CHAPTER 10APUSH Guided Questions—Democracy in America 1815-1840


*****You should answer the following “Guided Reading Questions” in detail. They will help prepare you for Multiple Choice, FRQ’s and can be used as outside information on DBQ’s. The Key Terms and Review Questions are also very important to you for the AP Exam.

I RECOMMEND doing the Quiz and Flashcards (this would be questions from the textbook)

READ 372-406

Do the KEY TERMS on page 408

Do Review Question #2 on page 408

  1. 375 What is the “penny press?”
  2. 375 Discuss the expansion of newspapers and alternatives to newspapers in the early 1800’s…be sure to use specific examples
  3. 379 What are the “three pillars” of the American System (coined by Henry Clay)?
  4. 379 How did John C. Calhoun view roads and canals?
  5. 380 Discuss how the “panic of 1819” can compare to the events of today’s times
  6. 381 Why are the two terms of James Monroe referred to as the “Era of Good Feelings?”
  7. 381 What happened with Missouri and Maine in the “Missouri Compromise?”
  8. 383 What impact did the Missouri controversy have on the issue of slavery?...include what Thomas Jefferson wrote.
  9. 383 Summarize the events that led to the adoption of the Monroe Doctrine
  10. 386 What are the THREE principles of the Monroe Doctrine?
  11. 386 Why is the Monroe Doctrine sometimes called America’s diplomatic declaration of independence?
  12. 391 What are the beliefs of Andrew Jackson (The Age of Jackson)
  13. 393 Discuss the Democrats vs. Whigs (“Jacksonian Democracy”)
  14. 394 What are the major accomplishments of the Jacksonian Era?
  15. 396 Tariffs by Andrew Jackson and the federal government in 1828 and 1832 created a crisis with the state of South Carolina. Discuss South Carolina’s complaints.
  16. 397 What was the “nullification crisis?” What was Andrew Jackson’s response? Do you think it was a violation of government power over states’ rights?
  17. 398 Why did many believe the Cherokee to be “civilized” and Americanized?
  18. 400 Discuss the “Trail of Tears”
  19. 402 What is the significance of Nicolas Biddle and the banking situation?
  20. 402 403 Many say that Andrew Jackson was the first president to use the veto power as a weapon to get support from the American voting public. To what extent is that statement true?
  21. 404 Who is Martin Van Buren?
  22. Why is John Tyler sometimes known as “His Accidency?”