

Mrs. Miller email:

Course description:

This course is to provide opportunities to investigate the theories and ideas associated with Biology, Forensics, scientific method, Earth science, Chemistry, physical science, physics, Anatomy, history, communication and Mathematics. Students will critically think through and formulate problems, identify and investigate probable solutions, properly collect and scientifically evaluate data, record results and draw logical conclusions based on the evidence, apply data to the given situations, evaluate the most effective means of delivering the information in written and oral communications, and utilize microscopes in hands-on laboratories.




Pens (blue or black only)

3 prong folder with pocket on both sides (for Forensics only)

Lab notebook (bound)

Colored pencils

Roll of paper towels or box of tissue

Grading Policy:



Quizzes, Notebooks, Class Participation, Homework10%



Attendance and punctuality are minimum requirements of education and they are expected. When possible, the instructor should be notified in advance of absences, or, at the earliest opportunity. Students are responsible for all material covered during absences, including absences caused by late entry into the course and field trips. It is the responsibility of the student to check on ALL MISSED WORK when absent, as soon as they return to school. Prolonged and unexcused absences can result in withdrawal or failure.

School policy for tardies are:

1st – 3rd tardy logged into INow as tardy

4th tardy Referral and Parent is contacted

5th tardy referral and detention

6th tardy 2 days retract

7th and subsequent tardy administrator discretion (possible suspension)

Reminder 4 unexcused tardies = 1 unexcused absence

*10 minutes after bell is considered skipping and referral will immediately be written.


Notebooks are mandatory and must be brought to every class. We will have open notebook quizzes and ONLY approved notebooks will be allowed to be used during the quiz. As material is entered in the index, it must be dated and labeled with the page number and subject matter being covered. The left side of notebook is for syllabus and rules; the right side is for tests and quizzes. Center prongs are for notes, vocabulary, assignments and general information. Notebooks promote organization skills that help improve study habits.

Lab Notebook:

Labs make up a major part of this class and lab books are mandatory and must be brought to every class. Labs count for 30% of your 9 week grade. All information from labs is recorded in this book. Lab books are graded after every lab and must be kept neat, organized and up to date. The first two pages of lab notebook are for index. Only black or blue ink pens will be used in the lab notebook.


Assignments/Homework will count for 10% of your 9 week grade. Late assignments will not be accepted. If you are absent the day an assignment is due, the assignment will be due your first day back. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to contact the instructor or another student to see if there was an assignment that day.

Class Participation:

Students are expected to attend class each day and follow all rules set fourth. These rules also include: proper classroom behavior, being prepared for class, tardies and participating in classroom questions and discussions. Each student starts with a class participation grade of 100, each day of non-class participation results in minus 5 points from that grade each 9 week period. Class participation count 10% of your 9 week grade. Also, extra credit can be given to a student who is close to a higher grade in the way of 1 to 2 points being added, if student has participated in class the whole 9 week period.


Quizzes may be announced or unannounced. Quizzes occasionally will be open notebook: therefore, it is essential that you maintain an organized and updated notebook. They count as 10% of your 9 week grade.


Test will be taken by all students and count for 60 % of your 9 week grade. All unexcused absences during test day will result in a 0 for that test. Any student who has made a 70 or lower can retake that test before or after school, 3rd block or during my planning period up to 3 days after taking the test. That gives the student up to 12 opportunities to retake a test and make a higher grade up to a 70.


All labs will be conducted in class and make-up a large part of class. Labs count for 30% of your 9 week grade and will be graded on participation, understanding, safety, following directions and lab write up. All material for labs will be kept in lab notebooks. Lab practical will be given for lab tests, study material will come from lab notebooks and notebooks. Absences are highly discouraged during labs, since labs must be made up after school.


All material will be on Moodle. Quizzes, notes, handouts, reviews. If you are absent, this is a great place to get missed material.