Knights of Columbus Council #8156

Scholarship Application – School Year 2016 - 2017

Council 8156 is pleased to be able to offer college scholarships (number and amount to be determined) to members of registered Saint Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Austin TX or members of the Knights of Columbus Council 8156 families. Scholarships will be at least $500 each. Our budget process runs in parallel with the scholarship process, so exact numbers are not available until the end of the scholarship process.

These scholarships will be awarded based on the student’s involvement in Charity, Church and Community activities. Charitable service is a guiding principle of the Knights of Columbus.

Applications will ONLY be accepted electronically.

The timeline for the scholarship program is given below:

Download this application from the Knights of Columbus 8156 website ( Read the requirements (next page) to make sure you are eligible. Fill out this application fully.

E-mail the completed application to the Knights of Columbus 8156 () by midnight Thursday May 5, 2016. No applications will be accepted after this date. Failure to meet this deadline will result in disqualification from further consideration. When emailing the application, put the words “8156 Scholarship” in the Subject field to ensure that your application makes it through any spam filtering and to demonstrate that you can follow directions.

All applicants will receive receipt confirmation. If you do not receive your confirmation within 3 days, please contact Johnny Langan at or call him directly at (512) 497-1105, 9am-10pm.

Your application will be the first consideration. After reviewing the applications received, we will select a list of finalists who will be required to attend a scheduled interview at St. Catherine of Siena Church, Austin TX that will last approximately 20 minutes. We may not interview all applicants.

The interview schedule will be emailed to qualified applicants by Saturday, May 14th. Anyone not making the list of those to be interviewed will be notified by email as well. Please confirm acceptance of your interview date and time by email prior to Saturday, May 21st. If you need a scheduling accommodation, please request it: email to . Accommodations must be finalized before Saturday, May 14th.

Those winning a scholarship will be notified by email after our budgeting process is completed in mid June.

Students receiving scholarships will need to confirm which school they are attending. All scholarships are sent directly to the recipient. Note: Admission changes to an applicant’s school may affect their eligibility.

Any questions about this application should be directed via e-mail to

Requirements for Application

The applicant must consider themselves Catholic and meet one of the following eligibility requirements:

1.  Be a registered member at St. Catherine of Siena Church, Austin TX

2.  Be a member in good standing of the Knights of Columbus Council #8156

3.  Be a member of the immediate family (child or spouse) of a Knight who is a member in good standing of Council #8156

4.  Be a member of the immediate family (child or spouse) of a deceased Knight who was in good standing in Council #8156.

Note: This scholarship may not be won more than once (unless you applied in a previous year when this number was higher, that higher number still applies for you).

The applicant must be accepted for the Fall Semester 2016 as a FULL-TIME student (minimum of 12 hours / semester) prior to receiving the scholarship. For the in-state scholarships, the applicant must be attending an accredited Texas college[1]. For the out-of-state scholarships, the applicant must be attending an accredited, recognized college in the United States.

Note: at most, 2 out-of-state scholarships will be awarded.

The applicant’s scholarship will be forfeit unless they have either registered by August 1, 2016 or have provided documented proof that their application is still pending formal acceptance and registration.

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Knights of Columbus Council #8156

Scholarship Application – School Year 2016 - 2017

Student Information


Street Address:

City: State: Zip:

Home Parish: Parishioner No:

Age: E-mail:

Home Phone: Other Phone:

I am eligible to apply for this scholarship because (check all that apply):

£  I am a registered member, or my parent / guardian is a registered member of St. Catherine of Siena Parish, Austin TX (parishioner number listed above)

£  I am a member in good standing of Council #8156

£  My father or spouse is a member in good standing of Council #8156

£  I am the child or spouse of a deceased member in good standing of Council #8156

If you are related to a member of Council 8156 please provide the following:

Knight’s Full Name:


Have you been accepted as a full-time student to a trade school, junior college, four-year college or university for the fall semester? Yes __ No __

College(s) or Trade School(s) accepted at:

College/Trade School Name City, State Plan to Attend?

Church Activities-include all; indicate service within last 18 months. Examples include Altar Server, RE Teacher or Aide, Vacation Bible School, youth & parish service projects, etc.

Community service activities-include all; indicate service within last 18 months.

(Use as much space as needed to complete the following questions)

Suppose that you have been selected to get a 30 minute personal interview with Joe Vasquez. What would you talk about or ask him?

What do you think is the biggest problem facing the Catholic Church today? ______


What would you recommend as a solution to the biggest problem facing the Catholic Church today?

Please fill out the following chart so the Scholarship Committee can schedule the in-person interview. In the preference column, number the time slots from 1 to 3 where 1 is the most preferred time slot and 3 is the least preferred. Please put an X in any time you absolutely cannot make (such as you have your graduation ceremony at that time).

The Scholarship Committee will be scheduling the interviews in approximately 30-minute intervals and will notify you of your time slot. Failure to show up at your appointment on time may forfeit your application for the scholarship.

Date Interview Times Preference

Thursday May 19 7:00pm – 9:00pm ______

Saturday May 21 9:00am – 12:00pm ______

Saturday May 21 1:00pm – 4:30pm ______

Saturday May 21 6:00pm – 9:00pm ______

Every effort will be made to schedule you during your most preferred time slot. If there is a reason you require a specific time slot please indicate why. Also, if you cannot make any of the interview times, please email Johnny Langan at with a reason why you can’t make those times and we will try to accommodate another time for you.

By submitting this application for consideration, I confirm that I have read and understand the requirements for the Knights of Columbus Council #8156 Scholarship and have answered all questions truthfully to the best of my knowledge. I understand that failure to submit this application as prescribed, or to meet any of the requirements for application is grounds for rejection of the application. I agree to accept any decisions of the Scholarship Committee.

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[1] For the purpose of this application, “College” is defined as a technical trade school, junior college, community college, a 4 year college or university.