CURRICULUM VITAE (as of July 26 2013)


George Munro Professor of Philosophy, Emeritus

Philosophy Department Home address:

Dalhousie University

6135 University Avenue 299 Five Island Road

Halifax, Nova Scotia Hubley, Nova Scotia

Canada B3H 4P9 Canada B3Z 1B5

Phone: 902-494-3810 Phone: 902-876-7847

Fax: 902-494-3518



Born 13 January 1940, Philadelphia, PA; also Canadian citizen since 1974.


Harvard College, B.A. in philosophy, June 1964.

Cornell University, Ph.D. in philosophy, January 1970.

Academic Honours:

Harvard Scholarships, 1958-59 and 1961-62.

Cornell Summer Research Scholarship, 1967.

Cornell Graduate Fellowship, 1967-68.

Canada Council Leave Fellowship, 1974-75.

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Grants, 1981-82, 88-89.

Munro Chair in Philosophy, July 1, 2003.

George Munro Professor Emeritus, effective July 1, 2005

Academic Appointments:

Assistant Professor, Dalhousie, July 1968 to June 1974.

Visiting Professor at Cornell, Summer 1972.

Associate Professor, Dalhousie, July 1974 to June 1981.

Professor, Dalhousie, July 1981 to June 2005.

George Munro Professor Emeritus, July 2005 onward
Teaching Experience:

Regularly taught (though not every year): Introduction to Philosophy, Ethics (intermediate and advanced), Epistemology (intermediate and advanced), Philosophy of Biology, Logic, and 4000/5000 level seminars on various topics in ethics, epistemology, and metaphysics. Offered a graduate class in the Department of Biology in 1987 and taught as a guest lecturer in the Faculty of Science (for Science Fundamentals 1991-95; for Dalhousie Integrated Science Program 1995). Philosophy of Biology has been cross-listed with Biology since 1989. Appointed by University of King's College to teach one full-year class in Contemporary Studies in 1999-2000 (interdisciplinary class on the impact of evolutionary thinking on contemporary metaphysics, epistemology, cognitive science, ethics, and political science). Since 1996 I have run with Ford Doolittle (Biochemistry) an interdisciplinary reading group in evolutionary studies for faculty and graduate students and in the summer of 2001 initiated with Charles Weijer (Dept. of Bioethics) a reading group on philosophy of statistics, meeting every two weeks for several years. I have supervised two Killam PDFs, one on conceptual and ethical issues in genomics, one on relativism. I have also supervised numerous honours theses (for example, three in 2005).

Graduate Student Supervision:

Principal supervisor for 21 completed M.A. theses; a principal supervisor for three doctoral students in philosophy, two completed, one withdrawn; co-supervised an interdisciplinary Ph.D. thesis in philosophy and biology, now completed; reader for four completed Ph.D. theses and for numerous M.A. theses; served on the ethics and political philosophy doctoral examination committee, sometimes as chair, 1985 - 2005.

Academic Administration:

Department: Graduate Co-ordinator (1969-70; 1970-74 with Prof. Martin; 1983-84; 1984-92 for admissions only); Calendar preparation 1969-2005. DFA representative 1980-81; Austin and Hempel Lecture Series, Chair, 1990-2000; Department Chair 1995-2001, save for sabbatical leave, 1998-1999; co-ordinator for Friday afternoon seminar series, July 2005 onward.

Faculty: Advisory Committees on Chair for Chemistry 1973-74, for English 1985-86 (Chair); Committee on Studies 1982-85 (Chair, 1983-84); Unit Review, Classics 1991-92 (Chair); Academic Development Committee 1993-95 (Chair, 1994-95); Professional Development Committee (tenure and promotion) for fall of 2001.

University: Post-Doctoral Fellowship Committee 1975-77; Chair Advisory Committee for Education 1976-77; University Grievance Committee 1980-81 (Co-Chair); Senate Academic Planning Sub-Committee on the Dalhousie Forum 1993-94; Unit Review, Biology 1993-95; History of Science and Technology 1999-2001 (Joint Cmte Dalhousie & King's); Senate (elected) and Senate Academic Priorities and Budget Committee 2002-4; SAPBC representative on University Board/Senate Operations Committee 2002-3.

External: Board of Directors, Canadian Philosophical Association 1987-89; Principal Organizer, Atlantic Philosophical Association meetings 1989-90; Standing Committee on Equity Issues, Canadian Philosophical Association 1992-95 (Chair, 1994-95); Co-Editor, Canadian Journal of Philosophy 1996-2000; since 1969 frequent referee for journals, granting agencies, book publishers, professional organizations, and tenure and promotion decisions.

