Edwards Church

A United Church of Christ

An Open and Affirming Congregation

In the name of God and Jesus Christ, Edwards Church,a congregation of the UnitedChurch of Christ,welcomes all who seek to know and worship God. We invite everyone to join in our faith journey and participate in our congregational life.

As a community of faithwe take seriously the Biblical call to love God and our neighbors as ourselves, and recognize that although we are many members we are one. We celebrate the uniqueness of everyone. We rejoice in our diversity of views and understanding of our shared faith. We commit ourselves to work diligently to help end oppression and discrimination. We affirm all relationships founded on the principle of God’s love and justice.

We declare ourselves to be an Open and Affirming congregation.

Seeking to be the Body of Christ, we welcome into full fellowship and membership all persons of every race, language, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, physical or cognitive ability, and economic status.

39 Edwards Street

Framingham, MA 01701



Sixth Sunday of Easter

May 21, 201710:00 AM

A thought for reflection

If God is not sending earthquakes, destroying economies and inflicting pain upon human beings,
what is God doing? God works through people, calling them to help their neighbors in need.
—Adam Hamilton



Greetings and Announcements

Passing of the Peace

Leader: The peace of Christ be with you.

People: And also with you.

(We invite you to turn to your neighbors and greet them.)

+*Hymn of Praise“Rejoice, You Pure in Heart”NCH 55

*Call to Worship

Leader:We are here because we have heard the call of Jesus in our lives.

People: We are here to challenge and support one another to rise up and follow.

Leader:We are here because we want to be God’s people.

People:We want to learn more about what it means to be the people of God.

Leader:We come, seeking to be moved, changed, and made whole by the Spirit of the living God.

People:Let us open our hearts to the moving of the Spirit, and prepare to leave this place as true disciples of Christ.

*Prayer of Invocation

*Sentences of Praise

Leader:Rejoice in our God always!

People:Again I say rejoice!

+*Gloria (Sing twice.)NCH 756

Glory to God, glory to God, glory in the highest!

Glory to God, glory to God, alleluia, alleluia!

Prayer of Confession(in unison)

Author of life, we humbly confess that too often we fall short of your intentions for us and of our expectations of ourselves. We would touch the world with goodness, but often we withdraw in anxiety and self-concern. We would live with integrity and stand for truth, but we are torn with uncertainties. We would warm the lives of others with our love, but we hesitate, wondering if they will love us in return. We would go about our daily tasks with confidence and joy, but find ourselves struggling with self-doubt.

We need your presence, O God, if we are to be what we could be and want to be. Let our worship heal us, renew us, strengthen us, that we may go out in joy and be led forth in peace. Amen.

Assurance of God’s Forgiveness

The Lord’s Prayer (Please pray using the words you find most meaningful.)

ResponseNCH 775

And God will raise you up on eagle’s wings, bear you on the breath of dawn,

Make you to shine like the sun, and hold you in the palm of God’s hand.


Words with the Young People

*Hymn of Preparation“De Colores”NCH 402

The Hebrew Bible Lesson(Pew Bible, p. 147)Deuteronomy 10:17-19

The Anthem“Easter Anthem”by William Billings

The Gospel Lesson(Pew Bible, p.797)Matthew 15:21-28

The Sermon“No importa de donde eres…”

Celebrations and Concerns

Call to Prayer

Silent Prayer

Prayers of Thanksgiving, Intercession and Petition


Our Offering to God


*Doxology(Lasst uns erfreuen)NCH 17

Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures here below; Alleluia, Alleluia.

Praise God for all that love has done; Creator, Christ, and Spirit, One.

Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia

*Prayer of Dedication


*Hymn of Dedication“In Christ There Is No East or West”NCH 395

Charge and Benediction


(Please feel free to remain and listen, or to greet one another in the narthex and at coffee hour.)

Our Worship Has Ended…Let Our Service Begin!

MinistersAll the People of Edwards Church

PastorThe Rev. Dr. Deborah Clark

Associate PastorThe Rev. Mr. Shane Montoya

Mentored Pastor Nena Radtke

Commissioned Minister of MusicRick Seaholm

OrganistCheryl Elkins

PianistSusan Minor

Administrative Assistant Nicola Seaholm

SextonLori Wilson

The LiturgistReid Young Nena Radtke

The Deacon-in-ChargeMatt Aufman

The GreeterJoanie White

UshersNorma Hart & Ellie Kell

Janis Steigmanof Mother’s Helpers is in charge of the nursery this morning.


For more than ten years, Edwards Church has sponsored Jurme Wangmo, a young girl from a refugee family in India, at the Tibetan Children’s Village in Dharamsala. Jurme is now eighteen and is completing her education there. The United Church of Christ Child Sponsorship program has given us a new child to sponsor and we are raising money ($30 per month) to help cover the cost of her education. If you want to help, you can sign up for a month on the way to coffee hour. Here’s the information we recently received from the Tibetan Children’s Village:

Tenzin Dayoe is a nine-year-old girl who was admitted to the Tibetan Children’s Village in March of 2015. She was born in Dharamsala on November 3, 2008 to a Tibetan family living in poverty.Dayoe’s father works as a Thanka painter and her mother works as a helper at a sweater-selling business during the winter season earning a very small income.When Tenzin Dayoe became old enough to attend school, her father approached the Tibetan Welfare Office to support his daughter’s education.


