New Feats
Academic Feats:
Prerequisite: Literacy
You love books. You have a knack for finding and preserving rare books; you need pay only 75% of the actual value of any non-magical tome you wish to purchase and you gain a +2 to Craft (Bookmaking) checks. You also function well in libraries, gaining a +2 to the search roll for researching information.
Defer Sleep:
Prerequisite: Con 13+
You can sleep less than normal with minimal ill effects. [You naturally only need to sleep 8 - your con bonus hours per night to awake fully rested.] You can also pull all-nighters if you need to, deferring sleep until the next night. [This lets you go one night a week without sleeping, but you then need to sleep an extra four hours the next night, and an extra 4- your con bonus hours the second night after that one to catch up. ]
Improved Research:
Prerequisite: Research, Int 13+
As Research, but now you only need to spend 4 hours per point of bonus you hope to gain.
Knack for Languages:
Prerequisite: Int 13+
You have an incredible facility for learning languages. You can learn two languages for every skill point you spend on languages.
If you possess the Decipher Script skill, you gain an additional +2 bonus to it as well.
Prerequisite: Int 13+, must possess a class for which Knowledge is a class skill
Normally, every knowledge skill must be purchased separately and cannot be used unskilled. You know a little of everything, and thus can use all knowledge skills unskilled. This provides no benefit to buying ranks in any given knowledge, however.
Prerequisite: Cha 13+, Skilled Debater
You know how to sway crowds through emotional rhetoric or through appeals to their biases. You gain a +1 bonus to Diplomacy and Perform checks intended to sway the emotions or influence the behavior of a crowd.
Prerequisite: None
With access to an appropriate library, you can use your Search skill to amplify your ability to make a Knowledge (whatever), check. You must spend 8 hours for every point of synergy bonus you hope to gain, up to a maximum of your adds in Search. The difficulty of the Search check is the same as that of the Knowledge check. If you succeed on the Search check, you add the synergy bonus to the Knowledge skill check. If you fail your Search roll by more than ten points, you suffer a -5 penalty to your Knowledge check because you dig up inaccurate books.
Those without this feat can still try to do research, but they are less efficient, spending 16 hours per point of bonus they hope to gain. And if they blow it by more than 5 points, they suffer a penalty equal to the amount they failed the check by as they get useless books.
Skilled Debater:
Prerequisite: Cha 13+
You have a knack for persuading people you are right through reasoned arguments. You gain a +3 bonus to Diplomacy and Knowledge checks for the purpose of debate.
Speed Reading:
Prerequisite: Literacy
You can read twice as fast as an ordinary person with the same level of comprehension. (This includes magical tomes). This feat can be taken multiple times, increasing your speed to 3 times normal, then 4 times normal, and so on.
Normal reading speed is approximately 1 page (250 words) per minute.
Combat Feats:
Combat Awareness:
Prerequisite: Alertness, Back Kick
You are very alert to movement around you, and you quickly respond to protect your flanks and rear from opponents. Anytime someone is about to attack you from the flank or rear, you can make a reflex save at a difficulty of 10 + their dex bonus to turn and deny them any sneak attack or flank attack bonus, unless they are invisible or otherwise undetectable by you (such as if you've been blinded).
Back Kick:
Prerequisite: Improved Unarmed Strike
You can unleash unarmed attacks on people behind you with no penalty to hit. This does not negate their bonuses for attacking you from behind, however.
Prerequisite: Improved Unarmed Strike
You are skillful at blocking attacks with your bare hands, arms, and legs. You roll, and if your attack roll beats the attack roll that was aimed at you, it misses. Blocks must be declared before your opponent rolls to hit. [Normally, you can only block once per round with this feat, but with Combat Reflexes, you can block multiple attacks by one or more people. Each blocking action uses up one of your attacks of opportunity. Blocking attacks by creatures with acidic skin, who are made out of fire, etc, may be more trouble than it is worth, as it gives the creatures a free touch hit on you.]
Prerequisite: Block
As the Block feat, but on a successful block, you can then make an unarmed attack on the person you just blocked. As with block, you must have unused attacks of opportunity to do a Block/Strike.
Flying Kick:
Prerequisite: Improved Unarmed Strike, Mobility
You have mastered the art of long leaps ending in kicking people in the head. You can take up to half your base move, then make a jump check (or make a jump check from a standing position if you don't have room to move), and unleash flying kicks at someone within your jumping range. The jump part of your move can leap over intervening targets without provoking attacks of opportunity, and your target doesn't get one either. The attack part of your action is resolved normally. You can only jump over beings of your size or smaller and your final target must be as large or larger than the people jumped over. [Thus, you can't do a flying kick at a kobold who is behind ogres when you're human, but you could do a flying kick over an orc at an ogre]
Improved Quickdraw:
Prerequisite: Quickdraw, Weapon Focus or Weapon Finesse
This has to be bought separately for each weapon you know how to do it with. You learn how to not just draw a blade quickly, but to conduct a special attack based on a lightning-quick drawing of the blade and striking with it. If you begin the round with your weapon sheathed, you can add +4 to your initiative [only during that round, this doesn't change your long-term initiative total for that fight] if your action that round is to draw it and strike. If your opponent also begins the round with his weapon sheathed, you strike before he can draw his weapon and the attack counts as an opportunity attack on him, rather than part of your normal set of attacks.
Improved Grapple:
Prerequisite: Improved Unarmed Strike
You do not provoke attacks of opportunity while grappling, and you gain a +2 bonus to your Grapple checks.
