Queen of Heaven Catholic School

School Council Meeting Agenda

Tuesday, October6, 2015

School Gym ~ 6:30– 8:30 p.m.


  1. Welcome and Introductions:

Parent Representatives:

Sandra Rei / Kimberley Canestraro / Traci Wansack
Lisa White / Christian Cepeda / Christina Prentice
Teresa Agius / Nancy Vella / Anna Caeser
Jean-Guy Caissie / Julie Casimiro / Mariana Lima
Tracey DosAnjos / Christine Baxter / Manny Barbara
Bettina Arapi / Kelechi Akwiwu / Anishia Fredric
Andrea Duhamel / Kim Male / Thyrza Naraine
Tamara DiLorenzo / Mark Ritcey
Stephanie Bressette / Elaine McBride
Bonnie Dey / Brenda Shaw

Teaching Staff Representatives– Christine Kerr and Josie Nibbering

Non-Teaching Staff Rep – TBD

Principal –John SusiandVice Principal –Viviana Varano

  1. Prayer Service
  1. What does a Catholic School Council do?
  • Consensus Building
  • What’s beyond the scope of the School Council?
  • Creating a School Council – official declaration
  1. Role description and the selection of:
  2. Chair Person:______
  1. Vice Chair:______
  1. Secretary:______
  1. Nominations for:
  1. Parish Representative:______
  2. Community Representative: ______
  1. OAPCE Representative: ______

(Ontario Assoc. of Parents for Catholic Education)

  1. Establish committees and Chairperson for each committee.

What is the role/responsibility of the committee?

  1. Spirituality Committee: ______
  2. Pizza Day: ______
  3. Milk Program: ______
  4. Halloween Dance-a-thon: ______
  5. Movie Night: ______
  6. Family Fun Night June: ______
  7. Volunteer Coordinator for FFN: ______
  8. Christmas Wish: ______
  9. Communications and Media Contact for Special Events: ______
  10. Safety: ______
  11. Staff Appreciation Day: ______
  12. Pancake Tuesday: ______
  13. Uniform Exchange Committee: ______
  1. Principal’s Report
  2. Communications on Council: email distribution list
  3. Fundraising Budget Estimates and Overview for 2015-2016
  4. Follow up from June 2015 re. Construction of fence gate
  5. Safety Committee and Kiss Ride Update
  6. Upcoming events
  1. Reviewing School Council objectives and goals for the 2015-2016 school year
  1. School Council Feedback
  2. School Welcome Back BBQ
  3. Curriculum Night
  1. Additions to the Agenda:
  2. Scott and Pringle Intersection – Safety Concern
  1. Future Agenda Items:
  1. Next Meetings –Preferred time, day?
  1. Adjournment