Kingfield Neighborhood Association Meeting

May 11, 2011

Present: Tamara Eirten, Randy Niemiec, Brook Lemm-Tabor, Scott Bordon, Marshall Onsrud, Mark Brandow, Arthur Knowles, Victoria Pena, Pam Taylor, Rachel Bond, JobyLynn Sassily- James

Absent: Chris Sur, Jon Barber

Staff: Sarah Linnes-Robinson

Guest: KFNA Alternate Bryan Thorton, Carmen Wilson, Jennie Bordon, Matt Perry

The meeting was conducted by Vice President Scott Bordon in light of President Chris Sur's absence.


A. Kim Bartman – regarding Pat’s Tab. Kim had hoped to be present herself to speak to us but was unfortunately was unable to be here. Sarah updated us on her behalf. Kim wanted to be neighborly and let us know that they will be applying for a permit for an expanded patio at her new establishment.

B. Carmen Wilson – Community Service Representative for Service Area 10. Carmen was hoping to see many folks at the upcoming dodgeball tournament. She also alerted us regarding the upcoming Willie Mays Friendship T-Ball Tournament for children celebrating the 65th anniversary of Willie Mays' entry into major leagues.

C. Matt Perry – (612) 839-6620. Spoke tonight on behalf of the Nicollet East Harriet Business Association. He wanted to inform us what’s happening with this organization. To date the organization has:

1. Distributed $95,000+ in grant money to interested businesses; many of which are located in the Kingfield neighborhood.

2. Another grant coming up with funds available for which to apply.

3. Been working closely with neighborhoods and businesses regarding the Nicollet Avenue reconstruction (upcoming 2012/13).

4. Received a grant last year to create a destination brand for the 9 neighborhoods in the service area. They are still working on this item and wanted to keep everyone informed as to its progress.

D. Jennie Bordon came to speak on behalf of Lyndale School. She wanted to keep us informed as to what is happening at our local community school and welcome the new members of the board. She told of many things happening at the school such as the great play, "Dreaming Harriet Tubman," Arts Extravaganza, International Night, and other meaningful events. Handouts were provided listing many other items.


A. Secretaries report – April minutes – Arthur moved to accept minutes with Marshall seconding. Everyone present approved with the abstentions of the 3 new members, JobyLynn Sassily James, Pam Taylor, and Victoria Pena.

B. Treasurer’s Report –Jon Barber was absent so Sarah gave the review of the report.

1. Monthly Report – this will be provided to the Board each month. As a matter of information, it was noted that the outgoing board approves budget for incoming board. (Note, not all board members rotate off each year so there is holdover with members from the past year working the next year.)

a. Quick overview – A look at balance sheet. Sarah did a quick explanation of how to interpret the information.

b. Second sheet a profit/loss performance. Sarah explained how to interpret this document.

c. Helpful to review these documents to understand how our money is apportioned. Training was discussed as a helpful aide for members both old and new to be better able to comprehend how finances work on the Board.

d. Arthur made a motion to approve the treasurer's report; Rachel seconded. The motion was approved by all present with new board member abstentions (Pena, Taylor, James).

C. Bookkeeper Change: Hiring Carolyn Van Nelson as an Independent Contractor to handle our books.

1. We were in transition with our old bookkeeper to be replaced with another but that person was no longer available. Carolyn has worked with our past bookkeeper and came on good recommendations.

2. The question was raised whether we could award position because we currently have a contract with the present bookkeeper.

3. Arthur moved to approve the hiring of Ms. VanNelson to replace our current bookkeeper. No second so Arthur withdrew the motion

a. Discussion ensued regarding the lack of posting and possibly making this an interim appointment until such time as a procedure has been decided as to the properness to post or not.

b. Question rose as to what is past practice.

4. Scott made an executive decision that we would post notice for this position and then we would hire based on the response of that posting.


