Meeting date: September 30, 2013

Call to order:
An official meeting of the Associated Student Organization was held at Los Angeles Mission College, Sylmar, CA, September 30, 2013 in the ASO Conference Room. The meeting convened at 1:02pm.
Members in attendance:
Executive Board:
Milena Calderon, (acting) President;

Chelsea Tang, Executive Administrator

Hannah Maxfield, Treasurer

Esthela Pacheco, Parliamentarian


Jesus Martinez, Recruitment

Robert Crossley

Approval and Adoption of Agenda:
Hannah: Motions to approve the agenda as amended for the September 30rd, 2013 meeting.

Jesus seconded.

Motion carried.

Approval of Minutes:
Hannah: Motions to approve the minutes as amended from the September 23rd, 2013 meeting. Jesus seconds.

Motion carried.

Open Forum:
Opened at 1:06pm

Chris Shows: Chris Shows from Prometheus DevGru, Inc. suggests ASO to have an app for LAMC to communicate much better with students since students are on their phones about 90% of the time. West LA has established an app for their college already. It would cost $480 to develop the app. More costs are included to maintain the app.

Closed at 1:10pm


-Milena: She has been working with students to vote for the Special Elections by making classroom presentations. ASO’s teamwork is doing well.

-Chelsea: She has been sick last week and wasn’t able to participate in the Special Elections.

-Hannah: no report.

-Crossley: Mr. Crossley has been busy with the Special Elections. ASO is moving forward. The Child Development Club will be having a storytelling event on October 3rd. If ASO has the time, ASO should attend. ASO needs to have another finance meeting to discuss items.

Jesus: He has been asking professors to tell students to vote.

Committee Reports:

ASO Special Elections: The Special Elections went well. There were 258 students who voted. Mr. Crossley suggests the vote counting to be supervised in the old math lab. Milena motions to count the ballots in the old math lab with whoever can attend in ASO at 10:30am, October 1st 2013. Hannah Seconds. Motion passes. Esthela and Hannah will supervise the vote counting in the old math lab.

Standing Items
-Appointment of E-Board and Senators / confirmation (Oath): none

-Club Charter: The ICC had an ICC meeting, and most clubs are not active. There are many clubs that require re-chartering. Club Day will be on the same day as the Transfer Fair. Milena has assigned Oscar (BEC) and Rene (Anime Club) to a committee for Club Day.

-Update ASO Website: This is still an ongoing item. ASO will need to find a Technology Senator for this item.

-ASO Retreat: Mr. Crossley will discuss this item when ASO has more members.

-Unity Events: Milena has an issue that the Unity Events are more focused on the Chicano Studies department. She suggests the Unity Events to include other departments as well. Milena and Ms. Young have ongoing collaboration to resolve these issues.

-ASO Constitution: Milena suggests ASO to start working on this item once ASO has a president.

New Business:
-Neighborhood Cleanup: This event is to be held on October 5th, and this event needs volunteers. It is from 8am – 12pm. Milena might attend.

Old Business:

-Classroom Presentations: Milena will be doing presentations in a few classes. Teachers have guidelines so they require a 24 hour in-advance notice. She has been attending their office hours to ask them for permission. Milena suggests Recruitment to participate in classroom presentations as well. She will discuss this item more with Jesus.

-LACCD Parliamentary Procedure: This procedure will take place this Friday at Trade Tech. Hannah motions for an extra $80 for food on top of the $20 per person going to the Procedure. Jesus seconds. Motion passes.

-Fall General Assembly: Mr. Crossley will update ASO on numbers for the flights. Registration costs $725 per person.

-ASO Pamphlet: This item is still ongoing.

-Student Survey for Shuttle Service: This item will be more effective once ASO has a new president. Milena is suggesting in-person surveying. Mr. Crossley needs more time with configuring Votenet.


-Child Development Club: The club is hoping that ASO would attend their storytelling event.

-Mr. Crossley: He asks ASO what ASO can do to get the word out about promoting options for women’s health.

-Jesus Martinez: Drama Club’s Day of the Dead Celebration will take place in October and November. Pre-sale tickets are for $15, and Door tickets are for $20.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:52pm.

(Acting) President, Milena Calderon Date of approval
LAMC Associated Student Organization
Executive Administrator, Chelsea Tang Date of approval
LAMC Associated Student Organization