UNSW Innovation Awards 2012

Application form –Innovation Excellence Award

1.Title for the innovation (Short and snappy)

2.Name of lead innovator (applicant)

Contact email:
Phone number:
Faculty, School & Centre/Department:
Yes (Staff)Yes (Student)

3.Please list other team members (if applicable)

Contact email:
Phone number:
Faculty, School & Centre/Department:
Yes (Staff)Yes (Student)Partner Org.
Contact email:
Phone number:
Faculty, School & Centre/Department: OneSteel
Yes (Staff)Yes (Student)Partner Org.
Contact email:
Phone number:
Faculty, School & Centre/Department:
Yes (Staff)Yes (Student)Partner Org.
Contact email:
Phone number:
Faculty, School & Centre/Department:
Yes (Staff)Yes (Student)Partner Org.
Contact email:
Phone number:
Faculty, School & Centre/Department:
Yes (Staff)Yes (Student)Partner Org.
Contact email:
Phone number:
Faculty, School & Centre/Department:
Yes (Staff)Yes (Student)Partner Org.

4.Description of innovation(s).

Brief description (30 words or less):

5.Entry criteria: applicants must meet the Awards’ entry criteria.

The applicant must have complied with the UNSW IP Policy.

6.Details of the Innovation

Please describe your innovation. The problem you set out to address, Your idea/concept/solution, the research/technology behind it, how it is used in society and/or the economy, why it is better than existing innovations or approaches. Also give details of any partnerships you had in developing the innovation.


Please describe the impact your innovation is making or has made on society and/or the economy. Give examples of people who have benefited, financial returns if applicable, jobs created, lives saved etc.

8.Acknowledgement of support

Please list any funding or support you have received from organisation which has assisted you with this work (including internal support from UNSW):


Applicantsagree to make themselves available for interview and to assist with the production of a promotional, and awareness raising, video showcasing their work and inventions. This includes timely review of scripts and making themselves available to meet with the video production crews.

Finalists understand and acknowledge that the promotional videos may be posted to YouTube, iTunes, UNSWTV and other social media outlets.

Should your application win a UNSW Innovation Award and receive the financial prize, it is at your discretion as to whether you share this prize with your partner organisations. Your partner organisations will receive a certificate showcasing their win.

The judge’s decision is final.