Worthingway Updates: 10-2-17

The following is an update for the coming week (please see the school website for athletic updates):

Check the Worthingway athletic website for Fall sports information

Weekly updates are also posted at the school website.

Tues., 10/3: PTA Mtg. 7 p.m. WW Library

Thur., 10/5: Cards/Wolves Tailgate and Football Game 4 p.m. WW

Fri., 10/6: TWHS Homecoming Parade 5:30 p.m.

PTA News:

PTA Meeting,Tuesday, Oct. 3, 7PM

Join us in the library to hear from Superintendent, Dr. Trent Bowers. He willshare information about district enrollment, the facilities planning process and the ongoing reality of state funding. Following his presentation, we will have a short business meeting.

Thanks to those who have signed up to help with some of our October events. Please click the following link to view ways you can be involved:

-Oct. 5, Cards Tailgate: Volunteer to set up, serve food and clean up.

-Oct. 17 & 19, Teacher meals for conference week: Donate money or specific items for meals to help the teachers.

-Oct. 27, Fall canteen:Another volunteer opportunityto set up, serve food and clean up.

PTA Restaurant Event:

Mark your calendars for the next restaurant event benefitting the PTA. We'll send out the flyer that you need to show closer to the date.

Location: City Barbeque - Sancus Rd.
Date :Monday, November 13th2017
Time :10:30am-9:00pm

Cards vs Wolves Middle School Football Tailgate:

We will be sponsoring a tailgate prior to the football game against McCord, on Thursday, October 5th from 4 – 6 p.m. The tailgate takes place here at Worthingway. The ticket price of $7 includes a meal, the game and transportation to the football game at TWHS. Kona Ice will be available at the tailgate to purchase. ALL KONA ICE IS $3!!

Tickets go on sale on Wed., 10/4 and Thurs., 10/5 during lunch. Parents must pick their students up at TWHS after the football game by 8:30 p.m.

Homecoming Parade:

The TWHS Homecoming Parade is Friday, October 6th, from 5:30-6:30pm. Students and families (little siblings as well) are welcome to walk with Mr. Kellenberger in the Worthingway section. We will meet at 5pm behind Evening Street and TWHS, near the tennis courts. From there we will walk across Evening Street, across 161, through the neighborhood, back across 161, and to the stadium. If you plan to come, please bring a bag of candy to throw to bystanders.

Way Day Fall Fest:

Way Day Fall Fest will be Friday, October 6th in the afternoon. Students have a chance to pie a teacher in the face, pin the hair on Mr. Kellenberger or Mr. Mosca, participate in a pie eating contest, or play outdoor games with your friends.

  • Students need to have a 70% or higher in all of their classes to attend!
  • Check your grades on Infinite Campus during homeroom TODAY.
  • If you have a D or an F, check with your homeroom teacher to get the details from the "ding list.” Then, work to get those grades up.
  • The ding list will be locked on Wednesday, October 4th at 4PM, so hustle up.

Parent Teacher Conferences:

Parent Teacher Conferences are coming up onOctober 17 & 19from5:00p.m. to 9:00p.m.

The Worthingway Arts Program presents:Actor's Boot Camp:

Build your acting skills. Drill professional audition techniques. Challenge yourself to become a better performer. Create memorable characters. Spend an intense week playing theatre games and working on scenes and monologues. This boot camp will include expert training to prepare you to audition forWorthingway’s spring production ofPeter Pan Jr.

TheActor's Boot CamprunsMondaythroughFriday,4pm-6pm, from October 23 - 26th. Register online atwaponline.orgunder the Actor’s Boot Camp page.

October Coat Drive:

It’s going to be cold this winter for many Worthington kids. It is time to clean out your closet and donate last year’s winter coats. Each year the Worthington Saint Vincent DePaul Society and Worthington Schools work together to collect gently used coats and winter items for our Worthington children in need. In 2016, the SVdP was able to provide 340 warm coats to children and families in need right here in our own Worthington community. We are collecting any child and adult size coats, hats, gloves, scarves and boots. We will be distributing these winter items in early November, so please, please, please bring your donations to the school coat collection box outside the school office by no later than October 30th! Many Worthington students and families will have a much warmer winter with your help. Thank you in advance for your thoughtfulness and generosity.

Franish Club:

"Franish"club every 1st and 3rdMondayof the month with Senora Newcomb and Mme Laird after school. Students enjoy snacks, music, crafts, and cultural activities. Encourage your 8th grader to join us!

Summer 2019 Trip to Europe:

Has your student ever imagined him or herself high above the clouds in the Swiss Alps or watching a brilliantly costumed flamenco dancer in Barcelona, Spain? If so, please go toeftours.comwith your parent and type in tour code 2036565VE for details. Mrs. Charity, Ms. Beasley, and Ms. Wilson would love to have you join this summer 2019 trip to Switzerland, France, Italy, and Spain.

Box Tops for Education:

It's that time! Send all snipped Box Tops for Education to school with your child. Students will turn them in to their homeroom teachers, and the homeroom with the highest number byOctober 19thwill receive a pizza party! Yum!!!

