Please read this information before completingthe Enrolment form.
When is a Postal Enrolment acceptable?
If you are working full time, travelling overseas/ interstate, are seriously ill or in hospital we will accept your Postal Enrolment.
Can I enrol and pay later?
Sorry - No. You must include your payment with your enrolment.
I don’t qualify for Postal Enrolment. How else can I enrol?
A family member or a friend can enrol you in courses during Enrolment week (February 6-10, 2017).
Give your friend all required details (your address/phone numbers/emergency contacts/email address/courses/your preferred Workgroup) as well as correct payment. Your enrolment is only valid on receipt of payment.
Where do I find out about Courses and fees?
Aprovisional Timetable is on the KCLC Website . The final Semester One Timetable will be published in The Echo newspapermid-January 2017.
How do I Pay my Postal Enrolment?
You can pay by Cheque or Direct Deposit.
By Cheque:
1: Complete the Enrolment Form.
2: Determine the total cost for the Semester (Course fees as shown on the Timetable PLUS $5 membership)
3: Make your cheque payable to: Kalamunda Community Learning Centre
4: Post cheque and Enrolment Form to KCLC, PO Box 116, Kalamunda, 6926
By Direct Deposit:
1: Complete the Enrolment Form.
2: Determine the total cost for the Semester (Course fees as on the Timetable PLUS $5 membership)
3: Pay your Direct Deposit to Bankwest: BSB 306 075 Account No.4172260
(Reference: P.E. and your Surname)
4: Post the completed Enrolment Form to KCLC, PO Box 116, Kalamunda, 6926 or scan and email to (Important: Include Postal Enrolment in the email subject line.)
I need more information– can someone help me?
Forinformation on Courses, Fees and Enrolment contact Katherine Ardizzone () or Lindsay Goodwin ().
Complete and post or email to KCLC by July21st, 2016.
Post:KCLC, PO Box 116, Kalamunda WA 6926 Email:
If you are working full time, travelling overseas or interstate,or are seriously ill we will accept your postal Enrolment. Firstly, please explain why you are requesting a postal enrolment:
Please print clearly:
SURNAME ……………………………………….…………………. GIVEN NAME……………………………………………………………..
ADDRESS……………………………………………………………………………….. PHONE…………………………………………………
SUBURB………………………………………………….POSTCODE……………… MOBILE………………………………………………
EMERGENCY CONTACT: NAME……………………………………………………PHONE…………………………………………….…
CHILDREN IN CRECHE: NAME………………………………………………………… AGE………..
NAME………………………………………………… AGE…….. NAME………………………………………………………… AGE………
Leave grey sections blank for administration purposes.
COURSES / WEEKS / DAY / am/pm/eve / FEESOr C= casual / NB: Payment must be included with postal applications by cheque or via a direct deposit.
1. / :00
2. / :00
3. / :00
4. / :00
VOUCHER # (if applicable) / DATE: / TOTAL:
Information for our insurance policy: Are you over 75? Yes No
(This information is required as we pay a higher insurance rate for members over 75.)
All members (excepting Casual students) contribute to the running of the Centre by completing a duty organised through one of the Centre’s many Workgroups.Workgroup descriptions are on our Website. If you have a preferred Workgroup duty each Semester please list here: ______
If you do notnominate a Workgroup, we will place your name on a General Workgroup list.
Please indicate your payment choice:
I have:
Included a cheque OR Made a Direct Deposit Date______