Community Service: Co-founder and Co-chair of the Woodens River Watershed Environmental Organization, established in 1995; served on boards of numerous volunteer community organizations for past 24 years; elected "Citizen of the Year" St. Margaret's Bay Lions Club in 2003; recipient of the Colin Stewart Conservation Award from the Halifax Field Naturalists in 2010; chair, Cambrian’s Cove Homeowners Association, 2004-2006; active member of numerous volunteer community organizations.



Moral Epistemology Naturalized, edited with Bruce Hunter, Supplementary

Volume 26 of The Canadian Journal of Philosophy (2000), 322 pages.

Illusions of Paradox: A Feminist Epistemology Naturalized, Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield, 1998, 247 pages.

Paradoxes of Rationality and Cooperation: Prisoner's Dilemma and Newcomb's Problem, edited with Lanning Sowden, Vancouver: The University of British Columbia Press, 1985, 366 pages.

Self-Love and Self-Respect: A Philosophical Study of Egoism, Ottawa:

Canadian Library of Philosophy, 1979, 335 pages.

Articles (peer reviewed except where preceded by an asterisk)

“Pragmatic Naturalism and Moral Objectivity” co-authored with Victor Kumar, Analysis 73(3) (2013): 446-55.

“On the Normative Significance of Experimental Moral Psychology” co-author with Victor Kumar (lead author), Philosophical Psychology 25 (3) (2012): 311-30.

“Moral Reasoning on the Ground” co-authored with Victor Kumar, Ethics 22(2) (2012): 273-312.

“The Origin of Moral Reasons” in Lars-Göran Johansson, Jan Österberg, and Rysiek Sliwinski, eds., Logic, Ethics and All That Jazz: Essays in Honour of Jordan Howard Sobel (Uppsala Philosophical Studies 57, Philosophy Department, Uppsala University, Uppsala, 2009), pp. 67-97.

“How Ecological Should Epistemology Be?” Hypatia 23 (Jan-Mar 2008): 161-9.

“What Is Moral Judgment?” The Journal of Philosophy 103(7) (July 2007): 321-49.

“The Problem of Moral Judgment” in Susan Sherwin and Peter Schotch, eds., Engaged Philosophy:Essays in Honour of David Braybrooke (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007), pp. 249-69.

“The Structure of Evolution by Natural Selection” with Jason Robert,

Biology and Philosophy 20 (2005): 673-696.

“Why Moore's Open Question Is Open: The Evolution of Moral Supervenience” with Jennifer Woodrow, Journal of Value Inquiry 37 (2003): 353-372.

“Moral Epistemology” in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: on-line

at http://plato.stanford.edu/ (approximately 15,000 words) spring 2003 edition, substantive revisions fall 2007 and 2011 editions. Reprinted in a course reader by Texas State Technical College, Waco, Texas.

“Feminist Epistemology Naturalized” in Lynn Hankinson Nelson and Jack

Nelson, eds., Feminist Interpretations of W. V. Quine, Pennsylvania State

University Press, 2003.

“The Bias Paradox in Feminist Epistemology” in Nancy Tuana and Sandra

Morgen, eds., Engendering Rationalities, SUNY Press (2001), pp. 195-217.

“Egoism” in Lawrence C. Becker and Charlotte B. Becker, eds., Encyclopedia of Ethics, New York: Garland Publishing, 1992, pp. 294-297; second edition, New York: Routledge, 2001, pp. 446-450.

Critical Notice of David Copp, Morality, Normativity, and Society, in

Canadian Journal of Philosophy 27 (1997): 423-444.

“Can Biology Make Ethics Objective?” Biology and Philosophy 11 (1996):


“The Virtues of Feminist Empiricism”, Hypatia 9 (1994): 90-115.

Critical Notice of Allan Gibbard, Wise Choices, Apt Feelings, in Canadian

Journal of Philosophy 25 (1993): 299-224.

* “Newcomb (problem de--)” in Andre Jacob, ed., Encyclopedie philosophique universelle, Vol. 2: Les Notions philosophiques (ed., Sylvain Suroux, 1990), Paris: Presses Universitaries de France, 1989, pp. 1747-1748.

(French translation of English manuscript provided through the editor.)

* “Prisonnier (dilemme du--)” Encyclopedie philosophique universelle, pp.


