where not done. Also many items that where discussed with the CIDC was then moved up the ladder to the District improvement committee which in Klein ISD is was composed of a principal from each High school and Junior High, and an AP from each school and the assistant superintendent.
I felt that the meeting was basically informal with food being the reward for showing up at the committee. The meeting did go through the AP’s agenda and lasted about an hour long. The meeting that I went to I felt was valuable and helped a lot with this class, many of my ideas and assignments where actually from the committee and what was discussed at the committee.
Leadership for Accountability / 6/26/2011 / 5hrs / Students demonstrate leadership for accountability by researching best practices, including specific professional development to address a target area and list the strategies and rationale for using each strategy. / My target area is Mathematics. While mathematics has made some improvements in the schools. Mathematics is behind the other areas of improvements and is the only test where not a single subgroup scored over 90 percent for Exemplary, and had the smallest passing rate of all test of only 83 percent for 10th grade.
Mathematics also had the lowest score for all grade tested and only had 1 subgroup pass get above 80 percent pass for recognized and no subgroup scored above 90 percent. Science the second worst subject still had 91 percent overall passing rate for all students.
Leadership for Accountability / 6/26/2011 / 5 hrs / Students conduct a data-based needs assessment. Based on the areas of need identified, students create a campus action plan to address the needs identified including professional development plans, allocation of resources to support the plan, and any tools needed for school improvement efforts / This was a long process as the school is so large it is many times difficult to figure out what the school needs. Looking at the data from past test the biggest need in the school is in mathematics like most school. Klein Oak High School is in the Quartile 2 for both Reading/ELA and Mathematics. They are just a little bit above the averages for all test data.
The school seems to be a good job at the moment with the number of students and limited budget.
TF-I, TF-IV, TF-V, TF-VI, TF-VIII / EDLD 5333- Leadership for Accountability / 6/26/2011 / 5 hrs / Students conduct a data-driven, comprehensive needs assessment using the latest AYP and AEIS data, a multi-year history of this data, and a comparable improvement report. / This allowed me to get an understanding of why Klein has different items. Mathematics is Klein Oak High School’s weakest link in Klein Oak attaining an Exemplary ranking. In order to help all students improve their abilities, all teachers will work toward increasing an improved mathematics understanding throughout the school.
Klein Oak High School will see how the students who participated in the after school tutoring score improved when compared to students that did not participate in the after school tutoring program. Teacher Likewise Klein Oak will keep track of what students used the software participated to help students on the TAKS test and see if their scores improved over students that did not use the software on the student’s tablets.
TF-VI / EDLD 5344
School Law / 11/6/2011 / 15 hrs / Application of learning by designing a remediation to a situation you would like to improve in your school. In your School-Based Analysis, you familiarized yourself with special education policies in your state and school district. For your Application, you will use this knowledge as you follow a fictional student, Julia, who has just enrolled at your school. You will develop an Individualized Education Program for “Joseph,” monitor how her program is implemented in the classroom, and use your knowledge of student rights and school management to make sound decisions when she engages in behavior that calls for disciplinary action. This assignment will require you to use knowledge gained from your lectures and readings, and from communication with leaders at your school, including your principal, special education coordinator, and classroom teachers. Your final step will be to make suggestions about how management policies and procedures for special education students at your school can be improved. In all instances, you are expected to cite relevant law and/or policy that you used to formulate your answers. / I felt that this was one of the most valuable courses that I took. During the course I was able to do many different activities and scenarios that will help me not only in the classroom, but in meetings with administration and special education meetings. This will also help me as I now sub for administrators in my building that I now have seen different scenarios that are possible, while it is impossible to predict every scenario it is possible to predict common scanrios.
TF-VII / EDLD 5345
Human Resource Mgt / 8/16/2011 / 5 hrs / Students review Chapter 247 of the Texas Administrative Code, "Educators' Code of Ethics," conduct observations and/or interviews in your school, and use the results of those observations interviews to complete the "Code of Ethics Mind walk." / Ethics are an important issues with Educators and administrators to have their own personal ethics especially ones that meet all legal issues. It is important to have good ethics as an administrators as you are dealing with this nations most important resource children. It is also important that students also see that you have good ethics with teachers so that they also develop good ethics.
TF-VII / EDLD 5345
Human Resource Mgt / 8/16/2011 / 5 hrs / Students conduct an interview with an administrator at their school regarding strategies for recruiting and retaining high-quality teachers and administrators. / The school that I’m currently at, has a yearly job fair for interested applicants and is also one of the highest paying district around. It has an incentive program for teachers that are interested in ongoing education and supports the teachers trying to earn their master’s degree.
TF-VII / EDLD 5345
Human Resource Mgt / 8/16/2011 / 5 hrs / Students access the policies and procedures in place in their district related to teacher mentoring programs by accessing the district's webpage or contacting district Human Resources Office and reflect on the policies in place for mentoring induction. / The school district has a set mentoring program that peer every new teacher with a mentor and then that teacher is also part of a district wide in-service for three years at their school with all other new teachers. The district also has a program for teachers new to the district, but not new to teaching. When a teacher is new to the district they have a partner teacher and are part of a district wide training program for 2 years. Both programs meet about 4 times a year to discuss any issues that the teachers are currently having.
TF-VII / EDLD 5345
Human Resource Mgt / 8/16/2011 / 5 hrs / Students complete the Cultural Proficiency Receptivity Scale, use the Cultural Proficiency Professional Development Rubric to assess the level of professional development at their campus or workplace, and identify and describe where and how their campus has responded to each of the elements of Cultural Proficiency / The school that I am at started an IB program a few years ago in order to promote cultural diversity among students. This program has been a great success and is a multicultural program with students from many cultures participating together in the program. I did feel that while the school has responded to Asian students it is missing the mark in dealing with low economic Hispanic students. Many of these students want to participate in a soccer program, but the school will not give the soccer coaches any more assistant coaches or allow a third soccer team to support the Hispanic community.