Cluster updates - Afghanistan

Coordination and Aviation Services

Progress towards cluster objectives and output targets

Cluster Objective 1 - UNHAS
Provision of safe, efficient passenger air services to 200 UN agencies, NGOs and donor entities in Afghanistan.
Output: passengers and cargo flown to destinations
Output Indicator / 2013 target / REVISED 2013 target / Reached
Number of passengers moved in 2013 / 30,000 (2,500/month) / xxx / 5,844
Number of hours flown / 30,000 hours (annual) / 2,320 hours (annual) / 536
Cargo moved to field destinations / 10 MT / 120 MT / 20
Cluster Objective 2 - OCHA
To mobilize and coordinate timely and appropriate humanitarian aid in response to assessed needs.
Output: Expand humanitarian coordination structures and reinforce emergency funding mechanisms to improve the timely, evidence-based and targeted delivery of emergency assistance
Output Indicator / 2013 target / REVISED 2013 target / Reached
Number of functional humanitarian coordination mechanisms in place at the national, regional and provincial levels / Coordination mechanisms established at all levels / xxx / 8 national clusters
5 HRTs[1]
24 OCTs
Consolidated humanitarian funding mechanisms reinforced / ERF is 100% funded / xxx / ERF is 61% funded
Number and quality information products (including maps) produced / 100 / xxx / 50


Progress towards cluster objectives and output targets

Cluster Objective 1 – (Applicable only for January – May) / SO1
To plan and expand access to basic education, training for youth in vocational skills, and protection through formal and non-formal modalities.
Output: schools are made safer for teaching and learning (formal)
Output Indicator / 2013 target / REVISED 2013 target / Reached
Number of formal schools which receive emergency funding for SIPs (boundary walls for safety) / 1,500 / OBJECTIVE 1 DELETED / 37
Number of schools reopened and provided with teaching learning materials / 100 / OBJECTIVE 1 DELETED / 29
Output: education provision for children and youths (non-formal)
Output Indicator / 2013 target / REVISED 2013 target / Reached
Number of out-of-schools girls & boys participating (60% girls) / 700,000 / OBJECTIVE 1 DELETED / 73,978 (34,165 girls, 22,149 boys, 17,664 unspecified)
Number of ALPs/CBEs classes implemented / 22,230 / OBJECTIVE 1 DELETED / 2,463
Number of teachers for the CBEs recruited / 740 / OBJECTIVE 1 DELETED / 1,806 (369m, 100f, 1337 unspecified)
Number of technical vocational classes established / 450 / OBJECTIVE 1 DELETED / 45
Number of teaching learning materials for ALPs/CBE and vocational classes distributed / 700,000 / OBJECTIVE 1 DELETED / 165,311
Cluster Objective 2 / SO1
To reinforce the institutional capacity of the MoE with current knowledge on fragility and resilience for effective implementation of education in emergencies.
Output: streamline policy and administrative system to meet EiE needs (Revised: Education Management prepared for delivering education in emergencies)
Output Indicator / 2013 target / REVISED 2013 target / Reached
Strategy Terms of Reference (ToR) for the Emergencies Support Unit (SU) developed, and the ESU functions (Revised as: Education in Emergencies included in national policy) / 1 / 1 / 0
New: number of education management staff (MoE, PED, DED) and Cluster members trained in Education in Emergencies / 100 / New indicator at MYR
New: number of teachers trained or mentored to provide education in emergencies / 131 / New indicator at MYR
Cluster Objective 3 / SO3
To support the schooling of displaced, returnees and host communities through multiple pathways to education (community-based schools and alternative learning courses).
Output: returnee refugees integrated into education systems. (Revised: Returnee, IDPs and host community children integrated into education systems)
Output Indicator / 2013 target / REVISED 2013 target / Reached
Number ofreturnee refugees who are integrated into schools
(Revised into: number of emergency-affected learners attending education activities) / 288,000 / 288,000 / 15,465 (6,815 girls; 8,649 boys)
Number of teaching learning materials distributed for IDPs and returnees
(Revised into: number of teaching learning materials distributed to IDPs, returnees and host communities) / 288,000 / 288,000 / 19,020