A. Change of Bylaws to allow for voting rights allocated to Alternative Members on a replacement basis.

1. There was not a quorum at the last meeting to allow for a decision to be made on the validity of this question.

a. Discussion followed to review bylaws regarding how many board members must be present for quorum as well as number of meetings at which a member may be absent to remain in good standing on the board.

b. This will become an action item for future discussion.


A. Temporary lease of 3916 Blaisdell for Community Gardens – Sarah gave us a little history (handout as well). This property will be used a Community Garden. The city has offered the land to us with the potential to buy. Temporary lease would cost $250 (damage deposit) plus a filing fee of about $26. KFNA insurance covers the site.

1. Two members of our Community Garden Committee came to speak to us about how they would propose to use this new site. (Laura Miller and Teaona Hasbroek)

a. First year, communal garden site. It will be maintained by a group of local gardeners. It was hopeful this would be done in conjunction with others that live within the area and Kingfield generally.This plan would involve a minimal expense.

b. Demonstrated need: This year we had seven openings in the Pleasant Community Garden and turned away almost 30applicants for a garden plot.

2. Discussion regarding the viability of this proposal and other items, associated with the development of this site.

3. Action needed that the Board would apply for a temporary lease from the city and we will develop a plan to use the land.

4. JobyLynn moved that we apply for a lease, Mark Brandow seconded it, all present approved.

B. Home Loan Program Restart

1. Board had voted to use the CEE program to start a new loan program. This was voted on by the board prior to the city council change in our funding. Redevelopment Committee had made specific recommendations to raise the loan amount limit ($10-$20,000)and limit the use to specific types of projects. This would save us money. A drop in the interest rate to 3% was also noted.

2. Payback structure is still uncertain at this time.

3. Exterior uses includes attached to the house (not fencing, retaining walls, sidewalks).

4. Arthur moved that we accept the limits and percentages and return the specifics to the Redevelopment committee for clarification on repayment and what would qualify for the loan. JobyLynn seconded.

a. Discussion followed regarding the approval process for the higher amount and the possibility of exclusion if we raise the limits. Qualifications on these loans are very stringent. Scott called for a vote, everyone but Pam Taylor voted aye.

C. KFNA Survey Results to Date –

1. Survey results had been distributed from the annual meeting.

2. Sarah asked for all board members to answer the survey questions as well and return it to her.

3. Annual meeting – what went well, what didn’t? Copies of email from resident distributed.

D. Time Specific – KFNA Officer Elections – due to time constraints, new business was interrupted to conduct officer elections. A general reading of the bylaws regarding the officers was read for information and then nominations were received.

Nominations for President: Rachel Bond was nominated but declined. Scott Bordon, nominated by Marshall. Hearing no other nominations a vote was taken and all present voted in favor. Scott Bordon is President.

Vice President – Arthur nominated himself, Marshall nominated Pam Taylor. A vote was taken and Pam won 6-5. Pam Taylor is Vice-President

Treasurer – Jon Barber said in an email to the Board he would continue to act in this capacity if called upon to do so. Marshall Onsrud nominated JobyLynn. A vote was taken and JobyLynn won 7-4. JobyLynn is Treasurer.

Secretary – Brook was nominated by consensus. Brook Lemm-Tabor will continue as Secretary

E. Business match for energy audit. – this is a program to help small businesses reduce their energy costs. KFNA was asked to earmark $600 for matching grantswith Eureka to conduct energy audits. (12 restaurants invited to this meeting). The money would come out of NRP $$ from Phase II.

1. 12 Restaurants invited to a meeting to reduce their energy outputs. Some of these businesses don’t qualify for solar energy due to lack of solar potential or solar is not feasible the restaurant does not own their building.

2. Arthur moved to authorize this funding and JobyLynn seconded. The motion unanimously passed by all present.

F. Calendar Items: Upcoming meetings, Farmers Markers Signup by Committee and Potential Board Training Dates.

V. COMMITTEES – overview of how our committees work – discussion as to how we allow the various committees to be autonomous and self supporting. There were no committee reports due to the lateness of the hour.

Respectfully submitted,

Brook Lemm-Tabor