Spring Grove Council

Regular Meeting – May 20, 2014

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The regular meeting of the Spring Grove City Council was called to order by Mayor Poole at 6:30 P.M. on Tuesday May 20, 2014 at 168 W. Main Street, Spring Grove, MN.

Present: A. Bruce Poole, Mayor

Lorilyn Dehning, Council Member

Nancy Nelson, Council Member

Robert Vogel, Council Member

Rachel Olerud, Council Member

Also Present: Erin Konkel, City Clerk/Treasurer

Joe Hammell, City Attorney


Council Member Nelson moved to adopt the agenda with an addition under New Business of letter I. Hiring of Liquor Store Employees and the movement of the Closed Session to follow the audit report. Seconded by Council Member Dehning. All approved. Motion carried.


Tom Wente with Smith, Schafer & Associates presented the council with a final copy of the 2013 audit (included in packet). He discussed the important points with the council. Overall he stated that the city was in good financial condition with solid reserves.


Council Member Vogel moved to close the session for personnel and parking issues. Seconded by Council Member Nelson. All approved. Motion carried.


Council Member Vogel moved to reopen the session. Seconded by Council Member Dehning. All approved. Motion carried.

Attorney Hammell gave a recap of the closed session stating that a personnel matter involving activity at The Corner Store was discussed and is under investigation. No action would be taken until the investigation was complete.


Council Member Vogel moved to approve the consent agenda. Seconded by Council Member Dehning. All approved. Motion carried.

HWY 44

Landscape Partnership Program

City Clerk/Treasurer Konkel reported on the meeting that was held with MnDOT, the City Enginneer and volunteers that will be helping to plant the 6 scheduled beds. The group decided on a date of June 16th to do the planting as long as all other tasks were done like the planting of the trees.

Planter Location Change from Legion to Area by Wilmington Mutual, and Acceptance of Flower Donation

Council Member Nelson moved to change the location of the large planter from in front of the Legion to the circular area in front of Wilmington Mutual, and accept the donation of flowers for that planter from Kathy Roverud (Blooming Business). Seconded by Council Member Olerud. All approved. Motion carried.


Tri-County Electric Rate Increase

The rate for 2014 increased by .50%. The council had to decide if they wanted to absorb the cost or increase the rates for residents.

Council Member Dehning made a motion to increase rates to residents by .50%. Seconded by Council Member Vogel. Council Members Vogel and Dehning aye. Council Members Olerud, Nelson and Mayor Poole nay. Motion failed.

The rate to residents will remain the same for 2014.

Sprinklers at the Football Field

The volunteers that take care of the football field requested the City to reimburse them for 8 new sprinkler heads at $100 per sprinkler. Council Member Vogel moved to approve the reimbursement for 8 sprinkler heads. Seconded by Council Member Olerud. Council Members Vogel, Olerud, Dehning and Mayor Poole aye. Council Member Nelson nay. Motion carried.

Part-time Office Help

City Clerk/Treasurer Konkel stated that the two people previously helping in the office were no longer able to do so. She was wondering if they would be able to find someone new to help in the office. Council Member Dehning mentioned speaking with Kim Kallis who is a Swim Center employee to see if she could fill in on an as needed basis. Konkel would check with her.

Firewall Recommendation by IT Specialist

Rob Mason suggested a security upgrade to City Hall, the Corner Store and the Swim Center by adding firewalls at a price not to exceed $2200+tax. Council Member Nelson moved to approve the upgrade at a cap of $2500. Seconded by Council Member Olerud. All approved. Motion carried.

Basketball Court Location

Tabled until the next meeting when more information would be available.

Syttende Mai Music

Council Member Nelson commented that the City should bring in Edvard Grieg (Norwegian composer) music to the festival, which the City could pay for because it was within statute. Council Member Nelson will obtain the information in regards to it.

Parking in Southeast Alley

The council stated that there was a parking issue behind HIS business. Owners/employees of the business were blocking the alley with their vehicles. Council Member Vogel moved to direct Chief Folz to speak with the owners of HIS business first in regards to the illegal parking in the Southeast Alley and ticket if no response. Seconded by Council Member Nelson. All approved. Motion carried.

Sale of Old Tornado Siren and 2013 Sale of Siren

Chief Folz requested to sell the old tornado siren to a nearby community in need of sirens. There was originally two but one was sold without knowledge in 2013. Council Member Nelson moved to authorize Chief Folz to sell the tornado siren. Seconded by Council Member Olerud. All approved. Motion carried.

Hiring of Liquor Store Employees

Council Member Dehning moved to hire two new bartenders and a bus boy pending the completion of paperwork at City Hall. Seconded by Council Member Nelson. All approved. Motion carried.








Council Member Nelson moved to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Council Member Dehning. All approved. Motion carried. The Regular Meeting concluded at 8:15 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted and

Approved on June 3, 2014

Attest: ______Erin Konkel City Clerk/Treasurer