/ operator standard work instruction
Title: Rewrite Desk Medication Refill SWI / Date: 6/3/2013
Departments who must adopt: Pharmacy / Operators who must adopt: Rewrite Desk Pharmacy Techs
Task # / Task description (include handoffs TO, and signals FROM, other staff, to complete task) / Task time
1. / Take a stack of 50 or less faxes from Day 1 pile of work.
2. / Log into cclink, click on “patient station” and enter patient’s name and if needed date of birth into cclink. If this is a Mental Health Prescriber stop and fax the request to the provider’s clinic.
3. / Click on appropriate patient, then click “Chart Review” and go to “encounters” tab, unclick box for default filter.
4. / Search refill and telephone encounters within the last two weeks to see if this prescription is already entered or filled. It will show up as “pending” if entered and “completed/approved” if filled. Search the “med” tab it nothing is found under encounters.
5. / a. If this request has been entered already and it has been less than 7 days discard the fax.
b. If this request has been entered already and it has been 7 days or more follow escalation SWI.
c. If this request has already been approved and the fax was sent 7 days or more after the approval call the retail pharmacy on the fax and leave a message “This is your name, calling in for a refill authorization for patient name and DOB. This is not a new Rx, it is a refill authorization that is originally approved date of approval for med name, strength, directions, quantity, refill quantity, and providers name. If you have any questions please call back at 925-370-5200. Thank you.”
d. If this request has not been entered continue.
6. / Open a new refill encounter (note provider name for refilling provider and compare to Primary Care Provider (PCP)
7. / Click on visit type, click refill encounter, and under visit click “medication refill” and choose the retail pharmacy that sent the request. If the pharm. is not listed, leave the section blank and write the pharmacies’ contact information in the “documentation” section.
8. / Click on “Meds and Orders” tab.
9. / Search for past prescription, click on “reorder” on right-hand side of screen. Then click on “pended medication.”
10. / Modify prescriptions according to number of pills dispensed, administrations instructions, and refill quantify if specified. If a refill quantity is not specified or if it is zero leave the section blank.
11. / Confirm appropriate pharmacy.
12. / Route to appropriate provider (see second page).
13. / Close chart by clicking “x” in upper left corner.
Takt: M-F= 26sec, Sa=63sec, Su=46sec / Cycle time: (enter observed cycle time or sum task times) / 75 sec
Title: Rewrite Desk Medication Refill SWI / Date: 5/15/2013
Departments who must adopt: Pharmacy / Operators who must adopt: Rewrite Desk Pharmacy Techs
ER Prescriber / Top 65 Drug List
1. / a.  If patient has a PCP send the refill request to the PCP.
b.  If patient does not have a PCP write refused on the refill request and fax back to the requesting pharmacy. / 1.  Acetaminophen
2.  Albuterol
3.  Amitriptyline
4.  Amlodipine
5.  ASA
6.  Atenolol
7.  Atorvastatin
8.  Baclofen
9.  Beclomethasone Dipropionate
10.  Bupropion
11.  Carisoprodol
12.  Cephalexin
13.  Cetirizine
14.  Chlorthalidone
15.  Citalopram
16.  Cholecalciferol
17.  Clopidogrel
18.  Clotrimazole
19.  Codeine
20.  Condoms
21.  Cromolyn Drops
22.  Cyclobenzapine
23.  Diphenhydramine
24.  Docusate Sodium
25.  Ferrous Sulfate
26.  Fluticasone
27.  Flunisolide
28.  Folic Acid
29.  Furosemide
30.  Gabapentin
31.  Glipizide
32.  Glyburide
33.  Glucose Test Strip / 34.  HCTZ
35.  Hydrocodone
36.  Hydrocortisone
37.  Ibuprofen
38.  Insulin Glargine
39.  Lancets
40.  Levonorgestrel
41.  Lisinopril
42.  Loratadine
43.  Lorazepam
44.  Metformin
45.  Methodone
46.  Metoprolol
47.  Metronidazole
48.  Miconazole
49.  MVI
50.  Naproxen
51.  Norelgestrom
52.  Omeprazole
53.  Oxycodone
54.  Polyethylene Glycol
55.  Prednisone
56.  Promethazine
57.  Ranitidine
58.  Rosuvastatin
59.  Sertraline
60.  Simvastatin
61.  Sulfamethoxalzole
62.  Tramadol
63.  Trazodone
64.  Triamcinolone
65.  Zolpidem
PCP Prescriber
1. / a. Send refill request to patient’s PCP
Non-PCP Prescriber
1. / Review top 65 drug list.
2. / a.  If refill request is for one of the top 65 drugs send refill request to the PCP.
b.  If refill request is not for one of the top 65 drugs send refill request to the prescriber.
Coumadin (Warfarin) Refill Request
1. / Route message to Coumadin Clinic Pool.
2. / Under routing section under recipient click on “magnifying glass.” Under pools type “MHC” for central county patients, “PHC” for east county patients, and “WCHC” for west county patients. Then click “find.”
3. / Double click on “HC Anti-coag Nurse Pool” then click “accept” this will show up in the recipient line.
Mental Health Prescriber for Psychiatric Medication
1. / Fax refill request to mental health clinic of prescriber.

NOTE: Pictures showing the appropriate.

Sponsor/process owner: Shideh Attaii / Origin: Rewrite Desk SW RIE / Version number: 6.0