Geography and History Quiz Review: Southeast/East Asia

Use the following questions as a guide to help your prepare for the Quiz on Southeast/East Asia. You should also review your notes and worksheets. Quiz questions are not limited to this study guide. Quiz is Tuesday 4/26!

1.  Identify the following countries and physical features.

·  China

·  Japan

·  North Korea

·  South Korea

·  Laos

·  Thailand

·  Philippines

·  Vietnam

·  Cambodia

·  Indonesia

·  Plateau of Tibet

·  Mekong River

·  Huang He River

·  South China Sea

·  Chang Jiang River

2.  Define the following terms:

a.  Roof of the World

b.  Archipelago

c.  Cordilleras

d.  Samurai

e.  Shogun

f.  Shinto

g.  Dynasty

h.  Communism

3.  What is the most populated country on the mainland of Asia?

4.  What is the smallest country in the region?

5.  What is the Ring of Fire? How does it affect the region? (think about Japan!)

6.  What is the Three Gorges Dam? How does it impact the region?

7.  What is the name of the desert in East Asia?

8.  Why is the Huang He called the Yellow River?

9.  What type of wood, found in the Philippines, is used to make furniture?

10.  What type of wood, found in Myanmar, Indonesia, and Thailand, is used to make ships?

11.  The climate of Southeast/East Asia is perfect for growing what crop? (Main source of food)

12.  The Silk Road was an important trade route. Where was it located? What was traded on the Silk Road?

13.  Who helped Europeans to learn about China? How?

14.  Which portion of Korea was Communist? Which portion was a republic?

15.  Which East Asian country supported the Communist portion of Korea?

16.  Which country in Southeast Asia has never been a colony?

17.  Which Southeast Asian country was a territory of the United States?