Ivanov I.I. (1), Petrov P.P*(2)

1 – Moscow State University, Moscow, 2 – Saint Petersburg University, St. Petersburg.

The Conference topics include empirical (experimental) studies of cognition and its neurobiological and sociocultural bases, conducted in any discipline and approach, as well as studies in cognitive modeling and artificial intelligence. This year we will also separately accept applications dedicated to innovative projects on methodological issues: standardized stimulus databases, atlases, programming, etc. According to our previous experience, such applications are of the utmost interest to Conference participants. However, their selection will be based on different criteria than those for empirical studies.

Your submission must be in the form of a short paper in Russian or in English. It must contain information on the research background, objectives, method, results, brief discussion and conclusions, all sufficient for a peer-review.

The text is limited to 2-3 A4 pages, including tables, figures and references. All illustrations should be in black and white. Font: Times New Roman, 12 point font size. Margins: 1 cm on left, right, top and bottom. Spacing: single-spaced. A reference list is mandatory. Each reference cited in the text must appear in the reference list, and each entry in the reference list must be cited in the text. Reference list should be arranged in accordance with all-Union State Standard (GOST), the examples of the list are available on the Conference website; similar format is also used in the The Russian Journal of Cognitive Science.

Please add a short abstract limited to 200 words along with a list of 5 to12 keywords on the last page of your paper. The abstract is not included in the 3-page limit. While using keywords rely on the occurrence of the keywords in e-library (from multiple forms of the same keyword, choose the most commonly used form).

Method. We expect to include 80 presentations in our program schedule. The applications’ selection will be conducted after a peer-review. Each application will be reviewed by two members of the Program committee. Priority will be given to applications with the most interesting empirical methods and research results. We reserve the right to demand that authors revise their applications in accordance with the peer-review comments as a mandatory condition to participate in the Conference. Papers being published or presented at other conferences may be submitted, on the condition that the publication text does not coincide with the already published text more than on 50%.

Please note that this year, any applicant may submit up to two presentations as a first (presenting) author. If there are several applications from one laboratory that describe similar studies, but with different first authors, and in the case of high competition, the Conference committee reserves the right to select only one of the studies to be presented, even if all of them receive good reviews.

Results. The Conference committee decisions will be sent to applicants before 11 May 2017. Applicants will have 7 days to revise their materials. During that period, we will also announce more detailed instructions for poster presentations.

As in the previous years, the size of the provided stand will be slightly larger than the A0 paper size (A0 is 841 × 1189 mm). The poster may be oriented either horizontally and vertically. The text should be legible from a distance of 1 meter. Therefore, the font size recommended for the poster title is at least 60pt, and for the text of the poster — at least 20 pt. Try to use less text and more graphical information, it will contribute to the success of your presentation.

Discussion and conclusions. The materials of all accepted presentations will be published in the conference proceedings book shortly before the beginning of the event. The book will be also published online in open access.

Fig. 1. The example of the poster from our video about preparing poster presentation.


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ИвлиеваН.Ю.Участие мезокортико-лимбической дофаминергической системы в адаптивном поведении// Журнал высшей нервной деятельности. 2010. Т.60. №3. С.259–278.

ЛяшевскаяО.Н., ШаровС.А.Новый частотный словарь русской лексики. М.: Азбуковник, 2009.

СвистуноваТ. И.Организация ментального лексикона: формирование в онтогенезе и распад при нарушениях языковой системы глагольной словоизменительной морфологии (экспериментальное исследование): дис. ... канд. филол. наук. Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет, Санкт- Петербург, 2008.

Формирование поведения животных в норме и патологии. К 100-летию со дня рождения Л.В.Крушинского/ Под ред. И.И.Полетаевой, З.А.Зориной. М.: Языки славянских культур, 2013.

Драгой О.В., Крабис А.В., Толкачева В.А., Буклина С.Б.Русский интраоперационный тест на называние: стандартизированный инструмент для картирования функции называния существительных и глаголов во время нейрохирургических операций в сознании // Российский журнал когнитивной науки. 2016. Т. 3. №4. С.4–25.

BarghJ.The four horsemen of automaticity: Intention, awareness, efficiency, and control as separate issues// Handbook of social cognition. Vol.1: Basic processes / R.S.WyerJr., T.K.Srull (Eds.). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., 1994. P.1–40.

BishopS.J.Trait anxiety and impoverished prefrontal control of attention// Nature Neuroscience. 2009. Vol.12. P.92–98. doi:10.1038/nn.2242

FukumuraK., vanGompelR.P.G., PickeringM.J.The use of visual context during the production of referring expressions// The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 2010. Vol.63. No9. P.1700–1715. doi: 10.1080/17470210903490969

MackA., RockI.Inattentional blindness. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1998.

SchultzW.Responses of midbrain dopamine neurons to behavioral trigger stimuli in the monkey// Journal of Neurophysiology. 1986. Vol.56. No5. P.1439–1461.

TreismanA.M.Attention and speech. PhD dissertation. University of Oxford, Oxford, 1961.

WassermanE.A., ZentallT.S. (Eds).Comparative cognition. Experimental exploration of animal intelligence. N.Y.: Oxford University Press, 2006.


Abstract. The main aim of the Conference is to provide a forum for scientists working in the field of cognition (including bachelors, masters and PhD students) to communicate their up-to-date findings and discuss them with colleagues. The Conference also aims to promote poster presentations. Compared to oral presentations, poster presentations allow for more comfortable and less formal discussion of presented results. Because the Conference organizers hope to demonstrate the advantages of posters, the event will once again host only poster presentations; there will be no oral presentation sessions.

Keywords: poster conference, cognitive science, meeting, proceedings, sandwich