SYLLABUS 2017-18



TEXT BOOKS: NCERT 1. Interact in English - MCB

2. Interact in English –Literature Reader

3. Interact in English – Workbook

4. Story of My Life –Helen Keller

Month / Topic / Sub- Topics
April / Literature
F1 – Two gentlemen of
P 1–The Frog And The Nightingale
MCB – Unit 1 –
Health and Medicine
Story Of My Life –Helen Keller
Ch 1,2 and 3
Listening Skills
Workbook-Ch-1,2,3, / ·  Textual Questions
·  Reference to context
·  Character Sketch
·  Figures of speech
·  Diary Entry
·  Letter writing (formal)
·  Editing
·  Rearranging words/phrases
·  Character Sketch.
May / Literature
F2- Mrs Packletide’s Tiger
P2- Mirror
MCB – Unit 2- Education
Speaking Skills
Story Of My Life –Helen Keller
Ch 4, 5 and 6
Workbook-Ch-4,5,6 / ·  Reference to context
·  Figures of speech
·  Letter Writing ( Informal)
·  Story Writing
·  Diary Entry
·  Self-Introduction Dialogue,
·  Debate
·  Textual Questions
July / Literature
D1 - The Dear Departed
MCB – Unit 3 –Science
Story Of My Life –Helen Keller
Ch 7, 8 and 9
Workbook-Ch-7,8,9 / Textual Questions
·  Reference to context
·  Figures of speech
·  Story writing with clues given
·  Report writing
·  Omission
·  Verb forms
August / Literature
F3 – The Letter
P3- Not Marble nor the
Gilded Monuments
MCB –Unit 4
Speaking Skills
Story Of My Life –Helen Keller
Ch 10, 11 and 12
Workbook-Ch-10,11,12 / ·  Reference to context
·  Textual Questions
·  Reported speech
·  Dialogue completion
·  Jumbled Sentences
·  Article Writing
·  Character sketch
September / Literature
F4 – A Shady Plot
P4 – Ozymandias
Story Of My Life –Helen Keller
Ch 13,14 and 15
Listening Skills
Workbook-Ch-13,14 / ·  Reference to context
·  Figures of speech
Gap Filling
·  Textual Questions
October / Literature
F5 – Patol Babu
P-5 The Rime Of The
Ancient Mariner
MCB – Unit 5 –
Travel and Tourism
Story Of My Life –Helen Keller
Ch 16, 17, 18 and 19 / ·  Reference to context
·  Poetic Devices
·  Textual Questions
·  Figures of speech
·  Diary Entry
·  Planning a tourpromoting tourism
·  Brochure
·  Speech
·  Character sketch
November / Literature-
D2 –Julius Caesar
MCB – Unit 6
Story Of My Life –Helen Keller
Ch 20,21,22 and 23
Speaking Skills / ·  Reference to context
·  Role Play
·  Textual Questions
Character sketch
December / Literature-
F6 - Virtually True
P6- Snake
Listening Skills / ·  Reference to context
·  Textual Questions
·  Figures of speech
·  Editing
·  Omission
·  Reported speech


