Rubric for Biography Mini-Poster on Publisher and Doll Pin
4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0 / Self AssessTitle of book present. / X / X / X / Title of book not given
Author of book present / X / X / X / Author not given
Pictures of main characters present. / X / X / X / Pictures of main character not present.
Reason for person being known is thorough and clear. / Reason for person being known is mostly clear. / Reason for person being known ins somewhat clear. / Reason for person being known is unclear. / Reason for person being known in missing.
Summary of childhood experiences is complete / Summary of childhood experiences is mostly complete / Summary of childhood experiences is somewhat complete / Summary of childhood experiences is incomplete / Summary of childhood experiences is missing.
Birth date and /or death date given. / X / X / X / Birth and/or death date not given.
Brief summary of education is given. / X / X / X / Brief summary of education not given.
Picture representing setting from book is present with explanation. / Picture mostly representing setting from book present with explanation. / Picture somewhat representing setting from book present with some explanation. / Picture does not represent setting from book present with minimal explanation. / Picture of setting is missing.
Interesting facts complete and thorough. / Interesting facts mostly complete and thorough. / Interesting facts somewhat complete and thorough. / Interesting facts not complete and thorough. / Interesting facts missing.
Doll pin is creative and takes on individuality of character. / Doll pin is mostly creative and takes on individuality of character. / Doll pin is somewhat creative and takes on individuality of character. / Doll pin has minimal creative and/or does not take on individuality of character. / Doll pin is not complete.