Marton Parish Council

Clerk: Catherine Clowes

14 Downesway

Alderley Edge



Notice of Annual Meeting of the Parish Council to be held at 7.30 pm on

Monday 14thMay 2012 at the VillageSchool, Marton


Present:Cllr D McGowan (DM), Cllr J Rylands (JR), Mr AG Darbyshire (AD), Mrs L Nixon (LN), Mr B Nolan (BN), Mr D Schwendener (DS), Mrs C Clowes (Clerk), Cllr Lesley Smetham (LS)

  1. Apologies for absence: Mrs W Basnett12/01
  2. Minutes of the last meeting held on 6th February 2012: Approved and signed12/02
  3. a) Election of Chair: Mr J Rylands. Thanks were expressed to outgoing chair Mr D McGowan for all his hard work during his time as chair and Mr McGowan expressed his thanks to the Parish Council for all their support.

b) Election of Vice Chair: To be decided at a later date.

  1. Village maintenance12/03

a)Village green: DM advised that this was now completed by himself, DS and BN and thanks were expressed by JR.

b)Overgrown footpaths on A34: Dm advised that the north side had now been cleared by the community pay back scheme and Simon Davies has promised to do the south side. This will be monitored and DM will email Simon Davies regarding the path opposite Potts that needs clearing. DM

c)Road flooding near Church: AD advised that Simon Davies has emailed to say will be done this summer. A discussion followed about a number of issues reported on the Cheshire East Website, some of which have been done and some of which have not. It was agreed that all issues reported and their references should now be forwarded to the Clerk who will maintain a database to monitor progress of each problem. DM to send instructions to clerk on how to report fault on the web Clerk to email this to MartonVillage email group. Clerk, DM

d)Overgrown hedge and Oak Lane potholes: BN advised some potholes have been filled and some have not. Discussion followed regarding sub standard and incomplete work that appears to be being carried out. JR will email Simon Davies on the issue and copy LS in. Clerk to send Simon Davies email address to JR. Clerk, JR

e)Footpath in front of Oak Lane Houses: Work now done and can be removed from agenda.

  1. Community Pride Competition: LN advised a successful litter pick had been undertaken. BN and JR have cleared all the soil from the side of road. BN advised village green is done, planters completed and areas tidied. DM confirmed that Marton was now registered and had paid for the competition.12/04
  2. Highway and road safety matters12/05

a)Speeding & accidents on A34: DS and DM have met with Siddington Parish Council members to discuss the way forward in this area and are in the process of arranging another one which LS said she would also like to attend. Rob Welch has advised that Cheshire East are looking at 3 roads in the area, one of which is the A34 through Marton. He should be contacting us via the Clerk in September. To be reviewed at July meeting.

b)Mobile speed indicating device: DM advised that Mick Warren has used the SID in Marton with good results.

c)Community Speed Watch Scheme & other measures: AD and his wife have been on the course to use the device and qualified. Kit which includes speed camera and high vis jackets costs £250. DM proposed that Marton could join with Siddington to buy the kit and this will be suggested at the next meeting with them. DM

6. MartonSchool12/06

a)Proposed Nursery/Village Hall, Parking and Transport: DS advised that the nursery/village hall scheme has been shelved for now due to lack of funding but parking and transport is still being looked at. Quotes have been obtained for possible suitable surfaces for a combined playing area / car park but will be decided at next meeting if school has any funding. LS advised that it had been decided within the school bus programme that no funding will be available to those travelling to a faith school outside of their area but the transport consultation is ongoing. JR advised that he will contact Hilda Geddam on the issue. JR

b)Landscape scheme to front: DM advised the licence had been obtained and goods had been purchased. These will be implemented in the next few weeks.

7. Planning12/07

a)11/4420M - Retention of Dwelling at first floor level over Existing Restaurant - Church Farm, Congleton Road, Marton, Cheshire, SK11 9HF – Approved with conditions.

b)12/0143M – Single storey front porch and rear conservatory extensions re-submission of 11/3730M – Mere Farm House, School Lane, Marton, Cheshire. SK11 9HD – Approved with conditions.

c)12/0028M – Single storey extension to west elevation – Mere Barn, School Lane, Marton, Macclesfield, SK11 9HD – Approved with conditions.

d)12/0401M – Application seeking retrospective approval for erection of stable building -Woodside Farm, School Lane, Marton, Macclesfield. SK11 9HA – Refused. It was noted that this is not in the Parish of Marton.

e)Proposed Girl Guide CampBlack Wood: Still awaiting survey for Greater Crested Newt.

9. Parish Council Website12/08

LN advised that this was underway and ready to start receiving content but still awaiting confirmation of domain name from cabinet office. LN will chase this up and copy LS in. LN

10. Trees & Hedges12/09

a)Unsafe trees on Oak Lane plus replacements: DM advised that replacement trees on Oak Lane had now been planted.

b)Proposed village orchard near the village green: DM advised that this will be planted in October. The idea is to get people to sponsor/buy the trees. JR expressed thanks for this work.

11. Boundary Commission proposals:12/10

DM advised that a letter was sent opposing the proposals. David

Rutley requested a further letter which was sent. We are waiting to hear of any further


12.The Queens Diamond Jubilee12/11

JR advised that there had been very little local interest in the proposed BBQ and bonfire

therefore it was agreed not to pursue this any further.

13. Chairs remarks & reports from members attending external meetings12/12

DM advised that an email was sent to David Rutley regarding proposals for changes to

planning and parish councils. He has written back offering his support to a campaign to give

parish councils the right of appeal. DM will continue to monitor and report back any


14. Correspondence12/13

a)The Clerk Magazine May 2012

b)Chalc Newsletter April 2012

c)Clerks and Councils Direct May 2012

d)All other correspondence has been circulated by email or post

15. Finance12/14

a)Cash Book and bank reconciliation circulated and agreed

b)Cheques totalling £2060.41agreed and signed

16.Audit 12/15

a) Internal Audit Report: reported and recommendations will be considered further at next meeting.

b) Agreement of return and accounts for external audit: agreed.

17.A.O.B 12/16

a) AD gave advanced warning that a planning application will be being submitted to request

permission to erect wind turbines on his land supplying power to the national grid.

b) BN advised that dog fouling on Oak Lane was still a problem. LS advised that she would

find out the details of the dog warden is and forward details to the Clerk.

c) DM advised of notification that each parish council will receive a one off payment because

there is no longer any Macclesfield Borough Council.

d) LN advised that both her cars had recently been keyed down the side and it was agreed

that this would be monitored in the village.

e) DM advised that a suggested Code of Conduct has been suggested by ChALC for

adoption by parish council’s while a new one is being formulated and agreed. It was

agreed that Marton would adopt this and Clerk will circulate it advising it has been adopted


f) Clerk advised that, as per the internal auditors report, the parish council’s Risk Assessment

needs reviewing. It was agreed to add this to the next meeting agenda.

Dates of next meetings:12/17

  • 9th July 2012
  • 10th September 2012
  • 10th December 2012