CS 6320

Software Engineering of Web-Based Systems

Course Syllabus

Spring 2010 (3/30/10 to 6/8/10)

Tues. & Thurs., 4:00pm - 5:50pm, Room SC-N112


Name: Barbara Hecker, PhD


Phone: (408) 429-9996

Office Location: SC-N432 Office Hours: T. TH. 3:30-4pm

Course Description

Current practices and trends in software design, development, and deployment of web-based systems, with particular emphasis on e-commerce. Projects include the latest technologies and techniques used by the Internet community. Prerequisites: CS 3520, CS 3340 or permission of instructor.

Course Materials

Jackson, Jeffrey C. (2007) Web Technologies: A Computer Science Perspective. Prentice Hall: ISBN-10: 0-13-185603-0

Weekly lecture notes at:


Programming Assignments / 35% / You will be assigned seven programming assignments throughout the quarter. Each assignment will be worth 5% of your course grade.
Midterm Exam / 30% / There will be one midterm exam given about halfway through the course. A review sheet will be provided.
Final Exam / 35% / There will be one comprehensive final exam, which will count for 35% of your course grade. A review sheet will be provided.

Late Policy

Allprogramming assignments will be counted late on the eighth day after the posted due date (7 day grace). Starting with the eighth day, you will receive a 10% point deduction PER DAY for lateness.

Academic Dishonesty

All of your programming assignments and exams need to represent your own effort. Programs should be done without consultation with other students and you should not share your source code with others. Any program submitted that is essentially the same, as someone else’s will not be accepted. ALL matching assignments will receive 0 credits.

Grading Formula

A / 95 – 100 / C+ /
77 – 79
A- / 90 – 94 / C / 73 – 76
B+ / 87 – 89 / C- / 70 – 72
B / 83 – 86 / D / 60 – 69
B- / 80– 82 / F / 59 or <

Course Schedule and Assignment Due Dates

Week / Topic / Reading / Assignments /
1 / Web Essentials: Clients, Servers and Communication / Chapter 1 / Tues 3/30
Thurs 4/1
2 / Markup Languages: HTML and XHTML
Representing Web Data: XML / Chapter 2
Chapter 7 / Tues 4/6
Thurs 4/8
3 / Markup Languages
Style Sheets: CSS / Chapter 3 / Program 1 - Due Thurs 4/15 / Tues 4/13
Thurs 4/15
4 / Client-Side Programming: JavaScript / Chapter 4 / Program 2 - Due Thurs 4/22 / Tues 4/20
Thurs 4/22
5 / Host Objects: Browsers and the DOM
Midterm Exam Review / Chapter 5 / Program 3 - Due Thurs 4/29 / Tues 4/27
Thurs 4/29
6 / Server-Side Programming: Java Servlets / Chapter 6 / Midterm Exam - Thurs 5/6 / Tues 5/4
Thurs 5/6
7 / Server Databases
Database Connectivity: JDBC / See Lecture Notes / Program 4 - Due Thurs 5/13 / Tues 5/11
Thurs 5/13
8 / Internet Scripting Languages
Other Internet Technologies / Chapter 8 / Program 5 - Due Thurs 5/20 / Tues 5/18
Thurs 5/20
9 / Internet Scripting Languages
Other Internet Technologies / See Lecture Notes / Program 6 - Due Thurs 5/27 / Tues 5/25
Thurs 5/27
10 / Final Exam Review / See Lecture
Notes / Program 7 - Due Thurs 6/3 / Tues 6/1
Thurs 6/3
Final Exam( 4 - 5:50pm) / Final Exam in Class / Tues 6/8

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