
Bruxelles, le 25 avril 2008

CALENDRIER du 05 mai au 11 mai 2008

(susceptible de modifications en cours de semaine)

Activités des Institutions / Déplacements et visites
Lundi 05 mai
Réunion informelle des Ministres "Transport" (Slovénie) (5-6)
Mr Joe BORG at the Fisheries Committee (EP) / Messrs José Manuel Durão BARROSO, Hans-Gert PÖTTERING, Ján FIGEL' and Janez JANSA Prime Minister of Slovenia receive the High Level Representatives of Churches
Mr José Manuel Durão BARROSO participates at the conference of religious leaders (Press Room)
Mr José Manuel Durão BARROSO receives Prime Minister of Albania, Mr Sali BERISHA; VIP corner Mrs Margot WALLSTRÖM visits Oslo
Mr Janez POTOČNIK in Albania (5-6). Meeting with Mr Genc POLLO (Min. of Education and Science), Mr Genc RULI (Min.of Economy); visit to the Institute for Public Health (5). Meeting with Prime Minister, Mr Sali BERISHA, Mr Bamir TOPI (President of the Republic), Mrs Majlinda BREGU (Min. of Integration). Speech to the Albanian scientific community at the opening session of the EU Research Information event followed by a press conference with Minister Genc POLLO
M. Louis MICHEL rencontre M. Jeffrey SACHS, Conseiller spécial du Secrétaire Général des Nations Unies pour les OMD (Organisation Mondial des Douanes)
Speech and participation of Mrs Mariann FISCHER BOEL at the Conference "Agriculture and food industry - 4 years after EU enlargement" at the Warsaw School of Economics (Poland)
Mrs Benita FERRERO-WALDNER receives Eva SREIBER, Vice President of the European Investment Bank
Mr Vladimír ŠPIDLA gives the opening speech at the Forum on the new social agenda (Charlemagne)
Mr Vladimír ŠPIDLA meets Mr Johannes SINGHAMMER,Caritas (Bavarian Representation in Brussels) and have a Public Discussion
Mr Vladimír ŠPIDLA meets with EU Coordinator of European Antidiscrimination Council
Ms Meglena KUNEVA in LEGOLAND (Denmark). Meeting with Mr Jorgen VIG KNUDSTORP, Chief Executive Officer of the LEGO Group; visit to the LEGO Ideahouse; visit to the LEGO testing and production facilities
Mardi 06 mai
Mr Siim KALLAS attends the Committee on Budgetary Control (COCOBU) to discuss the follow-up on the 2006 discharge to the Commission (EP)
Mr Olli REHN participates in the EU-Turkey Troika meeting (Ankara)
Mrs Mariann FISCHER BOEL at the Agriculture Committee of the EP (Annual Policy Strategy)
Press Conference of Mr Vladimír ŠPIDLA on the Forum on the New Social Agenda (Charlemagne)
Joint press conference with Mr Peter MANDELSON and Ms Benita FERRERO-WALDNER on EU-Latin America and Caribbean Summit in Lima (15-16)
Mrs Benita FERRERO-WALDNER speaks in the Foreign Affairs Committee (EP)
Mardi 06 mai (suite) / Mr José Manuel Durão BARROSO participates at the Socail Agenda Fórum "Opportunities, Access and Solidarity" (Charlemagne)
Mr José Manuel Durão BARROSO participates at the celebration of the Community of European Railways & Infrastructure Companies (Town Hall)
Mrs Margot WALLSTRÖM visits Stockolm
Speech of Mr Günter VERHEUGEN in the European Patent Forum (Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Ms Danuta HÜBNER receives a delegation of representatives of local authorities from the regions of Calabria, Campania, Puglia, Sardinia and Sicily.
Ms Danuta HÜBNER receives President of European Savings Banks Group (ESBG), Mr Heinrich HAASIS, and Managing Director of ESBG, Mr Chris DE NOOSE
Mr Joe BORG receives Mrs Carmen GALLEGO CALVAR, Councillor for Fisheries and Maritime Affairs of the Autonomous Region of Galicia
Mr Ján FIGEL' in Vienna at the Intercultural Dialogue Event. Meeting with Mrs Claudia SCHMIED, Minister of Culture; Press Conference with Mrs Claudia SCHMIED and Mr Michael HÄUPL, Mayor of Vienna.
Mr Ján FIGEL' meets with Dr Johannes HAHN, Minister for Science and Research and Mr Ján MIKOLAJ, Deputy Prime Minister (Vienna)
M. Louis MICHEL participe à la réunion de la commission Développement du Parlement
Mr László KOVÁCS meets with Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr Alistair DARLING (London)
Speech of Mariann FISCHER BOEL at the Policy Dialogue on biofuels of the European Policy Centre (Résidence Palace)
Mrs Mariann FISCHER BOEL receives Mr Simon CREAN, Australian Trade Minister
Mrs Benita FERRERO-WALDNER attends a meeting of the Management Board on the Neighbourhood Investment Facility
