Muddy River Sno Seekers

PO Box 794

Naples, Me 04055

March 3, 2011

Members Present: Christy Fogg, Tony Rossetti, Don Paul, Bob Calileo, Carrie Calileo, Bernie Flood, Paul Flood, Robert Fogg, Bill Pries, Kevin T Cole, Graham Payne, Peter Thompson, Laureen Thompson, Diana Nappi, Dave Gilcos, Pete Hathaway, Brian Clark, Barbara Clark.

Treasurers Report: Plummer/Hancock bridge account $5,401.32, Money Market $6,431.85, Checking $2,382.32 for a total of $11,215.49

Winter Carnival: Dan Allen was not at this meeting but Tony Rossetti was at the follow up Winter Carnival meeting and felt it was a success. The club made over $2,000 at the event. The fireworks were a huge success as was the poker rally and torchlight parade. The turn out for the event was OK. We need more help from more members in the club, not just the same core people that work on the events all the time. A big THANK YOU goes out to Dan Allen, Bernie Flood, and Scott Richards for their outstanding work on the carnival.

Trails: The snow bank at Sydney’s needs to be knocked down for the groomer to get through.

We are having a problem with snowmobilers not stopping when crossing the Saw Mill Road by Caldwell Banker and residents are complaining that this is a dangerous situation. We need to come up with some way to get people to stop at these crossings. It was brought up that maybe we should have members stationed at some of these crossings and stop people and explain that we will loose the trail if they continue in this manner. Another idea was to flag the signs to make them stand out more.

Kevin Cole was inquiring if there was a way to get a trail from Thompson’s Point out to the main trails. He inquired with the rangers and they said there used to be a trail there years ago. He will walk the trail next spring and see if this can be opened back up. If so it would have to be a secondary trail and groomed with a sled and drag.

It was also brought up that there are a lot of snowmobilers up at Madison Heights and how can we get more of them to join the club. It was also brought up that it wouldn’t be too difficult to tie into the main trail system from there.

Jim Gray has volunteered to learn how to groom and be a backup groomer. Hurray!

Club Positions Open: Due to family obligations, Tony Rossetti will be giving up his post as Vice President and Christy Fogg will be giving up the Sectretary position at the end of this snowmobile season. We would like to fill these positions at the April meeting. If you are interested in either of these positions or know someone you would like to nominate please let Bernie know.

Map Committee: The members who have volunteered to work on next year’s maps are Tony Rossetti, Bob Calileo, Bill Pries, and Charlie Ahern

Club Stickers: We will compare prices on club stickers at the next meeting to make a decision on getting some printed. Kevin Cole is going to try printing them himself and see how they turn out. Robert Fogg will also check prices online where he has previously purchased similar items.

Rescue Boggin: The snowmobile that the club is going to donate to the fire dept is still at Dana Webbers house. Bob Calileo and Peter Thompson will get it to them as soon as they get the green light to do so.

Worksheets: Bernie needs the completed worksheets by the next meeting so please get them done and bring them to the next meeting. 

MRSS Clothing: We will be having an inventory sale on club clothing at the April meeting. Get your club wear at cost!

Club Reporter: Make sure you send your snowmobiling adventures to Chuck Homer at: . We will also get this address up on the MRSS website.

Club Meetings: It has been brought to Bernie’s attention that the meetings are getting too long. It was discussed whether the minutes from the last meeting should be skipped to save time. It was decided that the minutes would continue to be read to refresh what was discussed at the last meeting, skipping parts that are not pertinent to current affairs. It was also brought up that some subjects tend to drag on and should be side barred to be discussed among the members dealing with the issue. It was also decided that everyone likes the Saturday night meeting with the potluck dinners so we will be going back to that schedule. Next club meeting will be Saturday, April 2nd at Steve Kirks Tiki Bar, Potluck dinner @ 6:00, meeting to follow @ 7:00. This is our last meeting of the season so please try to attend.

Christy Fogg, Secretary