Français 2

Level 2 Unit 4: Bon voyage!

Changes for 2012-2013

I can do everything from Level I as well as Level II units 1, 2, and 3, plus:

Preparing for the trip

·  I can describe what I need for my trip

·  I can describe my outfits based on the weather

Planning and starting the trip

·  I can make travel reservations (hotel, plane, tour, restaurant)

·  I can seek information with airport/train station employee (find my way through the airport and/or train station)

·  I can talk about where I am going, how I will get there, and what I will do. (2012)


·  I can tell someone at a health clinic/hospital about a personal emergency

·  I can ask and understand how someone else feels when they are ill

·  I can ask for what I need at a pharmacy

·  I can ask for help from a police officer or a stranger


·  I can say how the weather will be during my trip

·  I can understand a more detailed weather report whether spoken or written

On the go

·  I can identify and describe geography (river, mountain, ruins, and beach)

·  I can tell what I did on my trip and why

·  I can tell what I bought on my trip

·  I can ask and understand others about their trip

Structures- Introduced and practiced as vocabulary
Simple future tense / Essential Structures
Present tense and passé composé (all forms) of:
-rendre visite/ visiter
-être malade
-perdre/ se perdre
-rentrer / Culture
-Negotiating prices
-Stores are closed at lunchtime
-Museums are usually closed 1 day a week
-Ending a phone conversation
-Major geography of France (la Seine, les Pyrenées, les Alpes, l’Océan Atlantique, la Côte d’Azur, etc.)
-Celsius vs. Fahrenheit

Bon voyage! Vocabulaire

Students will use all vocabulary from French I, French 2 Unit 1,2,3, and...

Traveling Abroad / Les Voyages à l’Etranger
Where will you go? / Où est-ce que tu iras?
I will go…. / J’irai….
What will you visit? / Qu’est-ce que tu visiteras?
I will visit…. / Je visiterai….
To take a trip / Faire un voyage
To go on vacation / Faire des vacances
Welcome / Bienvenue
Farewell / Adieu
Destination / La destination
Itinerary / Un itinéraire
At the Airport / A l’aéroport
Airplane / L’avion
Check-in counter / Le comptoir
Employee / L’employé
May I see your passport/ticket/id? / Est-ce que je pourrais voir votre…?
What time is the flight? / A quelle heure est le vol?
Is there a delay? / Le vol est en retard?
Round-trip ticket / Un (billet) aller et retour
Security / le contrôle de sécurité
Gate / la porte
Flight attendant / l’hôtesse de l’air
Boarding pass / la carte d'embarquement
Baggage claim / Le retrait des bagages
Customs / la douane
Arrival / l’arrivée
Departure / le départ
At the Train station / A la gare
Train / Le train
Platform (at a train station) / Le quai
Hotel / l’hôtel
Youth Hostel / l’auberge de jeunesse
Inn / Une auberge
I would like to make a reservation. / Je voudrais faire une réservation.
Is there an available (table, room)? / Est-ce qu’il y a une (table/chambre) libre?
Where is the…? / Où se trouve…?
Public bathrooms / les toilettes/ les W.C.
Packing my bags / Faire mes valises
I’m taking / J’apporte…
What will you take? / Qu’est-ce que tu apporteras?
I will take…. / J’apporterai….
Dictionary / le dictionnaire
Contact lenses / les lentilles de contact
Sunglasses / les lunettes de soleil
Suitcase / la valise
Bag / le sac
Clothes / les vêtements
Dress / la robe
Sweatpants / le survêtement
Skirt / la jupe
Hoodie / Un chaperon
Jacket / Le blouson
Hat / le chapeau / la casquette
Socks / les chaussettes
Tennis shoes / les baskets
Pajamas / le pyjama
Bathing suit / le maillot de bain/ le bikini
Umbrella / le parapluie
Money / l’argent
Make-up / le maquillage
Camera / l’appareil-photo
iPod / l’ iPod
ID (identification card) / la carte d’identité
Passport / le passeport
A map of the city / Un plan de la ville
Weather / Le Temps
What will the weather be like? / Quel temps fera-t-il?
It will be…. / Il fera (beau)…./Il sera (orageux)
Sunny / Il fait du soleil
Windy / Il fait du vent
Stormy / C’est orageux.
Icy / Gelé
Overcast / Le ciel est couvert
Thunder / Le tonnerre
Lightning / l’éclair
Forecast / La météo
North / le nord
South / le sud
East / l’est
West / l’ouest
Phone conversation / Au téléphone
Hello (to answer a phone call) / âllo, bonjour
May I speak to…? / Est-ce que je pourrais parler à… svp?
What are your hours? / Quelles sont les heures d’ouverture?
Hold on… let me check. / Attendez un instant/ ne quittez pas
This is….. / Ici c’est…..
Okay. (Agreed) / d’accord
Geography / La géographie
A country / Un pays
Mountains / les montagnes
River / un fleuve
Lake / un lac
Monument / le monument
Downtown / le centre ville
Could you take our picture? / Pardon, pourriez-vous nous prendre la photo?
Emergency / Un cas d’urgence
Help! / Au secours!
Thief! / Au voleur!
Police station / la gendarmerie
Pharmacy / La pharmacie
I’m sick. / Je suis malade.