Mrs Benita FERRERO-WALDNER receives the Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs for the Democratic Popular Republic of Korea, Mr PAK UI CHUN
Mr Charlie McCREEVY receives Mr Javier PEREZ, President Mastercard Europe
Mr Charlie McCREEVY receives Mr Jean Paul VOTRON, CEO Fortis Bank
Mr Vladimír ŠPIDLA receives the Counsellor for Labour of the region of Murcia, Mr Joaquín BASCUNANA
Mr Vladimír ŠPIDLA meets the Greek Deputy Minister for Economy, Mr Vangelis O. PAPATHANASSIOU
Mr Andris PIEBALGS delivers a opening speech at the conference on the rights of energy consumers (Borschette)
Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Yuri PRODAN, Minister of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine
Mr Andris PIEBALGS delivers a speech at the European Policy Forum (EP)
Ms Meglena KUNEVA delivers an opening speech at the Conference on the Promotion of the Rights of Energy Consumers Centre (Borschette)
Visite de Mr. Leonard ORBAN en Bavière (4-6). Rencontre M. Markus SÖDER, Ministre des Affaires européennes et discours inaugural de la "Semaine de l'Europe" (5). Rencontre le Ministre-Président, Dr Günther BECKSTEIN; visite de l'Ecole Européenne de Munich; participation à la réunion du Conseil des Ministres du Gouvernement de la Bavière; visite au Goethe Institute (6)
Mercredi 07 mai
Mini session plénière du Parlement européen (Bruxelles) (07-08)
Participation de M. Joaquín ALMUNIA au débat sur la Communication "EMU@10" et le Rapport de Convergence (EP)
Conférence de presse de M. Joaquín ALMUNIA sur la Communication "EMU@10" et le Rapport de Convergence / Mr José Manuel Durão BARROSO receives director of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Mr Mohamed EL-BARADEJ
Déplacement de M. Jacques BARROT à Belgrade (7-8)
Mr Siim KALLAS meets with Mr Karel DE GUCHT, Belgian Minister for Foreign Affairs (15, rue des Carmélites)
Closing speech by Mrs Viviane REDING at the annual conference of the Interactive Software Federation of Europe (ISFE) "Ratings of Video Games: let's work towards a PEGI plus"
Ms Danuta HÜBNER receives President of the Commission of the Western African Economic and Monetary Union, Mr Soumaila CISSÉ
Ms Danuta HÜBNER receives Deputy Prime Minister of Bulgaria, Ms Meglena PLUGCHIEVA
Ms Danuta HÜBNER receives Mr Zsolt HERNÁDI, Chairman-CEO of MOL Hungarian Oil and Gas
Mr Joe BORG receives the members of the European Committee from the House of Lords of the United Kingdom
Mr Ján FIGEL' in Cairo (7-9). Meeting with Dr Ahmed Mahmoud Mohammed NAZIF, Prime Minister; meeting with Dr Yousif EL GAMAL, Minister of Education; closing Session of TEMPUS Regional Conference jointly with Dr Hany HELAL, Minister of Higher Education; press Conference on Tempus conference on quality enhancement in higher education; meeting with Mr Farouk HOSNY, Minister of Culture; round Table with Heads of Member States Cultural Centres. Europe Day reception (8)
Mr Vladimír ŠPIDLA receives Mr Shigeo KATSU, World Bank Vice President, on Social Inclusion
Mr Vladimír ŠPIDLA participates at the Conference on Demography and Labour Market (IHK-Hauptgeschäftsführer)
Mr Charlie McCREEVY receives Mr Roland KOCH, Minister President of the German Federal State of Hessen
Ms Meglena KUNEVA at the Annual reception of Hessen, "Cercle Royal Gaulois"
Ms Meglena KUNEVA at a reception hosted by the Minister for consumers of Bavaria on the occasion of celebrating 850 years Munich
Mr Leonard ORBAN participates to a Public debate on multilingualism organised by CafeBabel - "A multilingual education: just for the elite?" (Halles St Géry)
Jeudi 08 mai
Press conference of Ms Meglena KUNEVA to present the mid-term report on the enforcement phase of the Airline Ticket Sweep Investigation / Mr José Manuel Durão BARROSO on offical visit in Slovenia
Mrs Margot WALLSTRÖM visits Milan
M. Jacques BARROT participe à une table ronde sur Galileo à l'occasion de la journée de l'Europe (Paris)
Mrs Viviane REDING at the launch of the new European Information Technology Observatory (EITO) report
M. Joaquín ALMUNIA à la réunion du Conseil de la Banque Centrale Européenne (Athènes)
Ms Danuta HÜBNER meets representatives of Regional Offices in Brussels to discuss the future of European cohesion policy and general regional development matters
