County Hall Morpeth Northumberland NE61 2EF

The Occupier / Our Ref: / KN/EC-BFS-RPZ
Your Ref:
Contact: / Andy Walker
Direct Line: / 01670 620420
E-mail: /
Friday3rdFebruary 2017

Dear Sir/Madam

Proposed Residents ParkingZone (RPZ),

Beaconsfield Street Area, Blyth

In 2002 an experimental residents parking scheme was introduced on Beaconsfield Street,Coburg Street, Stanley Street and Wellington Street, Blyth.

Following a two year trial the residents were asked for their comments.Based on the feedback received, it was decided not to make the parking scheme permanent.

Concerns have again been raised by residents of Beaconsfield Street in Blyth with regard to parking issues. Councillor Nisbetand Councillor Cartie have also expressed their concerns and have requested that the residents be consulted on a proposal to introduce a revised Residential Parking Zone (RPZ).

Following discussions with Parking Services, who will be responsible for the enforcement of the scheme, two extra streets have been suggested: Crown Street and Maughan Street.

Subject to a favourable response from residents funding will be sought and a detailed design prepared.

As these streets are used for parking by residents, businesses and entertainment venues a compromise between what is desired by residents and what can be enforced must be found, while at the same time trying to accommodate the needs of businesses.

We are proposing a timed parking restriction where only resident permit holders would be allowed to park between 7am and 8:30am and again between 5:30pm and 7pm. This would allow the streets to be used as normal through the day and late evening, while allowing residents priority at key periods of the day.

To cover the administrative costs of the scheme, residents will be asked to purchase Resident Parking Permits. (Currently £15 a year per permit). A maximum of 2 permits can be provided per household with one permit reserved for residents and one for visitor parking. This would allow residents to park, within the zone 24 hours 7 days per week.

The County Council is seeking your views on the proposals and a freepost response form is attached to facilitate the consultation process. It should be stressed that this is a genuine consultation and that comments received will be carefully considered.

Regrettably, it is not possible to reply to individual comments, but you may wish to note that comments may be included in a Decision Report, to the Executive Director of Local Services and may be available for public inspection. The closing date for any comments you may wish to make is Friday 3rdMarch 2017. If you wish to respond to this consultation online, please visit the web address

I would urge you to take the opportunity to comment on this important matter as any decision taken will be based upon the responses received from residents who take time to return the consultation form.

Yours faithfully

Andy Walker

Programme & Production Team

Technical Assistant