Please vote for the Harpole Neighbourhood Plan on Thursday 27th July,at the Bowls Club, Larkhall Lane

Here is a summary of the benefits of the Plan’s objectives and policies:

  1. Future housing needs will be met affordably but without infringing on green spaces, encouraging people of all ages to continue residing in the parish.
  1. New housing developments within the village will be small scale and in keeping with the surroundings.
  1. The design and appearance of future development will be in character with the area’s rural identity and environment.
  1. The character of the Harpole Conservation Area will be preserved and enhanced.
  1. The nine green spaces within the village, will be protected from inappropriate development, and non-coalescence with Northampton should be protected.
  1. The landscape character of the parish will be protected and new development will not affect the setting of the village. Local landscaping, ecology and biodiversity will be preserved and enhanced.
  1. Any new development should be accommodated by appropriate infrastructure. Risk of flooding should be minimized.
  1. Safe walking and cycle routes both within the village and to nearby villages and towns will be promoted.
  1. The fifteen Community Facilities within the Parish will be protected and enhanced.

The approved Harpole Neighbourhood Plan will ensure maximum funding available to the parish towards the above objectives, plus the following:

  • Additional parking areas at Garners Way, Northampton Road, Chester Avenue, and Carrs Way. Improvements to the Carrs Way/Northgampton Road junctions
  • A new village hall (location not decided yet). New and improved sports areas.
  • A Country Park between the village and Sandy Lane, incorporating paths for walking and horse riding, plus childrens playing areas and exercise areas. Woodland such as the Wookle will be protected and enhanced.
  • A weight limit through the village. Measures to reduce rat-running through the village.

For full details, please look at the deposit Neighbourhood Plan on deposit in All Saints Parish Church, or see it on the internet at