Electrocardiography/EKG Technician

Course Syllabus

Course Objectives

At the completion of this course the participant will be able to:

1. Describe the normal cardiac anatomy and physiology and normal electrical conduction through the heart.

2. Identify and relate waveforms to the cardiac cycle.

3. Understand the different lead placements and purpose of each placement.

4. Utilize a systematic process when approaching the interpretation of the ECG.

5. Identify normal and abnormal components on ECG.

6. Recognize sinus, atrial, junctional and ventricular dysrhythmia on ECG and relate cause, significance, symptomsand treatment.

7. Recognize how the 12 lead ECG relates to the areas of the heart.


Complete 0711 and 0715


Required Course Textbook


Online website

Professional Associations:

National Health Career Association, Certified EKG Technician

Method of Instruction:

This course utilizes a lecture and demonstration methodology.


Course Syllabus/ 0720 ECG/Phlebotomy Content Skill Sets

EKG Calipers

Review of all Rhythms

Practice Final

Course Syllabus

Quizzes and Exams

4 Progress-Assessment Quizzes

20 Questions (Multiple choice, True/False, Fill in the blank, Rhythm strip analysis)

Quizzes count for 40% of the final grade

Final Written Exam

25 Questions (Multiple choice, fill in blank, Rhythm Strip analysis)

Final counts for 60% of the final grade


To pass the course an overall grade of 80% must be attained

If the participant gets a final course grade of less than 80% they will have one attempt to retake a makeup final.

Participants will have one week to study before retaking make up. Location will be discussed in class.

Final Exam Makeup

If you do not pass the final exam with a score of 80% then you will have to take a makeup final. The process for this is

Study for 1 week.

Requirements for Course Completion

Punctual attendance on all class days.

Consistent, active participation in all classroom activities.

  • Must complete at least 10 ECG tracings on classmates or family members.

Cumulative course grade average of 80% or better.

Passing grade of 80% or better on the final written exam.

Course Sequence

Course Orientation: Welcome and Introductions, Policies and Procedures, Review of Course Syllabus

Interactive Lecture

Anatomy and Electrophysiology of the Heart

The electrocardiogram

Heart Rate



Progress-Assessment Quiz 1: Information Covered to Date

Interactive Lecture

P waves

QRS Complexes

PR intervals

Origin and clinical aspects of sinus node dysrhythmias


Progress-Assessment Quiz 2: Information Covered to Date

Interactive Lecture

Origin and clinical aspects of atrial dysrhythmias

Origin and clinical aspects of Junctional dysrhythmias

Origin and clinical aspects of ventricular dysrhythmias


Progress-Assessment Quiz 3: Information Covered to Date

Interactive Lecture

Origin and clinical aspects of AV heart blocks

Myocardial ischemia

Myocardial ischemia

Prefinal Review

Progress-Assessment Quiz 4: Information Covered to Date

Uses for this course: Job information

Hands on with EKG Machines

Pre Final Review