May 21-27, 2017

SUNDAY9:00amAdult Bible Study...... Youth Room

9:00amRental...... Edwards Hall

10:00amWorship...... Sanctuary

10:00amSunday School...... Education Building

11:00amDessert Auction...... Susan P. Dickerman Hall

11:30amGathering of Friends...... Susan P. Dickerman Hall

11:30amGreen Team Meeting...... Youth Room

1:00pmRental...... Sanctuary

6:00pmRental...... Sanctuary

7:00pmRental...... Edwards Hall Classroom

MONDAY9:30amChairobics...... Susan P. Dickerman Hall

1:00pmMosaic Making...... Education Building

6:00pmVeterans Yoga...... Edwards Hall

6:15pmRental...... Susan P. Dickerman Hall

7:30pmGuided Meditation...... Susan P. Dickerman Hall

TUESDAY9:00amQi gong...... Susan P. Dickerman Hall

10:00amGentle Yoga...... Edwards Hall

10:30amRental...... Susan P. Dickerman Hall

1:30pmRental...... Susan P. Dickerman Hall

5:30pmHatha Yoga...... Susan P. Dickerman Hall

7:00pmPlant-Based Smoothie Class...... Edwards Hall

WEDNESDAY9:30amChairobics...... Susan P. Dickerman Hall

10:30amSteeple Mailing...... Jonathan House

4:30pmSoup and Bible Study...... Jonathan House

5:45pmThreefold Yoga...... Edwards Hall

7:30pmRental...... Edwards Hall

THURSDAY9:00amQi gong...... Susan P. Dickerman Hall

9:30amNot-Your-Ordinary Yoga Class...... Edwards Hall

11:00amBible Study...... Jonathan House

6:00pmCancer Support Group...... Youth Room

6:00pmKripalu Yoga...... Edwards Hall

7:30pmAA Meeting...... Edwards Hall

FRIDAY9:30amChairobics...... Susan P. Dickerman Hall

1:00pmMosaic Making...... Education Building

6:00pmRental...... Edwards Hall Classrooms

SATURDAY9:00amSenior Yoga...... Edwards Hall

10:30amGardening...... Outside Edwards Hall

4:30pmRental...... Sanctuary

6:00pmRental...... Edwards Hall


Gathering of Friends

TODAY, May 21st after Coffee Hour

If you are new to Edwards Church, if you've been coming for awhile and wondering what it means to be a member, or if you are a long-time member who'd like to meet our newer friends, then YOU ARE INVITED to a Gathering of Friends Brunch. Join us for informal conversation and delicious food! Speak to Rev. Debbie Clark after worship if you would like to attend.

Dessert Auction!

TODAY, May 21 after worship

Save your appetite and stick around after church to bid on delicious baked goods. Proceeds will help support important mission projects and outings and for our youth.

Green Team Kick-Off Meeting

TODAY, May 21 after worship

Edwards Church has done many things over the years to lower its impact on the environment and raise awareness in the community. Is there more we could be doing? We will meet after church (and after the dessert auction) for about an hour. The Green Team would then meet quarterly with informal follow-up on issues and actions as needed. There will be a simple soup lunch. Youth and adults are welcome.

Special Lunch Bunch

Wednesday, May 31 at noon in Susan P. Dickerman Hall

At our successful Chinese Take-Out Lunch, we decided that every fifth Wednesday would be Take-Out Day! This time we will try Thai food from Chili Basil in Sudbury. Call or email the church office to reserve a spot or sign up on the way to coffee hour. We suggest a donation of $6 – more if you can, less if you can’t.


Plant-Based Cooking Class – Smoothies That Taste Like Dessert

Tuesday, May 23, 7:00-8:30pm in Edwards Hall

Join us to learn how to eat healthier and incorporate more plant-based foods in our diets. Smoothies are a great way to start your day – giving you energy when need it most, with food that your body (and mind) will thank you for! In this class you will learn how to easily make your own fresh almond milk, plus four smoothie recipes that taste like dessert but are loaded with nutrients and energy to keep you going through morning! Taught by Colin McCollough. Please register at openspiritcenter.org. $20 per person

Ramadan Fast-Breaking Meal – A Celebration of Multi-faith Friendship

Tuesday, June 6 at 7:30 pm in Edwards Hall

Open Spirit is hosting our third annual fast-breaking meal.During this month of Ramadan (this year from May 27 through June 25th), Muslims fast each day from dawn to dusk. When the sun sets, they break their fast, often together, sharing the joy of community. The evening breaking of the fast is often called an Iftar.As an expression of interfaith friendship, and as part of our on-going efforts to build understanding about each other’s sacred traditions, Open Spirit is hosting an iftar for people of all faiths. If you are fasting for Ramadan, please come as our guest. If you are not, please bring a vegetarian dish to share. Please register at openspiritcenter.org or call the church office to RSVP.