Code / Department / Checking Ordered Requests
21 / Accounting / By Department
10 / Aerospace Studies / Code
58 / Agriculture
69 / Aquatic Res. Ph.D. / You can search/track departmental
31 / Art & Design / orders in the Online catalog
61 / Biology / As of FY 02, a list of individual dept.
62 / Chemistry & Biochemistry / Orders can be retrieved from the
23 / CIS and Quantitative Method / Library’s public catalog by doing a
86 / Clinical Laboratory Science / subject search:
30 / Communication Design
33 / Communication Disorders
Communication Studies
65 / Computer Science / Click on “subject”
14 / Criminal Justice / In the search box type the fiscal year,
45 / Curriculum & Instruction / and the fund code number
68 / Education PhD / Example: 0255
41 / Educational Admin. & Psych. Serv.
51 / Engineering
12 / Family & Consumer Science / 02 is the fiscal year
22 / Finance & Economics / 55 is the dept. fund code number
78 / Geography Ph.D.
82 / Geography
Health Administration
84 / Health Information Management / The data it pulls up will include an L or F
43 / Health, Physical Education & Recreation / at the end of the numbers, that is,
54 / History / It should show as 0255L or 0255F
13 / Journalism & Mass Communications / L means a Librarian ordered the title
72 / Library-General / F means a Faculty member ordered
71 / Library-Reference
24 / Management / Fiscal years must be the last 2 digits
40 / Manufacturing Eng. / of the year, ex: 02, 03, 04, 05, etc.
25 / Marketing
63 / Mathematics / Dept. fund code numbers are indicated
73 / Microform Duplicates / to the left of this document
9 / Military Science
55 / Modern Language /
32 / Music
46 / Occupational Edu.
57 / Philosophy
87 / Physical Therapy
64 / Physics
53 / Political Science
44 / Psychology
79 / Radiation Therapy
70 / Replacements
88 / Respiratory Care
80 / Social Work
56 / Sociology
42 / Technology
34 / Theatre and Dance

You will see something like this:

0255l 8

0255f 179

This means 179 titles were ordered by faculty, 8 by the librarian. If you click on the underlined number group, it will show you each title ordered that fiscal year, by that fund code.

You can also use this URL. Just change the numbers at the end, to the applicable fiscal year and fund code number: