Page No.
Cross Connection Control Program
Request for Proposal
Cross Connection Control Program Specifications
1.Provide complete cross connection control inspections and data management for the next three years including:
- Perform a Utility Cross Connection Control Program review. Items for review include the following:
- ReviewState and local regulations
- Review and recommend any required changes in the Cross Connection Ordinance
- Review wording and timeliness for program notices (Inspection Notice, Compliance Notice, Non-Compliance Notices 1-2, Penalty Notices)
- Special Program Notices
- Prioritize inspections
- Review procedures and protocol for addressing specific hazards
- Review program reporting procedures
- Review educational and public awareness brochures
- Obtain updated facility listing and address information
- Establish facility inspection schedule
- Review high hazard and large industrial facility inspection / containment procedures
- Complete inspection (initial inspections, re-inspections, compliance inspections) of approximately 325 commercial, industrial, institutional facilities and miscellaneous water customers per yearwithin the City of St. Clair Shoresusing the containment and isolation review approach as supported by State of Michigan Department Natural Resources Environmental (MDNRE).Unless otherwise specified, all inspections will be of the entire potable water system. Inspectors will survey all exposed piping and/or use the point-of-use inventory method of inspection. There are an estimated 1,178 total commercial/industrial accounts in the City. All 1,178 accounts have had an initial inspection as of November 1, 2010. 74 accounts are high hazard and 1,104 accounts are low hazard. New Inspections shall include first time inspections of new accounts not previously included in the cross connection programs. Re-inspections shall include the annual inspection of high hazard accounts annually, and the periodic (every five years) inspection of low hazard accounts. Compliance inspections shall consist of inspections at accounts of corrective actions completed to confirm correction of previously noticed non-compliance conditions.
- Determine the inspection schedules, obtain city approval of the schedules, and coordinate the schedules.
- Coordinate and notify customers of testing requirements and inspections and/or re-inspections in writing.
- Provide up to six (6) ASSE approved hose bibb vacuum breakers or anti-frost hose bibb vacuum breakers per facility as required, in order to place the facility into immediate compliance at the time of inspection, incidental to the inspection fees.
- All testable & non-testable backflow prevention devices, program requirements and relevant code violations will be documented during the on-site inspections.
- All existing backflow prevention devices, (i.e. testable & non-testable) must be inspected, inventoried and documented. Records shall be maintained of the account Owner’s device test results. There are currently 832 testable backflow prevention devices in the cross connection program. All testable devices are required to be tested annually.
- Generate all program notifications for users failing initial inspections and/or re-inspections informing them of installation requirements and/or testing requirements.
- Perform compliance inspections for each non-compliant location upon notification of completion of compliance requirements. All compliance inspections will be scheduled and completed as required.
- Provide full-time phone support for customer questions by a trained individual. The Contractor’s phone will be staffed during normal business hours Monday through Friday. An automatic message service will be provided for after hour calls.
- Contractor will provide detailed phone logs for all in-coming calls. Date in and response dates are to be included.
- Coordinate and manage the testing of all testable backflow prevention devices in accordance with MDNRE requirements. Services to include testing notification, requirements, receipt of executed test report, and maintenance of all testing data. All testing results will be maintained for a period of 7 years. The City of St. Clair Shores requires annual testing of all testable devices by the account owner’s agent.
- Submit comprehensive management reports to the City of St. Clair Shores. Status reports will be available on-line and include the number of inspections completed,notices sent, tests overdue, inspections overdue, a listing of inspections and re-inspections scheduled for the upcoming period, upcoming notifications, a list of facilities in, or not in, compliance. A copy of the monthly status report shall be submitted with the monthly invoice.
- Provide comprehensive annual reports for each calendar year of the Contract and obtain any required approval of the annual report from the MDNRE.
O.Provide comprehensive bound annual reports that include a program summary, copy of the annual MDNRE report, a detailed listing of all inspection locations, and individual listing of those facilities in, or not in, compliance, inspections completed, sites never inspected, and notifications sent.
P.Provide progress review meetings with the City’s designated representative to discuss program status and specific recommendations as requested. The City may revise the Contractor’s proposed work plan to concentrate on new and/or higher priority and non compliant cross connection locations, provided that the total number of annual inspections shall not be changed except by mutual agreement, or contract amendment.
Q.The inspector will check-in/out with the City of St. Clair Shores contact person on a daily basis or as requested during the inspection period. The check in will include a list of inspections scheduled for the day. The check out will include a verbal summary and the number of inspections completed for the day.
R.All expenses related to “time and travel” for completion of job scope is to be included in unit prices for inspections.
S.Contractor will help to coordinate and participate in a Public Informational Meeting and Tester Meeting to explain the City of St. Clair Shore’s Cross-Connection Control Program.
- Contractor will provide approximately 1200 educational cross connection control brochures annually.The Contractor shall mail a copy of the brochure to all accounts for which initial inspections, re-inspections, and compliance inspections are performed; and to any requesting account in the City.
- The contractor shall not be required to enter into confined spaces.
- In the event that the City of St. Clair Shores requests and the Contractor consents to perform additional services, inspections or other changes in the scope of services involving consulting, management, operation, maintenance, and repair of the utility delivery system or private water service or cross connection device; both shall agree on the terms and compensation prior to performing such extra work.
- Provide any required revisions to the existing Cross-Connection Control Plan specific to the City of St. Clair Shores asrequired by State of Michigan Department Natural Resources Environmental. The plan revisions must include code adaptation, references, program intent, standard operational procedures, all program and notice documentation, reporting procedures (including daily, monthly & annually), backflow prevention devices including detailed installation schematics, piping identification, and preference standards.
The plan must include a detailed re-inspection schedule for all facilities. The frequency for re-inspection of each facility will be influenced by the degree of hazard existing within the facility. The re-inspection frequency of each facility will be based on a 1 to 5 year time period. Contractor must work with the City of St. Clair Shores andMDNRE to get any plan revisions approved. Contractor must submit plan to DNRE for approval.
- The contractor must use a cross connection control software package for program management.
The software package must be approved by the City of St. Clair Shores and able to produce at a minimum the following reports and notices:
A.Standard notices and reports to include, inspection, re-inspection, testing, non-compliance and compliance notices.
B.Produce management reports for notices, inventory of devices, device tests, inspection schedules, device test schedules, overdue inspections, and device test forms.
C.Schedule inspection and device testing notices from internal records, standard procedures, and timing as required by DNRE approved, City of St. Clair Shores CCC Plan.
D.Track testable and non-testable devices and compliance requirements.
E.Automatically access all data relevant to a particular facility or period of time.
- Generate the Annual DNREWater Supply Cross Connection Control Report and supporting documents.
- The Contractor shall provide the entire data base for the cross connection program from program inception through the end of the calendar year in a mutually agreeable electronic format.
- The Contractor shall utilize a proprietary or commercially available cross connection program software package. If proprietary software is utilized, the Contractor shall provide the city with a working copy through the term of the contract and for sufficient time period following termination of the contract. The City is authorized to use the proprietary software to view the data base, and to export the data base to another cross connection program software system within six month of contract termination and receipt of the final data base described in G above.. The City will remove the proprietary software from its computer and return any support materials to the Contractor.
- The Contractor shall provide written report on specific events or accounts upon request.
- The Contractor shall conduct an on-site annual year end review meeting each year of the Contract to discuss the overall program status and specific program recommendations.
- The Contractor agrees to and shall hold the City of St. Clair Shores, its elected and appointed officials, and employees harmless from any liability for claims and damages for personal injury or property damage which is caused by or arises from the sole negligence of the Contractor in the performance of its services under this agreement. The City of St. Clair Shores agrees to and shall hold the Contractor, its officers and employees harmless from any liability for claims and damages for personal injury or property damage which is caused by or arises from the sole negligence of the City of St. Clair Shores in the performance of its services under this agreement. In the event that both are the found by a fact finder to be negligent and the negligence of both are the proximate cause of such claim for damage, then in such event each party shall be responsible for the portion of the liability equal to its comparative share of the total negligence. The Contractor’s liability to the City of St. Clair Shores for any loss, damage, claim, or expense of any kind or nature caused directly or indirectly by the performance or non-performance of obligations pursuant to this scope of services, and mutually agreed changes in the scope of services, shall be limited to general money damages in an amount not to exceed or within the limits of the insurance coverage provided herein. The Contractor shall in no event be liable for indirect or consequential damages, including but not limited to, loss of revenue, or loss of facilities, based upon the approved scope of services, negligence, or any other cause of action. Nothing in this scope of services or resulting contract shall limit the decisions or damages of a competent court of jurisdiction.
- The Contractor’s relationship to the City of St. Clair Shores shall be that of an independent contractor and not one of an employee. For the purposes of all federal, state and local laws and regulations, the City of St. Clair Shores shall exercise primary management, operational and financial decision making authority.
- Supply an electronic file with logo and/or letterhead for use on forms and letters required by program; and an electronic copy of its current Cross Connection Program approved by the State in 2002.
- A complete and accurate account (facility) listingcontaining facility name, address, contact person and phone number (if available).
- Pay the Contractor monthly payments for the work specified and any approved additional compensation within thirty (30) days of invoicing.
- The City of St. Clair Shores shall maintain its own insurances, and will provide a certificate of coverage if requested by the awarded Contractor.
AInsurance Requirements
1.Insurance - The CONTRACTOR shall carry the following insurance and shall furnish the City of St. Clair Shores witha certificate upon the approval of this Proposal. Further all copies of all-necessary approvals and permits shall be furnished to the City of St. Clair Shores upon approval to perform services as outlined in this request for Proposal.
a.Worker's Compensation in accordance with Michigan Statutes (individual contractors will be required to obtain, at their own expense).
b.Contractor's Public / GeneralLiability with limits of not less than $2,000,000/$2,000,000 to protect the CONTRACTOR and City against claims for the injury of death of one or more persons and $2,000,000/$2,000,000 to protect the CONTRACTOR and City against claims for injury to or destruction of property.
c.Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance with limits of not less the $1,000,000/$1,000,000.
d.Errors and Omission insurance will be equivalent to the above stated General Liability assurance.
e.The City of St. Clair Shores shall be named as an additionally named insured according to its interest under the general liability policy during the term of the resulting contract. Any endorsement or notice of coverage shall be endorsed by the issuing insurance company.
- Notification of Cancellation - The CONTRACTOR shall notify the City prior to the cancellation of, or any changes in, any such insurance required herein. If any of the insurance is cancelled, the CONTRACTOR shall cease operations on the date of termination and shall not resume operations until new insurance is reinstated.
3.The CONTRACTOR will arrange for an on-site visit and tour of their office facilities at the discretion of the City.
4.Hold Harmless Clause - The contractor shall, upon execution of the agreement, agree to assume all liability to protect, indemnify and save the City, its agents, officers, and employees harmless from and against all actions and attorney fees for the injuries to, or death of, any person or persons whomsoever, including the parties hereto, and their agents. The CONTRACTOR shall pay, settle, compromise, and procure the discharge of any and all claims and losses, damages, and expenses. No employee of the CONTRACTOR shall at any time be considered an agent or employee of the City.
5.Subletting - The CONTRACTOR shall not sublet or assign any portion of the contract.
6.Safety - The CONTRACTOR shall comply with all Federal, State and local laws and regulations governing the furnishing and use of all safeguards, safety devices, and protective equipment, and take any other needed actions on his own responsibility as necessary to protect the life and health of employees on the job and the safety of the public and to protect property during the performance of the agreement.
7.Workmanship - Only personnel trained and experienced in the various aspects of applicable operation as required herein shall perform all contractual services.
8.Qualifications–Qualifications shall be documented in or as attachments to the Proposal. The following criteria will be used as a minimum for approval of this proposal:
- Contractors must provide inspectors that certified and trained by ASSE, USCCenter for Cross Connection control, TREEO or similar accredited program.
- Contractors must provide written documentation from previous cross-connection control survey and municipal inspection work, and show that they have been employed in cross-connection control surveying and municipal inspections on a regular basis in municipalities and/or facilities of similar characteristics.
- Have a minimum five; (5) year’s experience of continuous like sizedMichigan municipal cross- connection inspection/survey experience.
- The Bidder hereby confirms that all owners and employees of his/her company are legally eligible to work in the State of Michigan and in the United States of America. The Bidder confirms that his/her company has received Social Security numbers from all employees and have confirmed to the best of his/her legal abilities and obligations that such employees are in compliance with both State and Federal laws with respect to their immigration and employment status.
- Contractor will provide alisting of all staff that will be engaged in this contract with their experience and education level with respect to cross connection control.
- Contractor shall not provide testing services within the City if awarded the Contract, except when requested by the City
- Shall maintain Michigan office for local support
- Shall maintain a secure OFF-SITE data management back up to protects all city information and client list.
- Provide a minimum of five Michigan municipal references where contractor is currently providing cross connection services preferably for communities of similar size.
2.Provide a contact person and phone number for each client.
C.Contractor’s Personnel
- List personnel who will be responsible for performance and specific qualifications.
- Indicate office location, staffing, emergency phone numbers.
- Provide in-house (Staff) Information Technology department with minimum 5 years experience.
Questions regarding this proposal may be directed to Director of Public Works for the City of St. Clair Shores, or his designee.
Contractor will provide contract pricingfor each of the three years of the proposed Contract. Payment will be based on each inspection and shall include all travel, labor and benefits, taxes, administration, office expenses, reports and related program support. The Contractor may provide prices for an optional forth and /or forth and fifth year for the City’s consideration. The following pay items shall be bid for each year of the contract. All other work required to maintain the program and provide the services specified shall be incidental to these pay items.