Emergency Shelter and Non-Food Items

Progress towards cluster objectives and output targets

Cluster Objective 1 / SO3
Assist IDPs affected by armed conflict or natural disasters and populations living without adequate protection from harsh weather and no privacy for family life.
Output Indicator / 2013 target / REVISED 2013 target / Reached
Affected people have adequate shelter, living materials to preserve their life, health and dignity / 9,000 / xxx / 213 families/1,554 individuals assisted with emergency shelter and tents.
733 two-room shelters planned by UNHCR in 2013 for conflict induced IDPs
Beneficiary selection is ongoing and shelters will be completed in the last quarter of the year.
Natural disaster and conflict-induced IDPs, newly displaced and affected people in 2013 assessed and the time taken from the initial survey to the delivery of assistance in days is reduced / Throughout Afghanistan, items purchased timely and pre-positioned in the provincial capital of all regions. / Depending on accessibility, vulnerability and needs, pre-positioning also made by some partners in some remote areas to ensure timely preparedness and response. / 2-7 days
Depending on the geographical location and access (remoteness), assessments normally carried out within 2 days. After theassessments, the actors conduct a debriefing to discuss the assessment findings. Once the findings are confirmed by cluster members and the Government (PDMCs/DoRRs/ANDMA)[2], the actors deliver the assistance to the affected population within 1-4 days, pending area accessibility.
Overall compared to the past, the response period decreased mainly due to a better coordination created after the establishment of the Cluster.
Number of families affected by natural disasters supported to remain in the areas of origin. / 10,000 / 202 families/1,487 individuals
Cluster Objective 2 / SO3
Assist natural disaster and conflict-induced IDPs and affected populations living without adequate heating, cooking and storage materials for family life.
Output Indicator / 2013 target / REVISED 2013 target / Reached
Affected people have adequate heating/cooling to preserve their life, health and dignity / 35,000 / 17,157 families/107,085 individuals provided with NFIs
Natural disaster and conflict-induced IDPs, newly displaced and affected people in 2013 are assessed and thetime taken from the initial survey to the delivery of assistance in days is reduced / Throughout Afghanistan, items purchased timely and pre-positioned in the provincial capital of all regions / Depending on accessibility, vulnerability and needs, pre-positioning also made by some partners in some remote areas to ensure timely preparedness and response. / Depending on the geographical location and access (remoteness) assessments were normally carried out within 2 days. After the assessments, the actors conducted a debriefing to discuss the assessment findings. Once the findings were confirmed by cluster members and the Government (PDMCs/DoRRs/ANDMA) the actors delivered the assistance to the affected population within 1-4 days (pending area accessibility).
Number of families affected by natural disasters supported to remain in the areas of origin / 20,000 / 4,156 families/26,159 individuals provided with NFIs
Cluster Objective 3 / SO2
Assist natural disaster and conflict-induced IDPs and populations without adequate shoes and clothing for winter.
Output Indicator / 2013 target / REVISED 2013 target / Reached
Affected people have adequate clothing to preserve their life, health and dignity / 40,000 / 425 families/2,835 individuals provided with cold/winterization kit.
The majority has received winterization kits between Nov/Dec 2012.
Natural disaster and conflict-induced IDPs, newly displaced and affected people in 2013 are assessed and the time taken from the initial survey to the delivery of assistance in days is reduced / Throughout Afghanistan, items purchased timely and pre-positioned in the provincial capital of all regions / Depending on accessibility, vulnerability and needs, pre-positioning also made by some partners in some remote areas to ensure timely preparedness and response. / Before winter, the cluster members tried to assess the beneficiaries and kits distribution prior the winters season approaching.
However, in case of a sudden disaster - which may occur in the middle of the winter - it normally takes 2-7 days as described above.

Food Security and Agriculture

Progress towards cluster objectives and output targets

Cluster Objective 1 / SO2
To provide life and livelihood saving assistance to populations known to be in need of emergency response.
Output: provide emergency food assistance through general food distribution (GFD), cash/voucher transfers to populations affected by natural disaster and / or conflict
Output Indicator / 2013 target / REVISED 2013 target / Reached
% of people in emergency need assisted on time with appropriate transfers (cash and/or food) / 95% of 875,158 / 828,685 / 1,015,513
Cluster Objective 2 / SO3
To provide life and livelihood saving assistance to populations known to be in need of emergency response
Output: provide emergency food assistance through general food distribution (GFD) to populations affected by natural disaster and / or conflict
Output Indicator / 2013 target / REVISED 2013 target / Reached
% of IDPs in need assisted on time with appropriate transfers (cash and/or food) and livelihood support / 80% of 225,076 / 180,061 / 62,796
Cluster Objective 3 / SO4
To support livelihood recovery of populations recovering from shocks.
Output: distribute animal feed and livestock to promote livestock recovery after natural or man-made disaster
Output: distribute agriculture inputs to support the recovery of crop production
Output Indicator / 2013 target / REVISED 2013 target / Reached
% of people in need assisted on time with productive asset support (seeds and / or fertilizer and / or livestock support ; conditional transfers) / 95 % of 875,158 / 828,685 / 478,158


