Unit One Objectives


Colonization and the Rise through Rebellion

1…Read Chapter 3 from Jared Diamond’s “Guns, Germs, and Steel” and answer the discussion questions.

2…Read “About the Duties of Husbands and Wives”, “Connecticut Blue Laws”, and “Bacon’s Declaration in the Name of the People” and explain how they exemplify the differences between New England and Southern Colonies.

3…Read “The Interesting Narrative of Olaudah Eqiano” and “On the Misfortune of Indentured Servants” and write a brief compare/contrast of the two experiences.

4…Read the Intro from Gordon Wood’s “Revolutionary Characters” and Chapter 5 from Zinn’s “Peoples History of the United States” and answer questions for each. Be prepared to explain their opposing visions of the key moment in American history.

5…answer the following questions pertaining to the Articles of Confederation and the development of the Constitution.

1. What social changes were brought about by the Revolution and which was the most significant?

2. Was the United States in a crisis under the Articles of Confederation, or was the crisis exaggerated by the Federalists to justify their movement?

3. Could the United States have survived if the Articles had stayed in effect?

4. What successes did the Articles of Confederation achieve?

5. Was the Constitutional Convention a second American Revolution?

6. Should the Founding Fathers general elitism and indifference to the rights of people, women, African Americans, and Indians be held against them? Or should they be viewed with more understanding in their historical context?

7. Why did Americans accept the Constitution with its strong national government and powerful executive after only a decade earlier violently revolting against similar British institutions?

8. What were the social changes brought about by the Revolution?

9. Compare the difficulties of establishing a stable government in post-Revolutionary America with similar situations in other new nations of the modern world.

10. Define sovereignty. In order for a national government to be sovereign, what must it be able to do? To what extent was the national government under the Articles of Confederation sovereign?

6…chart the differences between Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson in seven (7) distinct categories.

Domestic Issues / Views and reasoning of Hamilton / Views and reasoning of Jefferson
Future of US- Agriculture versus manufacturing
Financial Plan for the nation
State’s rights
Political Parties
Foreign Policy Issues
Citizen Genet and the XYZ affair
Jay’s Treaty
Alien and Sedition Acts

7…Read “Washington’s Farewell Address” and complete the accompanying questions.

8…. answer fourteen (14) questions related to difficulties of the Adams’ presidency from the HBO series Adams.

John Adams: Episode V

1) Episode V opens with an argument between Adams as vice president and the senate over what subject?

2) What does Jefferson say to Hamilton when he returns from revolutionary France?

3) What does Hamilton see as the foundation of future prosperity for the United States?

4) What does Jefferson fear?

5) How does Adams characterize the office of vice president?

6) What does Adams “dread”? He states this during his conversation with Dr. Rush.

7) After explaining that he had advised the Marquis de La Fayette on government, what does Jefferson say to the John and Abigail?

8) What does Adams fear in terms of the French Revolution?

9) What do Jefferson and Hamilton disagree about, and what does Adams advise?

10) What does Jefferson decide to do? What does Jefferson mean by “To the Revolution?”

11) What does Adams ask of John Quincy?

12) Who is elected second president of the United States of America?

13) Who is elected vice president?

14) What shape is the presidential house in when the Adams’ arrive and what does Abigail say?