“Moral Justification and Freedom”, The Journal of Philosophy 85 (1988):


“Gauthier's Theory of Morals by Agreement”, The Philosophical Quarterly 38 (1988): 343-364.

“Socially Generated Moral Justification” in Douglas Odegard, ed., Ethics

and Justification, Edmonton: Academic Printing and Publishing, 1988, pp.


* “Background for the Uninitiated” in Richmond Campbell and Lanning Sowden, eds., Paradoxes of Rationality and Cooperation, Vancouver: The University of British Columbia Press, 1985, pp. 3-41.

“Sociobiology and the Possibility of Ethical Naturalism” in David Copp and

David Zimmerman, eds., Morality, Reason, and Truth, Totowa: Roman and

Allenheld, 1985, pp. 270-296.

“God, Evil, and Humanity”, Sophia 23 (1984): 21-35.

“Can Inconsistency Be Reasonable?”, Canadian Journal of Philosophy 11

(1981): 245-270.

“Novel Confirmation” with Thomas Vinci, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 34 (1983): 315-341.

“Why Are Novel Predictions Important?" with Thomas Vinci, Pacific

Philosophical Quarterly 63 (1982): 111-121.

Critical Notice of Alex C. Michalos, Foundations of Decision-Making in

Canadian Journal of Philosophy 12 (1982): 763-780.

“Replies to MacDonald and Dwyer on Pursuing Happiness”, The Personalist 58 (1977): 182-186.

“The Sorites Paradox”, Philosophical Studies 26 (1974): 175-191.

“Replies to Mack and Burkholder on Ethical Egoism”, Canadian Journal of

Philosophy 3 (1974): 665-671.

“Action, Purpose, and Consciousness Among the Computers” with Alexander Rosenberg, Philosophy of Science 40 (1973):547-557.

“The Pursuit of Happiness”, The Personalist 54 (1973): 325-339.

“A Short Refutation of Ethical Egoism”, Canadian Journal of Philosophy 2

(1972): 249-259.


Cassandra L. Pinnick, Noretta Koertge, and Robert F. Almeder (eds.), Scrutinizing Feminist Epistemology: An Examination of Gender in Science in Philosophy of Science 73 (April 2006): 250-252.

Doris Olin, Paradox in University of Toronto Quarterly 74 (2004): 311-312.

Mariam Solomon, Social Empiricism in Dialogue 43 (2004): 615-617.

Jordan Howard Sobel, Puzzles for the Will, in Dialogue 40 (2001): 634-636.

Richard Miller, Fact and Method, in Ethics 100 (1990): 897-898.

Ellery Ells, Rational Decision and Causality, in Dalhousie Review 64

(1984): 608-616.

Samuel Scheffler, The Rejection of Consequentialism in Canadian

Philosophical Reviews 4 (1984): 81-83.

J. F. M. Hunter, Thinking about Sex and Love, and of Russell Vannoy, Sex

Without Love: A Philosophical Exploration, in Dalhousie Review 63 (1983):


John Rawls, A Theory of Justice, in Dalhousie Law Journal 1 (1973):


Papers Presented (not including more than sixty presented locally):

1. "Rational Argument about Intrinsic Value" at the Humanities Association of Canada (Mt. Allison University) 1969.

2. "Is Everyone Short, or Not?", Canadian Philosophical Association (CPA) meetings (Memorial University) 1971.

3. "Rational Argument about What Is Intrinsically Bad" at CPA meetings (McGill University) 1972.

4. "A Short Refutation of Egoism" at the Atlantic Philosophical Association (APA) meetings (St. Francis Xavier University) 1972.

5. "The Pursuit of Happiness" at APA meetings (U.N.B.) 1973.

6. "The Impossibility of Personal Ethics" at CPA meetings (Toronto) 1974.

7. "Comments on 'Pleasure and the Intrinsically Desired'" at the Eastern Division American Philosophical Association meetings (in Washington, D.C.) 1974.

8. "Freedom and Human Nature" at APA meetings (Mt. Allison University) 1974.

9. "Self-Interest and Self-Identity" at the Pacific Division American Philosophical Association meetings (in San Diego, California) 1975.

10. "Comments on a Dogma, 1975" at CPA meetings (University of Alberta) 1975.

11. "Our Double Interest in the Common Good" at APA meetings (Memorial University) 1976.

12. "A Limited Defense of the Principle of Double Effect" at CPA meetings (Laval University) 1976.