Progress towards cluster objectives and output targets

Cluster Objective 1 / SO1+SO2+SO4
To ensure access to timely emergency health care services with a focus on maternal and child health for communities affected by humanitarian situations (natural and manmade).
Output: the health needs of 200,000 people affected by sudden onset emergencies (including outbreaks) which overcome local response capacity are addressed within 24 hours from notification
Output Indicator / 2013 target / REVISED 2013 target / Reached
Provincial, regional and national contingency plans for main hazards (including outbreaks) are revised / Four national contingency plans / xxx / The plans cover 400,000 people living in flood and acute watery diarrhoea (AWD) risk provinces
Prepositioning of medicines and medical supplies, designation of emergency response teams and risk communication / Medical supplies (including supplies specific for maternal and meonatal health care (MNHC) to cover the immediate needs of 200,000 people are prepositioned / xxx / First batch of the additional stock will reach country beginning of June
Establishment and training of provincial emergency response teams / 68 teams established and trained (80% of them contain female medical staff) / xxx / Training will start in June on two relevant subjects
Output: emergency health services to serve 950,000 conflict-affected people in areas not covered by public health services or other humanitarian actors (such as the International Committee of the Red Cross), including support for the treatment of civilian war victims
Output Indicator / 2013 target / REVISED 2013 target / Reached
Temporary static and mobile health units providing essential PHC, MNHC, trauma stabilization and referral established in targeted conflict-affected districts / 90 temporary health units (with 70% containing qualified female medical staff) / xxx / 62 established (46 by the Health Cluster and 16 by BPHS)
Temporary health services for 100,000 IDPs and informal settlements allowing availability of one PHC/10,000 people / 10 health units established / xxx / 5
Number of emergency health facilities with Basic emergency Obstetric Care (BEmOC) for 500,000 people, by administrative unit / >= 4 BEmOC/500 000 / xxx / 6
Supplies and operational support for six specialized trauma surgical centres are provided / 4,000 major/medium complex surgical interventions / xxx / 2 specialized hospitals in Kabul and Lashkar Gar , 700 major surgeries conducted
The capacity of 30 provincial/district hospitals (18 provinces) to stabilize and treat trauma is strengthened / 80 doctors and 80 surgical nurses are trained through a 3-week intensive session / xxx / 0
Output: essential health needs of 430,000 people in critical health situation due to lack of access to services and additional excessive vulnerabilities are addressed
Output Indicator / 2013 target / REVISED 2013 target / Reached
Temporary static and mobile health units providing a standardized emergency health package are established in targeted areas / 40 health units (i.e. 1/10,000 people) / xxx / 239,000
Cluster Objective 2 / SO1+SO2+SO4
To strengthen the early warning mechanism and timely respond to outbreaks that surpass the local response capacity across the country.
Output: community-based early warning system established in 70 very high/high-risk districts and DEWS are strengthened.
Output Indicator / 2013 target / REVISED 2013 target / Reached
Early warning focal points identified and trained in 78 targeted districts / 780 community members trained / xxx / 92
Communication on Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) between community early warning focal points and health units defined and mechanism facilitated / 80% of alarms reported within 24 hours / xxx / >91%
Strengthen existing DEWS at facility level / 200 health staff trained in outbreak investigation / xxx / 0
DEWS included in the package of all newly established temporary emergency static and mobile health units / 100% of health units report weekly to DEWS / xxx / 100%
DEWS epidemiological bulletin produced and shared / 1 report / week / xxx / 100%
Output: more than 90% of outbreaks are timely and appropriately responded by the Health Cluster partners
Output Indicator / 2013 target / REVISED 2013 target / Reached
Outbreak alerts are investigated and initial response started within 48 hours from the notification / 100% / xxx / >91%
Case fatality rates during outbreaks are within internationally agreed standards / CFR cholera <1%; CFR measles <5% / xxx / Cholera 0, Measles 4.2%
Medicines and medical supplies provided for the treatment of people affected by outbreaks / 100,000 patients treated / xxx / 1,237
Containment and prevention measures implemented in high-risk areas through the implementation of RED (Reach Each District) strategy and health awareness / 460,000 children vaccinated with three antigens;
Mass media and community awareness campaign has reached 400,000 people / 800,000 / 0
Improved quality of outbreak response of all partners / 240 health managers trained on relevant guidelines (four) / xxx / 306
Cluster Objective 3 / SO3
To respond to the health needs of especially vulnerable groups in need of humanitarian aid (IDPs, refugees/returnees, informal settlements and host communities).
Output: access to emergency health services for 50,000 IDPs in camps/ camp-like settlements
Output Indicator / 2013 target / REVISED 2013 target / Reached
Integrated emergency PHC package (including Minimum Initial Service Package) and referral mechanism through mobile and static temporary clinics / One HF/10,000 people / xxx / 6 clinics in KIS, one in Kandahar; Supplies provided for the IDPs in Badakhshan
Contingency maintained to respond to a sudden increase of IDPs / Supplies and operational costs for 30,000 people / xxx / Supplies for 50,000 available
Output: Access to emergency health services for 50,000 IDPs living in host communities
Output Indicator / 2013 target / REVISED 2013 target / Reached
Supplies and operational support to the local HFs (primary and secondary level) operating in areas of displacements / 5-8 HF supported / xxx / xxx