Improved Riposte:
Prerequisite: Parry, Riposte, Base Attack Bonus +6 or better with the weapon being used
On a successful Parry, you can conduct a Riposte without using up one of your attacks of opportunity.
Improved Slam:
Prerequisite: Slam
You can now Slam a victim into someone else within five feet of you. This inflicts damage as per the Slam feet to both targets. It does not provoke an attack of opportunity. You lose your grip on your target afterwards. The victim of the Improved Slam makes an opposed strength roll against your strength. If he loses, he is rendered prone along with the person being Slammed.
Prerequisite: Improved Grapple
Once you get a successful hold, you're hard to get off someone; you get a +4 bonus to all grapple checks as you know how best to immobilize them.
Prerequisite: Expertise
This is the art of blocking incoming blows with your own weapon. You can only parry if you are armed (those with the Improved Unarmed Attack feat can parry with their arms, but it's a dangerous thing to do--you make the parry roll at a -4 difficulty, and if you fail in the Parry, the foe does +4 damage to you). This feat lets you use your attacks of opportunity to counter blows against you. You roll, and if your attack roll beats the attack roll that was aimed at you, it misses. Parries must be declared before your opponent rolls to hit. [Normally, you can only parry once per round with this feat, but with Combat Reflexes, you can parry multiple attacks by one or more people. If you fight with an off-hand weapon, you can forgo the normal attack with it and use it to parry instead of its normal attack, instead of giving up one of your attacks of opportunity. You suffer the normal two weapon penalties when you do this, however.]
Redirect Momentum:
Prerequisite: Throw
As Throw, but can only be used against a foe who is bullrushing you or charging you. On a successful throw, you add half the distance they moved that round to the distance you throw them, and you get a +2 to your Grab and Throw checks.
Prerequisite: Expertise, Weapon Finesse
During any round in which you are using the Expertise feat, someone attacks you and misses, you get an attack of opportunity on them. [You must be using the weapon you have Weapon Finesse with. This is limited by normal limits on attacks of opportunity--ie, it does not let you conduct more opportunity attacks than you are normally allowed, it simply gives you a new condition under which you get attacks of opportunity. Someone with Combat Reflexes can riposte several times against the same person if that person has multiple attacks and misses with all of them.]
Shield Bash:
Prerequisite: Shield Proficiency
In addition to its normal defensive purposes, you can once a round bash an opponent with your shield without losing the AC bonus from it. You suffer the usual two-weapon fighting penalties for the purpose of this attack, however.
Prerequisite: Improved Grab, Strength 13+
Once you Grab an opponent, you can slam them into the ground with a successful opposed grappling check instead of proceeding to a Hold (or you can slam someone you have been holding). Slam does real damage instead of subdual damage, and gains a +2 circumstance bonus to the damage roll. It also leaves the target prone. You can retain a Grab on the target if you so choose.
Without this feat, the grappling check to conduct the slam is made at -4.
Spinning Kick:
Prerequisite: Improved Unarmed Strike
When attacking unarmed, you can deliver one spinning kick per round as one of your attacks. On a successful hit, in addition to delivering the normal damage, you and the defender make opposed strength rolls. If your roll beats his, he is knocked one foot for every two points your roll beats his by, to a maximum number of feet equal to half your strength. This renders him prone. If he is kicked into someone, they also make opposed strength rolls. If the person he is kicked into loses, they both fall prone. If you lose the opposed strength roll, he doesn't go anywhere.
Prerequisite: Improved Grapple
On a successful Grab, you can choose to throw your opponent instead of engaging in a Hold. If you win an opposed Grapple roll, you can throw your opponent one foot for every point you beat his roll by. He ends up prone and takes your normal unarmed damage + 1d6 for every ten feet he's thrown.
General Feats:
Ear for Music
Prerequisite: None
You have an ear for music (and other sounds as well). You get a +2 bonus with all Listen checks and with any Perform checks which involve music.
Prerequisite: Run
You have mastered the fine art of running for your life. You can move out of proximity of an opponent without provoking an attack of opportunity as long as you continue to move away from all foes for the duration of the move. You also can sustain six times your base move as a running speed so long as something is chasing you for five times your con bonus in minutes. (If you have a con penalty, you hold out only 5 + your con penalty in minutes--ie, con penalty of 2 means you can flee for only 3 minutes).
Sense the Unseen Eye:
Prerequisite: Alertness, Will Save 3+
You have a natural knack for sensing someone is trying to scry you. You gain a +5 to Intelligence or Scrying checks to detect Scrying against you. You also get a sense for when invisible beings are observing you. [Make a Will save, difficulty 12 + Intelligence or Charisma bonus of the caster of the invisibility to detect something invisible is within your visual range. Creatures with invisibility powers, use their charisma bonus. For magical items, assume the Int/Cha bonus is +2 unless you have details on the item's creator's bonus]. This doesn't tell you where they are, just that they are there.
Combined with blind-fighting, however, this lets you fight invisible people as if they weren't invisible at all.
Prerequisite: Run, Con 13+
You can achieve very high speeds for short periods of time. For a number of rounds equal to twice your con bonus, you can 'run' six times your base move, 'double move' three times your base move, or take a move action of 1 and a half times your base move. Once you've sprinted that many rounds, you need to rest a number of minutes equal to the rounds of sprinting, during which you can only move at a walk (base move).