Textbook: NCERT

Month / Topic / Sub Topic
April / Real Numbers
Polynomials / ·  Introduction
·  Euclid’s Division Lemma
·  The Fundamental Theorem Of Arithmetic
·  Revisiting Irrational Numbers
·  Revisiting Rational Numbers And Their Decimal Expansion
·  Introduction
·  Geometrical Meaning Of The Zeros And Coefficients Of A Polynomial
·  Relationship Between Zeros And Coefficients Of A Polynomial
·  Division Algorithm For Polynomials
May / Pair Of Linear Equations In Two Variables
Triangles / ·  Introduction
·  Pair Of Linear Equations In Two Variables
·  Graphical Method Of Solution Of A Pair Of Linear Equation
·  Algebraic Methods Of Solving A Pair Of Linear Equation
1.Substitution Method
2. Elimination Method
3. Cross-Multiplication Method
·  Equations Reducible To A Pair Of Linear Equation In Two Variables
·  Introduction
·  Similar Figures
·  Similarity Of Triangles
·  Criteria For Similarity Of Triangles
·  Area Of Similar Triangles
·  Pythagoras Theorem
July / Introduction To Trigonometry / ·  Introduction
·  Trigonometric Ratios
·  Trigonometric Ratios Of Some Specific Angles
·  Trigonometric Ratios Of Complementary Angles
·  Trigonometric Identities
August / Quadratic Equations
Arithmetic Progressions
Some applications of Trigonometry / ·  Introduction
·  Quadratic Equations
·  Solution Of A Quadratic Equation By Factorization
·  Solution Of A Quadratic Equation By Completing The Squares
·  Nature Of Roots
·  Introduction
·  Arithmetic Progression
·  nth term of an AP
·  Sum of first n terms of an AP
·  Introduction
·  Heights And Distances
September / Surface Areas And Volumes
Statistics / ·  Introduction
·  Surface Area Of A Combination Of Solids
·  Volume Of A Combination Of Solids
·  Conversion Of Solid From One Shape To Another
·  Frustum Of A Cone
·  Introduction
·  Mean Of Grouped Data
·  Mode Of Grouped Data
·  Median Of Grouped Data
·  Graphical Representation Of Cumulative Frequency Distribution
October / Coordinate Geometry
Circles / ·  Introduction
·  Distance Formula
·  Section Formula
·  Area Of A Triangle
·  Introduction
·  Tangent To A Circle
·  Number Of Tangent From A Point On A Circle
November / Constructions
Areas Related To Circles
Probability / ·  Introduction
·  Division Of A Line Segment
·  Construction Of Tangents To A Circle
·  Introduction
·  Perimeter And Area Of A Circle- A Review
·  Areas Of Sector And Segment Of A Circle
·  Areas Of Combination Of Plane Figures
·  Introduction
·  Probability – A Theoretical Approach
MONTH / UNITS / Sub units
April& May / Ch-12 Electricity.
/ Electric Current & Circuit, Electric Potential & Potential
Difference, Ohm's Law, The Factors On Which Resistance Of
A Conductor Depends, Resistance In Series & In Parallel,
Heating Effect & Electric Power.
Practical -2 / To study the dependence of current on potential difference
across a resistor and plot a graph.
To determine the equivalent Resistor of two resistors in series.
July / Ch-13 Magnetic Effect Of
Electric Current. / Magnetic Field & Field Lines, Right Hand Thumb Rule,
Magnetic Field Due To A current Through- A Straight Wire, A
Circular Loop & A Solenoid, Force On A Current-Carrying
Conductor In A Magnetic Field, Electric Motor.
August / Practical- 3 / Electro-Magnetic Induction, Electric Generator - AC & DC,
Domestic Circuits.
To determine the equivalent Resistor of two resistors in parallel
August- Sept / Ch-10 Light
Reflection & Refraction. / Reflection Of Light, Image Formation By Spherical Mirrors,
Uses, Sign Convention, Mirror Formula & Magnification,
October / Ch-10 Light
Reflection & Refraction. / Refraction Of Light, Refraction Through Glass Slab, Refractive
index, Image Formation By Lenses, Sign Convention For Lens Lense Formula & Magnification, Power Of A Lens.
Practical- 4
Practical – 5 / Use a concave mirror to direct the sunrays on a sheet of paper
and adjust the distance to get a sharp spot of light. Find 'f'.
Focus the light from the sun on a sheet of paper through a
Convex lens to obtain a sharp bright image of the sun . Keep
observing the paper for a while, write your observation. Find 'f'.
December / Ch- 11 The Human Eye & The Colourful World.
Practical-7 / The Human Eye, Power Of Accommodation, Defects Of Vision And Their Correction, Refrction Through A Glass Prism, Atmospheric Refraction, Scattering Of Light.
Refraction through a rectangular glass slab.
Refraction through an equilateral prism.
December / Ch- 14
Sources of energy
Activity / Wind Energy, Solar Energy, Energy From The sea, OTE,
Geo Thermal Energy,Nuclear Energy, Environmental Consequences
·  Different forms of energy - conventional and non-conventional sources of energy:
·  Fossil fuels
·  Solar energy
·  Biogas
·  Wind, water and tidal energy nuclear energy.
·  Renewable versus non-renewable sources.
To study the structure and functioning of solar cooker
APRIL& MAY / Ch-1 Chemical Reactions & Equations. / Chemical Equation- Types : combination, Decombination, Displacement, Double Displacement, Oxidation & Reduction, Effects Of Oxidation- Corrosion & Rancidity.
Practical- 1 / To identify the types of reactions : Combination, decomposition Displacement and Double-Displacement
May/ July / Ch-2 Acids, Bases & salts Practical- 2.
Practical – 3 / Chemical Properties, Their Strengths, Importance Of pH, salts
To study the pH of the following samples- HCl, NaOH, water, CH3COOH, NaHCO3-Solution & Lemon juice.
To study the properties of acids and bases- Litmus, Zn-metal and
solid Na2CO3
August/ Sept / Ch-3 Metals & Non-metals. / Physical properties, Chemical Properties, Reactivity Series,
Properties of Ionic Compounds, Occurrence, Enrichment, Extraction & Refining of Metals, Corrosion & Prevention.
Practical- 4 / To observe the action of Zn, Fe, Cu & Al on the following salt solutions- ZnSO4, FeSO4, CuSO4& Al2(SO4)3.
October / Ch-4 Carbon & its Compounds.
Practical- 5 / Bonding In Carbon, Versatile nature, saturated & Unsaturated
C-compounds, Chains, Branches &Rings,Homologous Series Nomenclature,Chemical Properties- Oxidation, Addition & Substitution Reac-tions, Imp Compounds-Ethanol & Ethanoic Acids, Their Properties, Soaps & detergents.
To study the following properties of acetic acid- Odour, solubility, litmus action & reaction with NaHCO3.-
November / Ch-5 Periodic Classification. / Dobereiner's Triads, Newland's Law Of Octaves, Mendeleev's Periodic Table- Achievements & limitations, Modern Periodic Table- Position of elements,Trends- Valency, atomic Size, Metallic/non-metallic properties.
December / Activity / Examine the elements of the 3rd period & draw a diagram to show the change in atomic size & no of valence electrons.
How do the(i) valency (ii) tendency to gain electron change as you go from left to right?