Yearbook Order Forms:

The yearbook order forms are available from homeroom teachers. You can also go online to Jostens to order as well.

Classroom News:

Robotics Club

Mr. Baird (Gateway to Technology):

Any 7th or 8th grade student interested in joining the Robotics Club at Worthingway this school year please contact Mr. Baird and pay attention to school announcements for further information. No prior experience(s) in robotics is required to join. Members will learn how to build and program various robotic platforms such as NXT/EV3/VEX to complete specific tasks. The goal is to possibly compete in one or more First Lego League (FLL) competition(s) in the winter; one or more VEX competition(s) in the winter and at the National Robotics Challenge (NRC) in Marion, Ohio, in early April. We will generally meet once a week after school on Thursdays beginning at a date yet to be determined in room 30 (technology and engineering lab) from 3:50-5:00. There is a possibility I may rotate the days we meet if there are many scheduling conflicts with the same day each week. Also, if needed, we may have to meet more than once a week as we get closer to the competition(s). Students are also encouraged to come in during the school day if they have extra time in their homerooms. In addition, if students have conflicts with other curricular activities I would still encourage them to join. Once I find out more information on contests and other things I will put announcements and emails out when the club will start. Several parents have offered their expertise and may serve as our mentors, and more parents are welcome to help out as well. Depending on money collected, the goal of the club is to compete in at least one FLL and one VEX event. We definitely will compete at the National Robotics Challenge (NRC) in Marion, Ohio, in early April on Friday. We will take a Worthington school bus there and back. We will leave at 8:00 am from one of the 3 middle schools (McCord, Worthingway, or Kilbourne, I will let you know which one we are meeting at as we get closer to the competition), you will have to provide transportation for your child to the middle school in the morning and pick your child up when we get back, which should be between 5:00 and 6:00 pm. Check out the NRC website at The specific events are described under Resources > Contest Manual. We are planning to compete in some of the events held on Friday: the Robot Maze, Mini SUMO, and perhaps others if the interest and capability is there. If your child places in the top three in their SUMO competition they are invited back for the finals the next day (Saturday) in Marion. If that occurs, you will have to provide transportation for your child to compete. We will not be taking a bus up on Saturday and I am not allowed to transport students on my own.

To participate in the club I am asking for $50.00 from each club member, the majority of the fee ($35.00) goes in the general fund to cover advisor salaries. The remaining $15.00 would be for participation fees to the NRC in Marion and possibly to contribute participating in one FLL and/or one VEX competition. T-shirts would be an added cost if your child wishes to purchase one for the club. A t-shirt usually costs between $10-15 from a local vendor in Worthington. Snacks/pizza parties would be an additional cost as well if we decide to have those from time to time. If the club participates in all of the robotic events (FLL, VEX and NRC) it would roughly be between $700-800 in registration costs. So it just depends on how many students join the club. If we can, we will fund raise and/or there could be donations. I will also be in the process of writing grants, but getting money from that usually takes time and is not a guarantee. We definitely will participate in the NRC since that is the least expensive robotics event. In addition, any parent(s) or guardian(s) on free or reduced lunchmayhave the $35 fee waived (they would still have to pay for the $15 for registration fees). Parents should notify the administrative assistant Val Swearengen at Worthingway if this is the case. There are also payment plans that can be setup to collect smaller payments throughout the year. I am glad your child has expressed interest in being part of the team. I hope it’s a fun and rewarding experience for him/her. Please email or call with any questions or concerns.

Once your child commits to the club and I get a final roster it will be posted online in MY Payments Plus, which is the preferred method of payment by the district. If for some reason that method does not work for your family please contact me to work out other payment arrangements. Please e-mail me with with your student’s name, their school email address, parent’s name and email address. Jon Baird, .

Ms. Newcomb (Spanish):

Sra. Newcomb's Spanish 1b students are finally having a summative assessment onMonday, October 2nd. The formative taken in class last week (9/28) should have pointed each student directly at any skills that needed improved. The summative score will be added to IC asap and will have the power to strongly affect the grade so please check IC and that score specifically.

Sra. Newcomb's 1a students are still working with basic information exchange but we are adding a viewpoint. We are broadening from only talking directly to another person to being able to talk about a third party. We are also about to triple our numbers vocabulary learn to tell time. :-)

Ms. Zambito (Art):

We are starting a project on mask making using plaster strips and other materials to really show off our creativity. We have looked at different masks and cultural traditions in Africa, along with American Artist Nick Cave.

We are getting ready to start construction on our masks and hope you could help us get some of these materials:







plastic cutlery

pipe cleaners/wire

pom poms


bottle caps...

and any other odd scraps laying around.

While you are looking around to see what odds and ends you could donate, we are also looking forrecycled colored glass. So if anyone has anyold stained glasslaying around, we would love to have it. 7th and 8th grade is getting ready to collaborate with a local artist and she will be helping us construct our own stained glass creations to be displayed permanently at school.

Thank you so much for your support of our art community here at school. Artfully yours,Ms. Zambito

Upcoming Events:

10/17 & 10/19: Parent Teacher Conferences 5 – 9 p.m.