In an attempt to increase our awareness of different cultures, this project has been designed so that we may learn and share characteristics of many cultures in relation to Sociology. Below are objectives/goals for each day as well as specific guidelines for this assignment. Good luck and have fun!


1. Choose to work on your own, with a partner, or in a group of 3 at most. Be aware that grades are based on group contributions, so choose your partners wisely.

2.  Preview some of the cultures on the list provided as well as your own, and choose one that all group members are unfamiliar with and interested in learning more about. Get the culture approved by Mrs. Wozny. First come first serve, no one can choose the same culture.

3.  Plan with your group what you would like to do for this project…. Power point, prezzi, movie, skit, etc. If your group doesn’t feel comfortable presenting in front of the class make sure to plan to create a video to show the class on presentation day instead of standing in front of the room. DISCUSS possibilities of props, costumes, food, music, visuals, etc. BE CREATIVE! DON”T BORE YOUR CLASS ON PRESENTATION DAY! Share your plan with Mrs. Wozny before you leave today for participation credit.


4. Divide jobs among group members and spend the class period researching and gathering information (through books in the media center and internet sources) to bring to your group on Wednesday. Use the chart as a guideline. Feel free to check out books, put them on the ‘Wozny Shelf’ for later reference, or print anything necessary from the computers. Keep in mind that you will need to make a citation page, so keep track of the resources you are pulling from.


5.  Meet with your group and share your research. Decide what research still needs to be done, and what you want to expand on or get rid of. Begin compiling your project to create your presentation. Plan props, costumes, food, music, visuals, etc. Sign up for presentation day.


6.  Work Day in Media Center. Mrs. Wozny will be around to assist and check progress.


7.  Work Day in Media Center. Mrs. Wozny will be around to assist and check progress.


Culture project PRESENTATION GUIDELINES and grading sheet


Group members-

Points earned / Points Possible / Category / Comments
10 / Enthusiasm, eye contact, correct pronunciation
30 / Participation-
-Time used wisely in class to plan and organize.
-Shared Responsibilities.
-Well rehearsed.
20 / Presentation style- appropriate, entertaining, informative
20 / Content-
-gives full understanding of culture and covers aspects on chart
20 / Content-
-Includes 10 terms from Chapter 3 notes.
10 / Props- a power point is not enough. Think costumes, music, video clips, posters, maps, artifacts, etc.
10 / Food- anything to share with the class from your culture.
10 / Time limit 7-10 minutes
10 / Listens to other presentations without disruption, talking, or phones out
10 / Citation Page
150 / Total points possible