Subject: Biology

Month / Chapter Name / Topics And Sub Topics /
Apr &
May / Unit 2 :
World of Living
Ch 6 :
Life Processes / Introduction to life processes: Basic concept of nutrition, respiration transportation and excretion in plants and animals.
·  Autotrophic and heterotrophic modes of nutrition
·  Aerobic and anaerobic respiration processes
·  Different organs for respiration in animals
·  Circulatory system in Humans
·  Immune system and lymphatic system
·  Transportation in plants
·  Excretory system in Humans
·  Artificial kidney
·  Excretion in plants
Practical / 1.  To study the human torso.
2.  To demonstrate chlorophyll is essential for photosynthesis using a variegated leaf.
3.  To demonstrate CO2 is essential for photosynthesis
4.  To prove experimentally that light is necessary for photosynthesis.
5.  To study the action of saliva on starch.
6.  To observe that CO2 is released during exhalation and its action on lime water.
7.  To observe the process of transpiration in plants
1.  To prepare a temporary mount of a lily leaf peel to show stomata.
2. To show experimentally that germinating seeds release carbon dioxide during respiration.
July & August / Ch 7 :
Control & Coordination
Activity / ·  Tropic movements in plants
·  Introduction to plant hormones
·  Control and co-ordination in animals
·  Nervous system
·  Voluntary, Involuntary and Reflex action
·  Chemical co-ordination
·  Animal hormones
1.  To demonstrate the phenomenon of phototropism & geotropism in plants.
August & September / Ch 8 :
How do Organisms Reproduce?
Practical / ·  Reproduction in animals and plants (asexual and sexual).
·  Reproductive health-need for and methods of family planning
·  Safe sex vs. HIV/AIDS
·  Female foeticide and Sex ratio
·  Population size and its impact
1.  To study the structure of bread mould.
2.  To study the vegetative propagation in plants.
1.  To study
a.  Binary fission in Amoeba
(b) Budding in yeast with the help of prepared slides.
2. To identify the different parts of an embryo of a dicot seed. (Pea, gram or red kidney bean).
October / Ch 9 :
Heredity and Evolution
Activity / ·  Heredity
·  Mendel's contribution - Laws for inheritance of traits
·  Sex determination
·  Basic concepts of evolution
·  Acquired and inherited traits
·  Speciation
·  Evolution and classification
·  Tracing evolutionary relationships
·  Human Evolution
1.  To study inheritance of characters taking the example of free and fused ear lobes in humans.
2.  To study homology and analogy with the help of preserved / available specimens of either animals & plants.
November / Unit 5 :
Management of Natural Resources
Ch 15 :
Our Environment
Activity / ·  Eco-system
·  Environmental problems
·  Ozone depletion
·  Waste production and their solutions.
·  Biodegradable and non-biodegradable substances.
1.  To construct a Natural and an Artificial ecosystem and study the flow of energy through them.
2.  To collect & segregate biodegradable substances from non-biodegradable substances.
3.  To study the process of Biomagnification taking the example of pesticides.
December / Ch 16 :
Management of natural resources
Activity / ·  Management of natural resources
·  Conservation and judicious use of natural resources
·  Forest and wild life, coal and petroleum conservation
·  Examples of People's participation for conservation of natural resources
·  Big dams: Advantages and limitations; alternatives if any
·  Water harvesting
·  Sustainability of natural resources
1.  To study the pH of various water samples.

