9-weeks exam review
Directions: Below is a list of the studies we have covered this nine-weeks. For each learning outcome, list which study you would use, and how it would adequately answer that learning outcome. List the strengths and limitations to each study you select.
1. Batson (1991 – defines altruism)
2. Dawkins (1976)
3. Madsen et al (2007)
4. Sime (1983)
5. Burnstein et al (1994)
6. Trivers (1972)
7. Axelrod and Hamilton (1981)
8. Lerner and Lichtman (1968)
9. Schaller and Cialdini (1988)
10. Batson (1981) (Empathy Altruism)
11. Latane and Darley (1986)(Diffusion of Responsibility)
12. Latane and Darley (1969) (Pluralistic Ignorance)
13. Bateson (1973) Good Samaritan
14. Piliavin (1969)
15. Sudefekd et al (1972)
16. Levine et al (2005)
17. Shotland and Straw (1976)
18. Staub (1983)
19. Beaman (1978)
20. Whiting (1979)
21. Graves and Graves (1985)
22. Levine et al (Culture and Altruism)
23. Sternberg (1988)
24. Aron and Henkemyer (1995)
25. Grammer and Thornhill (1994)
26. Rhodes et al (1998)
27. Wedekind
28. Fischer (2003)
29. Marazziti (1999)
30. Winslow et al
31. Morry (2007)
32. Markey et al (2007)
33. Davis and Rusbult (2001)
34. Byrne (1971)
35. Kiesler and Baral (1970)
36. Festinger et al (1950)
37. Nahemow and Lawton (1975)
38. Zojonc (1971)
39. Jorgensen and Cervone (1978)
40. Moreland and Beach (1992)
41. Mita et al (1977)
42. Kenrick and Gutierres (1980)
43. Goodwin (1995)
44. Gupta and Singh (1992)
45. Yelsma and Athappilly (1990)
46. Simmons et al (1986)
47. Dion and Dion (1993)
48. Levine et al (1995) (GDP and marriage)
49. Buss (1994)
50. Low and Bus (1990//1993)
51. Weigel and ballard-Reisch (1999)
52. Bradbury and Fincham (1990)
53. Deborah Tannen (communication)
54. Ahmad and Reid (2008)
55. Kelly and Thibaut (1959)
56. Elaine Walster
57. Hatfield (1979)
58. Rusbult (1991)
59. (Simpson 1996)
60. Flora and Segrin (2003)
61. Sprecher (1999)
· Distinguish between altruism and pro-social behavior
· Evaluate research investigating altruism
· Explain cross-cultural differences in pro-social behavior
· Evaluate research investigating bystanderism
· Discuss the interaction of biological, cognitive, and sociocultural factors in human relationships
· Examine biological, psychological, and social origins of attraction
· Discuss the role of communication in maintaining relationships
· Explain the role that culture plats in the formation and maintenance of relationships
· Analyze why relationships may change or end
· Evaluate research on sociocultural origins of violence
· Discuss psychological research on the reduction of violence
· Explain short-term and long-term effects that violence can have on individuals