Mr Janez POTOČNIK in Slovenia (8-9). Participation in COSAC Conference organized by the International Relations and EU Affairs Commission of the National Council (Brdo) (8). Participation in 11. WDR Europa Forum "Europe's New Start - Where is the EU Heading?" (Ljubljana) (9)
M. Louis MICHEL participe au séminaire sur la politique de développement
M. Louis MICHEL rencontre M. Soumaïla CISSE, Représentant d' l'UEMOA (Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest Africaine)
Déjeuner d'affaires pour M. Louis MICHEL avec Global Alliance Corporation Social Responsibility (La Hulpe)
Speech of Mrs Mariann FISCHER BOEL at the Seminar "Sugar and Seed - Future perspectives" organised by Danisco (Copenhagen)
Mrs Benita FERRERO-WALDNER in Berlin. Meets with German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter STEINMEIER; addresses Committee on European affairs of the German Parliament; addresses Conference on Latin America of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation
Mr Vladimír ŠPIDLA receives Mr Hubertus HEIL , General Secretary of the German Social Democratic party
Mr Leonard ORBAN participation to a debate on 'Multilingualism and immigration: a challenge for Europe and Mediterranean’ (University of Perugia)
Vendredi 09 mai
Mme Androulla VASSILIOU à Chypre. Rencontre avec le Ministre chypriote de l'Agriculture, M. Michalis Polyniki CHARALAMPIDES et le Président de la République de Chypre, M. Dimitris CHRISTOPHIAS; Discours à la Représentation de la Commission à Nicosie à l'occasion du 09 Mai
Dans le cadre de la "journée de l'Europe", M. Louis MICHEL rencontre les Rhétoriciens du Christ Roi pour un débat citoyen sur la politique européenne de développement
M. Louis MICHEL participe à une conférence/dialogue "les jeunes et l'Europe" organisée par la ville de Namur
Mr László KOVÁCS in Budapest (9-10). Speech at the Conference on Taxation for Sustainable Development, organised by the "Levegő Munkacsoport" (Clean Air Action Group); At the reception on the occasion of the Europe Day given by the EC Representation (9). At séance publique street festival organised by the EC and EP Representation (10)
Participation of Mrs Mariann FISCHER BOEL to the panel debate on "Climate and Food/Consume in an environmental friendly way" organised by the Commission Representation in Stockholm
Mr Vladimír ŠPIDLA participates at the CITEVE Employability Conference (Porto)
Mr Leonard ORBAN meets with the President of the Italian Republic, Giorgio NAPOLITANO. Mr NAPOLITANO and Mr ORBAN celebrate at Quirinale the "Day of Europe" with the classes of pupils who won the "Europe on the Blackboard" competition
Samedi 10 mai
Mr Vladimír ŠPIDLA at the G8 Ministerial Meeting of Labour Ministers (Tokyo, Japan)
Mr Leonard ORBAN participates in the event organised at "Accademia della Crusca" to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Regulation 1/1958; Opening Speech at the Public Session on Europe Day (Florence)
Prévisions d'avril à juin 2008
12-13.06.08 / Réunion informelle des Ministres "Transport" (Slovénie)
Mini session plénière du Parlement européen (Bruxelles)
Réunion de l'Eurogroup
Conseil Affaires économiques et financières
EU-Latin America and Caribbean Summit, Lima (Perou)
Session plénière du Parlement européen (Strasbourg)
Conseil Agriculture et Pêche
Conseil Education, Jeunesse et Culture
Conseil Affaires générales et Relations extérieures (Défense + Développement)
Conseil Compétitivité
Réunion de l'Eurogroup (Luxembourg)
Conseil des Affaires économiques et financières (Luxembourg
Mini session plénière du Parlement européen (Bruxelles)
Conseil Justice, Affaires intérieures (Luxembourg)
Conseil Environnement (Luxembourg)
Conseil Transports, Télécommunications et Energie (Energie) (Lux.)
Conseil Emploi, Affaires sociales, Santé, Consommateurs (Lux.)
Conseil Transports, Telecommunications et Energie (Transports) (Lux.)
16-17.06.08 / Conseil Affaires générales et Relations extérieures
23-24.06.08 / Session plénière du Parlement européen (Strasbourg)
Sommet européen (Bruxelles)
Conseil Agriculture et Pêche (Luxembourg)

Permanence DG COMM le WE du 03 au 04 mai: Cristina ARIGHO - GSM : 0498/982.118

Service Audiovisuel, planning studio - tél : 02/295 21 23