School Leadership Team

June 2, 2017

7:30-8:30 am

Compliments and Celebrations (3 min.)

Review of Unofficial EOG Results (5 min.)

▪Team viewed and compared proficiency from 2015-16 to proficiency 2016-17 with the understanding the data does not follow cohort, but is just by grade-level (no growth data expected until scores are official, anticipated October)

▪Question around how state assigns school letter grades and is this the data that is used, the answer is yes along with a formula that uses various metrics to weight different components

▪An overview will be shared full-staff during the fall inservice days; SLT members will provide summary based on discussion during the meeting

▪Parents received individual student letters with unofficial performance levels

▪Discussion over the how increasing the frequency and depth of data throughout the year could’ve been a driving factor for SLT work and strongly support student achievement prior to EOGs; data and positive discipline have been suggested and agreed-upon as standing items for every future SLT Meeting based on the impact they make school-wide

Review of Team Feedback on Learning Compact (20 min.)

▪All teams provided feedback from team member meetings

▪Consensus was reached after much discussion around the 6-week normalization period without parents possibly being modified dependent upon grade span; Upper EL wanted more flexibility in reducing the time and allowing parents in earlier; the cons raised were around families with siblings in multiple grade spans and continuity for the entire school

▪“reading expectations” need to be well-defined with not only Primary parents, but across Lower and Upper EL as a required 30 minutes nightly (or whatever time frame works dependent upon the family dynamics

▪Volunteer requirements, responsibilities need to be well-defined

▪More visuals of the compact (i.e., posters) should be displayed throughout the building and parent follow-thru be monitored, parents be held more accountable

Update SLT Roles and Responsibilities (15 min.)

▪Calendar items can be handled more efficiently through email; Mr. Corey will focus on SLT agenda items and Ms. Melanie will focus on calendar items and upkeep of the Google Calendar; paper copy of calendar will also be printed

▪Discussion of expanded role for SLT Parent Representative so that this person also communicates with the PTO for calendar items and/or school culture feedback

▪Ms. Marilyn will serve as principal liaison for ideas around the use of “floating TA” position; she will also follow-up with PTO about the EOY Luncheon being planned within the last few days of the school year so that TAs may attend; they are a vital and appreciated part of the school community and do not report back after the last day of school (EOY Luncheon is scheduled for required work day)

Plan for Creating 2017-18 Master Calendar (10 min.)

▪Calendar items can be handled more efficiently through email; Mr. Corey will focus on SLT agenda items and Ms. Melanie will focus on calendar items and upkeep of the Google Calendar; paper copy of calendar will also be printed

(PTO Leadership Meeting is 6/12/17; hopefully allowing new principal to have input as well)

Principal Updates (5 min.)

▪Update anticipated soon; candidates still be reviewed

Reflection (2 min.)


Name / Team/Role
Administration: Martha
Administration: Christie
Primary Team Rep: Carol
Lower El Team Rep: Marilyn
Upper El Team Rep: Corey
S.A. Team Rep: Camie
Support Team Rep.: Melanie G
T.A. Rep: Arshia
Primary Parent: Debbie G.
Lower El Parent: Brad
Upper El Parent: Connie
Upper/Lower El Parent: Mr. Slattery


Next meeting: Fall 2017