13. "The Impossibility of Hedonistic Teleology" at CPA meetings (U.W.O.) 1978.

14. "Universalizability and Supervenience" commentary at APA meetings (U.P.E.I.) 1978.

15. "Self-Respect and Self-Esteem" commentary at APA meetings1978.

16. "Trading Consistency for Coherency" at CPA meetings (U. of Saskatchewan) 1979.

17. "Efficiency, Consensus, and the Unity of Rationality" at CPA meetings 1979.

18. "Commentary on Baier's 'Practical Reason and the Good'" at a conference on Morality, Reason, and Truth (S.F.U.) 1980.

19. "The Place of Persons in Utilitarianism" at CPA meetings (McGill University) 1980. Also read at the Philosophy Departments at U.B.C. and S.F.U. in 1980.

20. "Commentary on Zimmerman on Freedom and Desire" at CPA meetings 1980.

21. "Why Are Novel Predictions Important?" co-authored with Thomas Vinci for the Society for Exact Philosophy meetings (Dalhousie University) 1981.

22. "Has Regan Proved a Contradiction in Traditional Utilitarianism?" at CPA meetings (University of Ottawa) 1982.

23. "Value and Probability" at APA meetings (St. Mary's University) 1982.

24. "Does Eliminative Materialism Eliminate Value?" at CPA meeings (University of Guelph) 1984.

25. "Commentary on Douglas Butler 'Putnam's Internal Realism'" at CPA meetings (in Montreal) 1985.

26. "Prisoner's Dilemma and Newcomb's Problem" to the Council for Philosophical Studies, Public Choice Institute (Dalhousie University) 1985.

27. "Comments on Tyrone Lai 'How To Tell We Are Making Progress in the Search for Knowledge'" at APA meetings (U.N.B.) 1985.

28. "Narveson's Pragmatic Moral Foundationalism" commentary at CPA meetings (University of Manitoba) 1986.

29. “Moral Justification and Freedom” at a conference on Freedom and Mind (McGill University) 1986.

30. “Socially Generated Moral Justification” at a conference on Ethics and Justification (University of Guelph) 1987.

31. “Free Will in Context” at CPA meetings (McMaster University) 1987 and at APA meetings (Mt. Allison University) 1987.

32. "Is Evolutionary Epistemology Possible? Three Bad Arguments" at CPA (University of Windsor) 1988.

33. "Is Gauthier a Moral Realist?" at CPA meetings (Laval University) 1989. Also read at Philosophy Departments at U. of Toronto, U.W.O., and U.N.C. at Chapel Hill in 1989.

34. "Feminist Moral Realism" at Research Triangle Ethics Circle, Chapel Hill, in 1989.

35. "Annette Baier on Mind and Morals" to the Philosophy Department at University of Pittsburgh.

36. "Comments on Susan Babbitt 'Feminism and Rational Interests'" at CPA meetings 1991.

37. "Is Darwin's Theory Circular?" at APA meetings (University of Moncton) 1991.

38. "Justice: Impartiality or Mutual Advantage?" at CPA meetings (U.P.E.I.) 1992.

39. "Skepticism about Viminitz's Silicon Liberation" commentary at CPA meetings 1992.

40. "A Defense of Feminist Empiricism" at APA meetings (U.P.E.I.) 1992. Also at the CPA meetings (Carleton University) 1993.

41. "The Relevance of Feminism for Ethics" at University of Texas at Austin in 1993.

42. "The Social Meaning of Self-Respect" at the Western Division American Philosophical Association meetings in Chicago 1993.

43. "The Virtues of Feminist Empiricism" at the Philosophy Department at the University of Minnesota 1993.

44. "Can Biology Make Morals Objective?" at CPA meetings (Carleton University) 1993.

45. "Can There Be a Formal Logic of Induction?" at APA meetings (St. Mary's University) 1993.

46. "Feminist Epistemology Naturalized" at CPA meetings (U.Q.A.M.) 1995. Also at APA meetings (Memorial University) 1995; at the Philosophy Department at U.C.C.B. in 1996; and to the Institute for Value Inquiry at St. Mary's University in 1996.

47. "Feminist Contractarianism--Promise or Paradox?" at the Philosophy Department at U.C.C.B. in 1996.

48. “Interdisciplinary Studies in the Fourth Year” given in a roundtable discussion, Keep Them Coming Back for More, sponsored by the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at Dalhousie on March 29, 1996.