Connecting Cumbria Programme Board


Date / 12 June 2013 / Time / 13.00 – 15.50 / Meeting No[1] / PGM003
Location / Cumbria CC, Old Court Room, The Courts, Carlisle CA3 8NA
Dial In No / N/A
Name / Initials / Role (or Representing)
Alan Cook / AC / Cumbria CC Senior Programme Manager [Chair]
Glynis Follon / GF / BT NGA Marketing Manager
Julia Watts / JW / BT NGA Business Development Director
Julie Mitchell / JM / BT NGA Marketing / PR Manager
Martin Dougan / MD / Openreach Programme Manager
Paul Cretney / PC / BT Programme Manager
Sara Briggs / SB / BT Programme Control Manager & Secretariat
Apologies / Absentees
Name / Initials / Role (or Representing)
Dave Goldie / DG / Openreach Finance Manager
Lynn Singleton / LS / Cumbria CC Comms & Engagement Manager
Michelle Grandon / MG / BT Finance & Audit Manager
Steve Watson / SW / BT Regional Programme Manager
Steven Thomlinson / ST / Cumbria CC Principal Accountant
Distribution – Recipients of Minutes (Other than attendees and absentees)
Name / Role (or Representing) / Name / Role (or Representing)
All listed above / - / - / -

Acceptance of previous meeting record

Acceptance of Previous Record
The record has been accepted. / Yes

Record of meeting

Record of items discussed
Item / Description / Outcome[2]
1. / Introductions took place with everyone that was in attendance. / Information
Agenda was confirmed, no additional items were identified / Information
2. Contract Status Update
2.1 / AC confirmed that confirmation had been received from BDUK relating to the changes in CR002, and confirmation that Schedule 2 is acceptable to them. However, BDUK had raised a query in relation to the definitions used relating to “Supplier” vs “Contractor” . It was felt further discussion on this was required, and might best be dealt with by another Change Request. PC stated he was to speak to James Richardson in BT Legal relating to this. Cumbria CC now hoped to arrange for joint signature of CR002 at the Strategic Board on Friday 14 June, when all relevant parties would be present.
[Post Meeting update – CR002 has been updated to include the consistent use of the term Contractor in the definitions and is now ready for sign off] / Information/Discussion
3. Comms and Marketing Update
3.1 / JM introduced Glynis Follon to the meeting. Glynis was to work with Julie on Marketing. JM also stated she would be available to the Programme for one day a week as a dedicated resource.
JM then presented an update on Communications and Marketing. The website design was moving forward. JM/GF had an internal review with the developers on 14 June. It was hoped the website would be available for review by Cumbria CC by Tuesday 18 June.
Drafts of brochures had been circulated for review, and the plan to produce posters and banners was also discussed. A call had been set up next week with Openreach to discuss Conservation Area stickers, flyers, National Trust stickers and van branding. The design of the PowerPoint templates had been received and passed to LS for review.
JM had also attended an internal BT presentation on social media and gave an update on this fast moving area. She was to arrange a dedicated session with the BT social media expert relating to Cumbria. Following this, and the launch event on 21 June, a more detailed Marketing activities plan would be drawn up. / Information/ Discussion
4. Community Projects Update
4.1 / Progress Update:
JW provided an update on progress regarding engagement with communities and specific projects, including a meeting with Fibre GarDen last week.
The main area of discussion was RCBF funding and how Communities were able to progress their funding submissions to BDUK. There was a wide ranging discussion on whether it would be possible to provide Communities with a map showing of the percentage coverage, possible on a parish boundary basis. This information would be required on a case-by-case basis. AC gave details of Cumbria CC’s current thinking in this area as to what maps could be provided. The general feeling of the meeting was that such maps were a good way forward of providing information to Hub Co-Ordinators. However, MD raised the issue of potential conflicts between the BT Information Sharing Policy and the associated BDUK Policy in this area. PC suggested this be raised at the Strategic Board on Friday, and this was agreed.
AC had met with Karen Spriggs of BDUK last week and had discussed the BDUK Change Process. The main concern was that were still risks to providing premise-based information whereas the programme worked at a postcode level. / Information/ Discussion/ Agreement
5. Programme Mobilisation Status Update
5.1 / Deployment:
MD provided an update on the Deployment Plan, which was on target for sign off internally within Openreach. Internal mobilisation had nowcompleted, and work was underway. Cabinet 22 at Penrith was on target to be RFS at the start of October.
MD reported that the Openreach team was now in place. PC suggested an organisation chart be produced at some point. PC agreed to put this on the agenda for the a future Project Review / Information/Discussion/ Agreement
5.2 / Finance:
PC gave an update on the Finance position, due to the fact that both MG and DG had sent apologies. The Finance Workstream meeting had been cancelled due to their absences. PC was in the process of arranging Finance cover for the programme.
The first claim is to be submitted on 1 July 2013 to cover the period up to 31 May 2013. Cumbria CC would then have one month to review this as per the plan / Information/ Discussion
5.3 / Governance:
PC provided an update on the Governance workstream. The Programme Management Plan has been issued for review and comment. The four Workstream PIDs had also been produced and will be baselined soon; these would be placed on the Extranet. The Project Schedule was due for update in the near future. A Stakeholder Planning workshop was arranged for 19 June. It was hoped to produce the final Mobilisation Close Down report for the next Programme Board on 10 July 2013 / Information
6. BRAG Report
6.1 / The BRAG report was reviewed. The full details are included in the PowerPointslide pack. AC agreed to arrange for a print of this to be produced for the Strategic Board. / Information/ Agreement
7. Issue, Risk & Change Logs
7.1 / Issue Log:
The issue log was reviewed, no updates were identified.
The key issue is now 007 relating to Deployment Plans Coverage/Publication. The issue would be updated to reflect this. / Information
7.2 / Risk Log:
The risk log was reviewed.
Risk 041 – Unresolved Premises – MD reported that Chris Edwards was working on this. AC would follow this up. Risk to be updated to reflect by SB.
Risk 087 – Increased Demand In Rural Communities – JM stated this could be closed. SB to update.
Risk 058 – Technical Pilots – Ranking – Priority to be changed to Low. SB to amend. / Information
7.3 / Change Log:
CR002 – approved and requiring signature.
CR003 – will require processing through the CR route, this is for the updated SCT / Information


Record of “any other business” items discussed
Item / Description / Outcome[3]
1. / No further AOB. / Information

Next Meeting

Next Meeting
Date: / Wednesday 10 July 2013 / Time / 13:00 – 15:00
Location / Grand Jury Room, The Courts, Carlisle CA3 8NA
Dial in / N/A
Programme Board Version 1.0 – 12 June 2013
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[2] Outcome: Information; Decision; Agreement; Discussion; Risk; Issue; Change; Action

[3] Outcome: Information; Decision; Agreement; Discussion; Risk; Issue; Change; Action