History & Political Science

Textbooks Prescribed : Contemporary world-II

Democratic politics-II

MONTHS / TOPIC / Sub- topics
April / PS –Le 1 Power Sharing
Le 2 Federalism / §  Belgium &Srilanka
§  Majoriatarianism
§  Accomodation in Belgium
§  Power sharing is desirable
§  Forms of power sharing
§  What is federalism?
§  What makes India a federal country
§  How is federalism practiced?
§  Decentralisation in India
May / H- Le 3
Nationalism in India / §  The first world war /Khilafat& Non Cooperation
§  Differing strands in the movement
§  Towards Civil Disobedience
§  The Sense of Collective Belonging
JULY / PS- Le 3 Democracy & Diversity
H-Le 1 The rise of Nationalism in Europe / §  A story from Mexico Olympics
§  Politics of Social divisions
§  The French Revolution & the idea of Nation
§  The making of Nationalism in Europe
§  The age of Revolutions 1830-1845
§  The making of Germany & Italy
§  Visualizing the Nation
AUGUST / PS- Le 4 Gender ,Religion & Caste
Le 5 Popular struggles & movements / §  Gender & Politics
§  Religion ,Communalism & Politics
§  Popular struggles in Nepal & Bolivia
§  Mobilisations Organisations
SEPTEMBER / H- Le 5 The age of Industrialization
PS – Le 6 Political parties / §  Before the Industrial revolution
§  Hand labour& Steam power
§  Industrialization in the Colonies
§  Factories come up
§  The peculiarities of Industrial growth
§  Market for Goods
§  Why do we need political parties?
§  How many parties should we have ?
§  National political parties
§  State Parties
§  Challenges to Political Parties
§  How can parties be reformed?
OCTOBER / H-Print ,Culture & the Modern World / §  The first printed books
§  Print comes to Europe
§  The print revolution & its impact
§  The reading mania
§  The Nineteenth century
§  India & the world
§  Religious reforms & public debates
§  New forms of publication
NOVEMBER / PS- Le 7 Outcomes of Democracy / §  How do we assess democracy’s outcomes
§  Accountable ,responsive ,letigimate govt .Economic growth & development
§  Reduction of inequality & poverty
§  Accommodation of social diversity
§  Dignity & freedom of citizens
DECEMBER / PS – Le 8 Challenges of democracy / §  Thinking about challenges
§  Different contexts different challenges
§  Different types of challenges
§  Thinking about political reforms
§  Reforming politicians
§  Redefining democracy

Books: Geography- Contemporary India II