School Leadership Team
June 2, 2017
7:30-8:30 am
Compliments and Celebrations (3 min.)
Review of Unofficial EOG Results (5 min.)
▪Team viewed and compared proficiency from 2015-16 to proficiency 2016-17 with the understanding the data does not follow cohort, but is just by grade-level (no growth data expected until scores are official, anticipated October)
▪Question around how state assigns school letter grades and is this the data that is used, the answer is yes along with a formula that uses various metrics to weight different components
▪An overview will be shared full-staff during the fall inservice days; SLT members will provide summary based on discussion during the meeting
▪Parents received individual student letters with unofficial performance levels
▪Discussion over the how increasing the frequency and depth of data throughout the year could’ve been a driving factor for SLT work and strongly support student achievement prior to EOGs; data and positive discipline have been suggested and agreed-upon as standing items for every future SLT Meeting based on the impact they make school-wide
Review of Team Feedback on Learning Compact (20 min.)
▪All teams provided feedback from team member meetings
▪Consensus was reached after much discussion around the 6-week normalization period without parents possibly being modified dependent upon grade span; Upper EL wanted more flexibility in reducing the time and allowing parents in earlier; the cons raised were around families with siblings in multiple grade spans and continuity for the entire school
▪“reading expectations” need to be well-defined with not only Primary parents, but across Lower and Upper EL as a required 30 minutes nightly (or whatever time frame works dependent upon the family dynamics
▪Volunteer requirements, responsibilities need to be well-defined
▪More visuals of the compact (i.e., posters) should be displayed throughout the building and parent follow-thru be monitored, parents be held more accountable
Update SLT Roles and Responsibilities (15 min.)
▪Calendar items can be handled more efficiently through email; Mr. Corey will focus on SLT agenda items and Ms. Melanie will focus on calendar items and upkeep of the Google Calendar; paper copy of calendar will also be printed
▪Discussion of expanded role for SLT Parent Representative so that this person also communicates with the PTO for calendar items and/or school culture feedback
▪Ms. Marilyn will serve as principal liaison for ideas around the use of “floating TA” position; she will also follow-up with PTO about the EOY Luncheon being planned within the last few days of the school year so that TAs may attend; they are a vital and appreciated part of the school community and do not report back after the last day of school (EOY Luncheon is scheduled for required work day)
Plan for Creating 2017-18 Master Calendar (10 min.)
▪Calendar items can be handled more efficiently through email; Mr. Corey will focus on SLT agenda items and Ms. Melanie will focus on calendar items and upkeep of the Google Calendar; paper copy of calendar will also be printed
(PTO Leadership Meeting is 6/12/17; hopefully allowing new principal to have input as well)
Principal Updates (5 min.)
▪Update anticipated soon; candidates still be reviewed
Reflection (2 min.)
Name / Team/RoleAdministration: Martha
Administration: Christie
Primary Team Rep: Carol
Lower El Team Rep: Marilyn
Upper El Team Rep: Corey
S.A. Team Rep: Camie
Support Team Rep.: Melanie G
T.A. Rep: Arshia
Primary Parent: Debbie G.
Lower El Parent: Brad
Upper El Parent: Connie
Upper/Lower El Parent: Mr. Slattery
Next meeting: Fall 2017