Port Query UI tool (portqueryui.exe) is a tool to query open ports on a machine. This tool makes use of command line version port query tool (portqry.exe). The UI provides the following functionalities:

1. Following "Enter destination IP or FQDN to query:”, an edit box needs the user to specify the IP address or FDQN name of the destination to query port status.

2. The end user is able to choose Query type:

- Predefined services type. It groups ports into service, so that you can query multiple ports for a service by a single click. Service includes "Domains and Trusts", "DNS Queries", "NetBIOS communication", "IPSEC", "Networking", "SQL Service", "WEB Service", "Exchange Server", "Netmeeting", and other services.

You can check detail port and protocol info for each service category by opening Help -> Predefined Services...

The XML file config.xml has format




<Service Name="Service Name">

<Port Name="service bound to the port" Value="Port number and/or port ranges separated

by commas" Protocol="TCP|UDP|Both"/>




* The user can also add port info to config.xml as long as it follows the format.

* Service name will be shown in the box following "Service to query:"


- Manually input query port. The end user can manually enter port number and/or port ranges separated by commas to query. For port range, the end port should be equal or greater than the start port. Valid port should be in range 1-65535. For example: 80,53,1024-1350.

- The end user needs to choose protocol (TCP or UDP or Both) to query.

3. It allows the end user to customize config.xml or provide a config file that defines their own services. The config file should follow the same format as config.xml (File->Open Config…)

4. After inputting the destination info and choosing query type with proper port info, click "Query" button to start query. Query output will be displayed in the "Query Result" box.

5. During query, there is a progress bar accurately shows the query progress.

6. During query, if the end user wants to cancel query process, click "Cancel" button to cancel query.

7. The user has the option to save the query result to a log file (File -> Save Result …)

8. Please refer to Portqry.doc for detail info about command line tool portqry.exe.