JEI Executive Board Meeting – Meeting Minutes

August 1st, 2010 at 1:00 PM

The Vine, Coralville, IA

In attendance: Rod Pierson, Chris Merz, Patrick Kearney, Myron Peterson, Jeff Schafer, Steve Shanley

1-IBA wrap up discussion 2010 (All)

  1. We all thought the conference went well and will try to keep it the same and…….
  2. Johnston HS will be used again! Thanks Mr. Kearney!
  3. We should try to have Mike Mossman done on Thursday to allow for flexible travel. He should also arrive by Tuesday PM. NOT Wednesday AM.
  4. Rapson could clinic in the AM and Haar could clinic in the PM on Friday.
  5. Travel should be .50 per mile for the two that drive. 135.00 in meal money provided.
  6. Use same rhythm section equipment again.
  7. Pat. K will check into Jolesch taking pictures.
  8. The length of the All-State Jazz Concert needs to be kept shorter.
  9. Ideas were tossed around about shortening rehearsal time, dictating number of songs a director could do, etc.
  10. It was decided to start rehearsal on Wednesday at 1:00 and go to 6:00
  11. Merz had the idea to bring in rhythm section early for sectional stuff
  12. Rehearsal on Thursday from 9:00-11:00 will stay the same. Run-throughs basically
  13. Should have the guest directors do improvisation clinics with the other bands to break things up a bit.
  14. Audition process was a huge success. Add the following to improve:
  15. Reference recordings should be available sooner.
  16. Go with a slightly easier first page for the etudes.
  17. Steve S. will talk to Bob W.

2-ICDA conference report-Rod

  1. Went well and Rod was in attendance.
  2. Linda Vander Pool did a great job and is a great pick for Vocal Jazz Advisor
  3. Rosana Eckert was the guest clinician/director.
  4. 18 kids from across the state were selected.
  5. Future role in supporting Vocal Jazz?
  6. Try to get Matthew Armstrong (CR Wash) involved
  7. We will help them connect people and information
  8. We are not prepared to help fiscally. We don’t have any money.

3-Treasurer’s report- Myron

  1. Typed report is available from JEI Treasurer
  2. His zip code is 50324!!!!!
  3. Minutes were approved by all
  4. We must do a page in the IBA mailing
  5. New initiatives that may cost money in the future (planning)
  6. Rod wants to have a band tour Iowa for 4 days (M,T,T,F)
  7. Pick 4 parts of the state so people can come.
  8. Afternoon clinics and evening performance
  9. Pat, Rod, and Chris will check into potential touring groups for 11/12

4-Secretary’s report-Jeff

  1. May meeting minutes were approved
  2. Electronic copies of May and August meetings will be available ASAP

5-President Elect’s report- Chris

  1. Noting to report

6-Past President report- Steve

  1. Nothing to report

7-Vice President report- Pat

  1. Nothing to report

8-IMEA 2010 Ames

  1. Clinic is currently set for 6:30 to 7:30 PM
  2. Much discussion on if this is a good time
  3. Same time as closed rehearsal
  4. Priority should be providing something for the directors
  5. Should we offer to take over the jazz part of IMEA?
  6. Rod will communicate and try to get something scheduled at a better time
  7. Booth staffing will be handled by Jeff Schafer
  8. Navy Commodores Jazz Band will be at Ames on Saturday at 8:00 PM
  9. Rod has an idea of having Dennis Green (KCCK) do a presentation on YouTube and other media outlets. Good for kids and teachers.

9-KCCK update / Grants and promotion etc.-Rod

  1. KCCK wants to help organize and sponsor Rod’s idea of a touring pro band
  2. Still looking at grant options and other funding forms

10-Possible Clinic tour / locations, choice of group(s), logistics-Rod

  1. Four performances by the touring band
  2. Mon/Tues/Thurs/Friday
  3. Each day would be in a different quadrant of the state
  4. Possible groups:
  5. 4-Tet of Happiness (Rick Stone)
  6. Matt Wilson
  7. Jeff Coffin
  8. Unified Jazz Ensemble
  9. There would be a 1 to 1 ½ hour clinic in the afternoon and a FREE concert (or goodwill or $5.00) in the evening.
  10. Late October/Early November was deemed best time for the tour.
  11. Left with people checking on leads and funding.

11-Newsletter / format, frequency, schedule and deadlines for submission, layout etc.-Rod

  1. This is to be handled by Mike Omarzu
  2. All Educational articles and content suggestions get routed through Mike McMann
  3. Mike McMann will organize and forward to Mike Omarzu
  4. Omarzu is the architect/formatter
  5. Shoot for 4 newsletters a year
  6. 1st of September, November, January, and March
  7. Advisory Board and Executive Board reports/articles to Mike Omarzu two weeks prior to dates above
  8. Email the newsletter to members only.
  9. Could be put on website a few months later ( post concurrently with release of each new quarterly newsletter )
  10. Ideas for content:
  11. No more than two articles “seasonal” in nature per newsletter/ Mike McMann determines content.
  12. Updates from Advisory Board chairs in each newsletter
  13. Share Best Practices and Successes from various programs in the state

12-Educational Content discussion – Mike’s report outline

  1. We all agreed with what Mike McMann prepared for the meeting via email.

13-Advisory Board discussion / Roles and specific functions per level-Rod

  1. Web- Steve Kellar
  2. Rod suggested changes to Myron for Steve to implement
  3. We need Ad thing figured out
  4. Communications- Mike Omarzu
  5. Weekly “you tube” video clip posted on Facebook/ Organize Newsletter/Etc.
  6. Mike Omarzu will collect important dates and details regarding Jazz festivals-clinics-performances. Link with other Facebook pages i.e. Jazz Midwest, Jazz In Iowa, Synergy Jazz Foundation etc.
  7. Marketing/Advertising- Dennis Green
  8. See previous discussions on this
  9. Mentorship- Steve Shanley
  10. He will handle
  11. Vocal Affairs- Linda Vander Pool
  12. See previous discussions on this
  13. Middle School Affairs- Colleen Hecht
  14. Elementary Affairs- Jason Pentico
  15. Fundraising-______?
  16. Rod agreed to take this on.

14-Advisory Board members will submit a report of best practices and recommendations for teaching Jazz in their respective areas. These will be no more than 2 paragraphs in length and should include web links and addresses for locating content that is referenced.

15-Web content updates-Rod

Descriptive content per page ( 1 paragraph of how, when, and or why etc.)

Add KCCK, West Music, Kephart Music banner ads (click through)

Revise Executive Board titles-listing (print documents as well )

Post Advisory Board contacts with explanation of their roles

Updates for Clinic/camp links, include JEN?

List Iowa Jazz Masters i.e. Dick Oatts, Ryan Kisor, etc.

List previous All State Jazz clinicians with links to their websites (solicit content from each of them for posting on the website )

Add photos or sample recordings of past All State groups?

Add bullet points from pull up banner to the home page ( mission statement )