Multi-Sector Response to Refugee Returnees and Undocumented Migrants

Progress towards cluster objectives and output targets

Cluster Objective 1
Support the voluntary return of up to 172,000 Afghan refugees from neighbouring countries through immediate protection and assistance as well as up to 60,000 vulnerable returning undocumented migrants
Output 1.1. Provision of voluntary repatriation grants to new voluntary repatriating refugees. Up to 172,000 returning refugees will be facilitated to return to Afghanistan with their protection, initial reintegration needs met and voluntariness of return verified.
Output Indicator / 2013 target / REVISED 2013 target / Reached
Number of assisted refugee returnees / 172,000 / 172,000 / 17,460
Output 1.2. Up to 60,000 vulnerable returning migrants will be provided with assistance, including transportation, NFIs and other necessary assistance to safely travel from the border to their final destination.
Output Indicator / 2013 target / REVISED 2013 target / Reached
Number of assisted undocumented migrants / 60,000 / 60,000 / 15,715
Cluster Objective 2
Pursue protection and provide immediate assistance to the most vulnerable asylum-seekers, refugees, refugee returnees, people in a refugee-like situation as well as returning migrants
Output 2.1. Up to 1,149,500 asylum-seekers, refugees, vulnerable returning migrants and people in a refugee-like situation will benefit from a protection and assistance assessment
Output Indicator / 2013 target / REVISED 2013 target / Reached
Number of asylum-seekers, refugees, vulnerable returning migrants and people in a refugee-like situation who benefit from a protection and assistance assessment / 1,149,500 / 1,149,500 / 54,359
Output 2.2. Up to 300,000 asylum-seekers, refugees, vulnerable returning migrants and people in a refugee-like situation will be provided with immediate assistance following arrival
Output Indicator / 2013 target / REVISED 2013 target / Reached
Number of asylum-seekers, refugees, vulnerable returning migrants and people in a refugee-like situation who are provided with immediate assistance following arrival / 300,000 / 300,000 / 41,969


Progress towards cluster objectives and output targets

Cluster Objective 1
Output: 429,313 under-five boys and girls and PLW admitted in intervention programs (severe acute malnutrition [SAM] and moderate acute malnutrition [MAM]) and cured in line with SPHERE standards (including 20,070 from IDPs and other sudden onset crisis)
Output Indicator / 2013 target / REVISED 2013 target / Reached
Under-five boys and girls and PLW admitted / 271,255 / 429,313 / 61,992
Number of people cured in line with SPHERE standards / >203,441 (75%) / >75% / 41,474 (84.7%)
Defaulter rate in line with SPHERE standards / <40,688
(15%) / <15% / 7,291
Death rate in line with SPHERE standards / <3% for SAM and <10% for MAM children / <10% for SAM and <3% for MAM children / 0.8% SAM
0.1% MAM
Cluster Objective 2
Output: 745,122 under-five boys and girls and PLW (including 49,000 displaced IDPs and other communities affected by sudden onset crisis) admitted and their communities are protected from further deterioration
Output Indicator / 2013 target / REVISED 2013 target / Reached
Under-five boys and girls and PLW received nutrition education and counselling on Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF), WASH / 538,598 / 745,122 / 136,911
Under-five boys and girls and PLW received micronutrient supplementation / 538,598 / 745,122 / 20,000
Cluster Objective 3
Output: 60 cluster members of six priority regions received training on SMART Methodology and/or RNA
Output Indicator / 2013 target / REVISED 2013 target / Reached
Cluster members trained per priority region on SMART / 10 / xxx / 0
Provinces with repeated survey and/or RNA conducted / 12 (50% of provinces) / 7 (25% of selected provinces) / 0
Output: 60 cluster members of six priority regions received training on Nutrition in Emergency (NiE)
Cluster members trained per priority region on NiE / 10 / 57 / 57 in 3 regions (northern region, northeastern and southern) conducted NiE trainings
